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Raptors or birds of prey have always fascinated us with their speed, strength and agility. If you are a bird lover, do you think you can identify each of these birds of prey from just one image? Fly into our quiz and find out!YouTube
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Turkey vulture
The turkey vulture is a scavenger. It feeds on carrion - the decaying flesh of animals. Turkey vultures can be found throughout the Americas.
Little owl
Monkey-eating eagle
Common kestrel
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Fox kestrel
Ural owl
White-tailed kite
The white-tailed kite has a slender build and long, pointed wings. It also has a mostly white underside, but the tips of its wings are black.
Northern goshawk
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Which bird of prey is shown here?
Red-throated caracara
Black caracara
Golden eagle
American kestrel
The American kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America and the one most frequently seen. It is a favorite choice of persons who engage in falconry (use of falcons to hunt other birds).
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Great gray owl
Griffon vulture
Ospreys are fish eaters and because of this, they are commonly referred to as fish hawks. Other names given to the osprey include sea hawk and river hawk.
Eurasian black vulture
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Secretary bird
Secretary birds can grow to over 4 feet tall and they are known to have the longest legs of any raptor (bird of prey). They are easily recognizable by the long, dark quills at the back of their heads.
Hook-billed kite
Barn owl
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Chocolate boobook
Prairie falcon
Snowy owl
In terms of weight, the snowy owl ranks as the largest of all owls in North America. In the summer, the Snowy Owl can be found far north Arctic regions hunting for prey.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Great horned owl
African cuckoo-hawk
The African cuckoo-hawk has a diet that consists mainly of lizards, with chameleons being its favorite. This bird of prey (or raptor) also feeds on small birds, wasps, crabs and fish among others.
Northern hawk owl
Lesser kestrel
Which bird of prey is shown here?
The gyrfalcon is the largest bird in the falcon species. White feathers with black spots is a popular coloring for gyrfalcons, but they can also be gray or dark brown.
Lanner falcon
Northern pygmy owl
King vulture
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Red-tailed hawk
Crested hawk
Also called the Pacific baza, the crested hawk gets its name from its easily recognizable crest feathers. The bird's underside and flight feathers are distinctive as well, with bright bands of white and dark brown.
Peregrine falcon
Rock kestrel
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Which bird of prey is shown here?
Golden eagle
Yellow-headed caracara
Eurasian hobby
Barn owl
These nocturnal birds are found in most parts of the world. They like to hunt in open areas but will roost and nest in dense trees, abandoned buildings and, of course, barns.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Wedge-tailed eagle
White-collared kite
The white-collared kite is a critically endangered South American raptor. It lives in the coastal forests of north-eastern Brazil but its habitat is dwindling due to deforestation.
King vulture
Long-tailed honey buzzard
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Northern hawk owl
This owl's long tail feathers help to distinguish it from other North American owls. Although it resembles a hawk in flight, the northern hawk owl has a broader head and broader body than a typical hawk does.
Lanner falcon
Bearded vulture
European roller
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Sharp-shinned hawk
Bald eagle
Black caracara
Caracaras and falcons are in the same family. The black caracara is an Amazonian raptor with an orange face, yellow legs and a piercing scream.
Ural owl
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Lesser kestrel
The lesser kestrel is a small falcon that is found primarily in regions of Africa and Asia. They live in colonies, do not build nests and females will lay 3-6 eggs during a single breeding season.
Harpy eagle
Red-tailed hawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Red-throated caracara
Hook-billed kite
This falcon's diet consists mainly of small birds and in North America, it used to be called the pigeon hawk. In medieval times, however, the Merlin was known as the lady hawk, since it was popularly used by female falconers.
Northern harrier
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Bearded vulture
Broad-winged hawk
Griffon vulture
Little owl
Like most owls, the little owl is nocturnal, hunting for small prey at night. The male little owl searches for food for his mate while she incubates their eggs. He will also provide food for the new hatchlings.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Eurasian hobby
Hen harrier
Yellow-headed caracara
This falcon is found in Central and South America. It will typically build a nest of sticks high in trees but is also known to locate its nest on the ground when no trees are available.
