Sports Trivia

Can we guess which college team you root for? Are you ready for a seriously hard NBA quiz? Welcome to the wide world of Zoo sports trivia.

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The positions in baseball aren't just a matter of physical ability. Certain personality traits correspond to each one. So even if you've never played, we can determine where you'd belong on the diamond. Ready? Play ball!

By Torrance Grey

Do you know what's great about bowling? It's one of the few sports that's cool with you have nachos on hand when it's not your turn. Think we can guess your high score in bowling? Take the quiz and see!

By Ian Fortey

Are you more of a hare or a tortoise when it comes to how fast you run a mile? It doesn't matter much as long as you get there.

By Brian Whitney


College football is a captivating sport that keeps us all on the edge of our seats each fall. But how much do you know about it? Take this quiz and find out!

By Gavin Thagard

Touchdown! Do you know enough about the NFL's Dallas Cowboys to ace a quiz about them? Then you came to the right place!

By Robin Tyler

If you are looking for star athletes, there is no league like the NBA where everyone has their favorite player. Can we guess yours? Take this quiz and find out!

By Gavin Thagard

The '80s were a great time for baseball with some of the greatest moments the game has seen. Do you think you can name these '80s players from an image? Let's play ball and find out!

By Jody Mabry


We all know that baseball is cool. The tradition, the pace of the game, the summer day at the ballpark with the family. Can we guess what team you root for?

By Brian Whitney

These are the players who helped define these NFL teams. Can you match the players to the team they played for? Here's a quiz where you can find out just that!

By Gavin Thagard

Baseball is how Americans mark time. Every generation grows up with its heroes of the diamond, and every generation's idea of a dream team is distinct. Can we guess your age based on your MLB dream team?

By Zoe Samuel

If you played high school football, we're sure it was a defining time of your life, but were you the star quarterback or on special teams? Answer some questions and we bet we can tell you.

By Brian Whitney


You have an NFL team you root for every weekend during the season. Based on your likes and dislikes, you are going to draft your dream NFL team from the following questions, and we'll guess which team you root for. Sound good?

By Todd Betzold

Your team might not have the biggest winning streak on the record books, but you love them no matter what! After you answer our yes or no questions, we'll know which NFL team you coach from the couch.

By Teresa McGlothlin

So you think you know hockey facts, players and stats? If so, be sure to challenge yourself by taking on our quiz on all things hockey. How many can you get right?

By Kale Havervold

For the past 35 years, these NFL teams worked their tails off to get to the big game and somehow managed to win. Do you know who they are? Take this quiz and find out!

By Gavin Thagard


There's a lot of similarities between the bedroom and the gridiron! After you answer these kinky questions, we'll know which NFL team you call your favorite and gets you up standing at attention!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Deep inside, everyone is a baseball legend. They just don't know it yet. Let us tell you yours. Put together your dream MLB team, and we will do just that!

By Gavin Thagard

It's a game of war, a game of violence, and filled with some of the most convoluted rules ever to find a playing field. How much do you know about the rules of American football?

By John Miller

One of the greatest things about college football has to be the stadiums. Do you know which teams call these stadiums home? Take this quiz and find out!

By Gavin Thagard


If you've been watching the NFL, you know it's a league filled with star players. But which one is your favorite? Take this quiz and see if we can guess!

By Gavin Thagard

High school sports live with us long after graduation. To prove it, take this "would you rather" quiz, and we'll deduce what varsity sport you played!

By Zoe Samuel

The NFL has been around long enough for teams to cycle through multiple logos. Do you know which logos are old and which ones are new? Take this quiz and find out!

By Gavin Thagard

"Texas leaguer," "can of corn," "tools of ignorance" ... baseball generates slang like few other sports do. If you think you speak the lingo of the diamond, test your knowledge now with our quiz!

By Torrance Grey


Every NFL team has a jersey, and only a true fan can correctly match them to their team. How will you perform on this quiz? Let's find out!

By Khadija L.

Sports are a fun form of entertainment, so are riddles. Why not combine them together into a quiz? That's exactly what's done here. Take this quiz and test your knowledge of sports!

By Gavin Thagard