Northern pygmy owl
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Bearded vulture
The bearded vulture lives mainly in mountainous regions and can be found in some areas of Europe, Africa and Asia. It has a distinctive diet, feeding almost exclusively on bones - no other animal is known to do that.
Long-eared owl
Eurasian black vulture
Peregrine falcon
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Crested hawk
Turkey vulture
Fox kestrel
This African falcon has rust-colored feathers and a slender body. It does not normally hover to hunt, but prefers instead to sit on high perches, searching for food on the ground.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Peregrine falcon
This large, fast and powerful falcon likes to fly high in the air and swoop down on other birds as they fly by. The peregrine falcon can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
Rock kestrel
Barn owl
Northern goshawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Broad-winged hawk
Eurasian hobby
Long-tailed honey buzzard
Griffon vulture
The griffon vulture is also called the Eurasian vulture. It is a large bird, growing up to 4 feet long with a wingspan of just over 9 feet.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Hen harrier
Lanner falcon
The Lanner falcon is known to feed mostly on small to medium-sized birds. Its diet includes ducks, guinea fowl, domestic fowl and, on occasion, other falcons. A mated pair of Lanner falcons will often hunt for food together.
Harpy eagle
Common kestrel
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Northern harrier
Fox kestrel
Chocolate boobook
Red-throated caracara
The red-throated caracara's habiitat ranges from southern Mexico to northern Bolivia and southern Brazil. It feeds mostly on the larvae of wasps and bees.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
King vulture
European roller
The European roller has a harsh, crow-like call. It likes to nest in trees and cliff holes but does not line its nest with any material. The female lays up to six eggs in a breeding season.
Bald eagle
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Prairie falcon
The prairie falcon feeds on small mammals (such as, squirrels) and birds. It is a large bird, similar in size and appearance to the peregrine falcon.
Long-eared owl
Eurasian black vulture
Barn owl
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Snowy owl
Northern goshawk
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawks are common North American birds but are also found in parts of Central America and the Caribbean. They are called chicken hawks in the U.S.
White-collared kite
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Hook-billed kite
King vulture
As its name suggests, the king vulture is both a large bird and a scavenger. The king vulture has distinctive coloring with mostly white feathers and skin that is a bright combination of blue, orange, purple, red and yellow.
African cuckoo-hawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Griffon vulture
Great gray owl
Along with it mostly gray feathers, the great gray owl also has a band of white neck feathers resembling a bowtie. This large bird can have a wingspan of over 5 feet.
Broad-winged hawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Chocolate boobook
The chocolate boobook is found in lowland forests in the Philippines. It is considered to be a "near threatened†species with its numbers on the decline due to loss of habitat.
Ural owl
Red-throated caracara
Little owl
Which bird of prey is shown here?
American kestrel
Sharp-shinned hawk
Northern harrier
Also called a marsh hawk, the northern harrier is distinguished by its slim build and long tail. The northern harrier has an owl-like face and likes to hunt voles and mice.
African cuckoo-hawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Northern hawk owl
Condors rank among the largest flying birds in the world. They come in two types: the Andean condor found in the Andes Mountains of South America and the California condor found along the west coast of the United States and Mexico.
Wedge-tailed eagle
European roller
Which bird of prey is shown here?
White-tailed kite
Common kestrel
Black caracara
Monkey-eating eagle
This critically endangered eagle is one of the largest raptors in the world. It is found in the Philippines where a person can be sentenced to up to 12 years in prison, if found guilty of killing one. The monkey-eating eagle preys on a range of animals, from bats weighing less than half an ounce to 31-pound deer.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Turkey vulture
Long-tailed honey buzzard
Great horned owl
This powerful predator has long ear-like tufts and piercing yellow eyes. It is known to prey on other birds and mammals, sometimes going after ones that are larger than it. The great horned owl is also known as the hoot owl or tiger owl.
Secretary bird
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Bearded vulture
Rock kestrel
Crested hawk
Ural owl
The Ural owl can be found in regions of Europe and Asia. It has fluffy, gray feathers which are lined with dark brown streaks. While it closely resembles the tawny owl, it is a much bigger bird.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Red-tailed hawk
Golden eagle
The Golden Eagle is one of North America's most agile birds. It is also one of the largest and fastest, frequently going after jackrabbits and other small mammals as prey.
Northern pygmy owl
White-collared kite
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Yellow-headed caracara
Prairie falcon
Wedge-tailed eagle
The wedge-tailed eagle (also known as the Eaglehawk) is the one of the largest raptors in Australia. It has a wing span of over 9 feet.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Hen harrier
The hen harrier's name is derived from the fact that this raptor likes to feed on free-range fowl. Within the UK, the hen harrier has been hunted to near extinction.
Secretary bird
Great horned owl
Lesser kestrel
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Monkey-eating eagle
Snowy owl
Long-eared owl
Long-eared owls are medium-sized nocturnal hunters whose ear tufts help them to appear bigger when perched. Their acute sense of hearing helps them to catch prey even in complete darkness.
Peregrine falcon
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Harpy eagle
Harpy eagles rank among the largest and most powerful birds of prey in the world. They are found in the rainforests of Central and South America.
Fox kestrel
Great gray owl
American kestrel
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Which bird of prey is shown here?
Lanner falcon
Bald eagle
Despite its name, this national symbol of the US is not really bald. It only appears that way because the white feathers on its head are in sharp contrast to its chocolate-brown body.
White-tailed kite
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Which bird of prey is shown here?
Lesser kestrel
Broad-winged hawk
This small hawk is typically found in North America but during winter it migrates by the hundreds of thousands into South America. There are some broad-winged hawks which spend the entire year on warm Caribbean islands.
Golden eagle
Prairie falcon
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Little owl
Chocolate boobook
American kestrel
Common kestrel
The common kestrel is also called the European, Eurasian or Old World Kestrel. It is a type of falcon and is distributed widely throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Black caracara
Harpy eagle
Northern pygmy owl
This tiny bird reaches only 6-inches in length as a fully-grown adult. It is a ferocious hunter, however, and likes to feed on large insects, other birds and mammals.
White-collared kite
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Great gray owl
Yellow-headed caracara
Eurasian black vulture
The Eurasian black vulture is often named as the largest raptor in the world. With an incubation period of up to 68 days, the it has the longest breeding period of any European raptor.
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Great horned owl
Sharp-shinned hawk
Sharp-shinned hawks are nimble flyers that love to go after songbirds and mice as prey. The male sharp-shinned hawk is the smallest hawk found in North America.
Secretary bird
Hen harrier
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Rock kestrel
This medium-sized, African falcon is closely related to the common kestrel. The rock kestrel likes to sit on high perches, such as telephone poles, then swoop down to catch its meal.
African cuckoo-hawk
Monkey-eating eagle
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Bald eagle
Northern goshawk
The Northern goshawk is related to both the sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawks but is a bigger, fiercer and wilder bird than both of them. Goshawks can have a wingspan of over 4 feet.
Sharp-shinned hawk
Which bird of prey is shown here?
Eurasian hobby
This small falcon is colored slate-gray on top, but its underside has a very distinctive black and white striped pattern. The Eurasian hobby is typically found close to wetlands and rivers in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Crested hawk
Long-eared owl
Turkey vulture
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Which bird of prey is shown here?
Wedge-tailed eagle
Hook-billed kite
This raptor is named for its distinctively shaped bill. The hook-billed kite is found throughout most of the Americas.
European roller
Snowy owl
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