81% of People Can't Guess These Stanley Kubrick Movies from a Screenshot! Can You?

By: J. Scott Wilson
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
81% of People Can't Guess These Stanley Kubrick Movies from a Screenshot! Can You?
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Stanley Kubrick is a writer, director and producer of some of the most well-known cult movies of all-time. From terrifying to riveting science fiction, he's thrilled audiences for over half a century. See how many Stanley Kubrick movies you can name from a screenshot.
The Shining
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
The Shining
Yes, I know that King doesn't care for the movie, and that it's not terribly true to his original book. However, I have two words to refute all naysayers: Jack Nicholson. One of his finest roles.
The Killing
Fear and Desire
Eyes Wide Shut
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Eyes Wide Shut
For most people, this is "that" movie with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The sexual tone of the movie changed both stars' images in the general public.
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
2001: A Space Odyssey
Of course it's a science fiction classic, but 2001 is also one of the most musical movies ever made. It's interspersed with long scenes of no dialogue, with the movement of spacecraft or people set to sweeping pieces of classical music, most notably Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Dr. Strangelove


The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Dr. Strangelove
This swords and sandals epic came years after Cecil B. DeMille made giant films like Cleopatra. Kirk Douglas, in the title role, led a cast of legends.
Fear and Desire
Killer's Kiss
A Clockwork Orange 5
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
This epic of ultraviolence was polarizing when it came out, and it still hits a lot of peoples' buttons. If you step back and look at it, though, it's a laser-sharp indictment of both British society and the prison system.
Eyes Wide Shut
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
This '60s effort turned Vladimir Nabokov's book into a black comedy. James Mason stars as Humbert Humbert, and Peter Sellers is along for just the right tone of British silliness.
Eyes Wide Shut
Killer's Kiss
Eyes Wide Shut


Full Metal Jacket
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
Full Metal Jacket
Have you ever wondered where R. Lee Ermey got his reputation as a gruff military man? As the drill instructor in this movie, he chews scenery as much as he chews up recruits.
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
The Killing
Paths of Glory
Barry Lyndon
If you can get the Village Voice and Time magazine to agree on something, you know it's important. Both publications picked Barry Lyndon as one of the best movies ever made.
Eyes Wide Shut 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Eyes Wide Shut
This was Kubrick's last completed film, and it shows that even as his age increased, his willingness to push boundaries and challenge sensibilities didn't wane. However, getting the audience to buy Cruise and Kidman as a kinky couple might have been a stretch.
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon


2001 A Space Odyssey
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
There are so many elements in this movie that set the tone for science fiction movies in the future. You can draw a direct line between the long, music-set docking sequence and the similar sequence in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Note: This may not be a good thing.
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
The Killing
A Clockwork Orange
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
2001: A Space Odyssey
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
If you think of Malcolm McDowell as that wild-eyed Brit who always seems to show up as the villain in mid- to low-budget sci-fi movies, this will be an awakening. His performance as Alex DeLarge is taut, intense and so locked-in, at times you can't tell he's acting.
The Killing 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
The Killing
If this wasn't film noir, it could have been a madcap comedy. As part of the planned racetrack heist, the head crook hires a sniper to shoot the favorite horse and a wrestler to start a bar fight.
Paths of Glory


Flying Padre
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
Flying Padre
This nine-minute documentary was made after Kubrick's first effort, the day of the fight. Kubrick called it "silly" during a 1969 interview. Of course, there was more than a decade between the film and the interview, and who doesn't feel that way about some of our early efforts?
The Shining
Fear and Desire
A Clockwork Orange
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
Killer's Kiss
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
Here's a fun fact you might not know: Most of the street slang in A Clockwork Orange is based on Russian. For instance, when Alex says something is "horrorshow," that's derived from Russian "xerasho," meaning "good."
Fear and Desire
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Killing
Fear and Desire
This anti-war film is something of a hallucinatory adventure. Four soldiers for an unnamed country crash in a jungle, capture a native girl and have various misadventures over a short one-hour run time.
Killer's Kiss
Barry Lyndon


Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Seafarers
Barry Lyndon
Full Metal Jacket
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
It's kind of hard to believe that Kubrick, whose oeuvre largely consists of very serious, dark films, both wrote and directed this one. However, when you realize that he was staunchly anti-war, the motivation becomes clear. He knew how to convey a message, and used whatever means necessary.
A Clockwork Orange 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
Kubrick's use of classical music in 2001: A Space Odyssey was to set scenes. But in this movie, Alex's obsession with Beethoven's Ninth Symphony leads him to acts of ultraviolence and hypersexuality while it plays.
Dr. Strangelove
Eyes Wide Shut
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
2001 A Space Odyssey 3
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
Hal, the onboard computer that goes psychotic after being given conflicting orders, has become a technological icon. How many times have you heard someone say, "Open the pod bay doors, Hal?"
Eyes Wide Shut
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Only someone like Kubrick could take a dense, creepy Russian novel about a man obsessed with an underage girl and turn it into a comedy. Of course, it helps when Peter Sellers is along for the ride.
Barry Lyndon
Dr. Strangelove
Killer's Kiss
Paths of Glory
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
Killer's Kiss
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
This is another anti-war film in Kubrick's canon. This one features brawny Kirk Douglas as the commander of a group of French soldiers who are ordered to continue what Douglas' character sees as a suicidal attack. They refuse, and he has to defend them against charges.
Eyes Wide Shut 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Eyes Wide Shut
Kubrick was a master at pushing actors to do things they hadn't previously attempted on film. Witness Kirk Douglas as an anti-war military man. This film is certainly no exception.
The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut


Full Metal Jacket 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Full Metal Jacket
Full Metal Jacket and Platoon hit the cinemas in the same time period, when the U.S. was struggling with how to think of our role in the Vietnam conflict. At the other end of that spectrum were the Rambo movies, in which the philosophical questions were settled with high explosives.
Fear and Desire
Killer's Kiss
The Killing
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
Fear and Desire
Eyes Wide Shut
Donald Trumbo, the screenwriter for the movie, was blacklisted when he was selected, and producer/star Kirk Douglas made a point of stating that he'd hired Trumbo despite that. JFK, then the president-elect, crossed American Legion picket lines to see the movie, which pretty much put paid to the entire blacklist debacle.
Day of the Fight
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Day of the Fight
This bit of history is Kubrick's very first filmed project, based on a photo feature he'd done. It centers on an Irish-American boxer as he prepares for a big bout.
Flying Padre
The Seafarers
Killer's Kiss


The Shining
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
I have to be honest here: The Shining is one of my all-time favorite movies largely because of Jack Nicholson's scenery-chewing portrayal of Jack Torrance. The casting of Shelley Duvall as wife Wendy Torrance has baffled me for years. While the Wendy of the book is a strong character, Duvall's Wendy seems to vacillate between dozy concern and frenzied shrieking without much middle ground.
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut
Barry Lyndon 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Eyes Wide Shut
Barry Lyndon
Kubrick doesn't seem to be the sort of filmmaker who would dive into a historical epic like Lyndon, but when you look at his career, it makes sense. He enjoyed challenging himself, and after revolutionizing science fiction with 2001:A Space Odyssey, and dropping the culture bomb of A Clockwork Orange, he needed a change of motif.
The Killing
Fear and Desire
Day of the Fight 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Paths of Glory
The Killing
Day of the Fight
Every filmmaker does "small" projects early in his or her career. We've all heard of Spielberg's mom letting him explode a pressure cooker full of cherries in the family kitchen, for example. For Kubrick, the small projects were documentaries like this.
Full Metal Jacket


The Seafarers
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
The Killing
The Seafarers
Did you know that Kubrick made documentaries? This early effort, made for the Seafarers International Union, was a simple chronicle of seaman life. Once Kubrick got famous, of course, it became a prized morsel.
Paths of Glory
Killer's Kiss 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Killing
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
Killer's Kiss
If you think movie taglines get a little outrageous now, check out the one for '50s noir crime thriller, Killer's Kiss: "Her soft mouth was the road to sin-smeared violence!" Try to put that one on a movie today and you'd get lynched, and deservedly so.
The Killing
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
Paths of Glory
Dr. Strangelove
The Killing
This early Kubrick exploit is almost more like a Tarantino effort. Freewheeling crooks pull off a daring racetrack robbery, but of course, not everything goes as planned.


A Clockwork Orange 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
One of the underlying themes of this movie is the corruption of authority. This is brought to glaring life when Alex, recently released from prison, runs across former gang pals Dim and Georgie, who are now cops, who beat him within an inch of his life.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Eyes Wide Shut
The Shining
Lolita 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Barry Lyndon
Killer's Kiss
The Shining
While Peter Sellers and James Mason lead the cast, the heart of the movie is Shelley Winters. She plays Charlotte Haze, the sexually frustrated mother of Lolita, who takes Mason's Humbert Humbert in as a lodger, thus beginning his descent.
The Shining
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
In the book, the outside menace is represented by topiary animals that seem possessed by evil, moving toward the hotel and assuming threatening poses. In the movie, Jack Nicholson provides plenty of menace so the hedge maze becomes the scene of his final chase of Danny, his son.
Barry Lyndon
A Clockwork Orange
Killer's Kiss


Full Metal Jacket 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
Full Metal Jacket
A young Matthew Modine provides the moral center of the film as Pvt. "Joker" Harris, who becomes a sergeant over the course of the film. The other Marines tease him about never having made a kill, but when his time comes, the person on the other end of the rifle is an already-wounded teenage girl.
The Killers
Eyes Wide Shut 4
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
Fear and Desire
Eyes Wide Shut
Like many of Kubrick's films, Eyes Wide Shut has benefited from the passage of time when it comes to critical opinion. When 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange came out, critics didn't quite know what to make of them. However, they're both considered classics today.
Barry Lyndon
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Full Metal Jacket
Barry Lyndon
This 1975 period drama is regarded by many film-school types as the best movie in his canon. It's a period drama set in 1700s Ireland, full of family turmoil and infighting.
The Shining


The Seafarers 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Seafarers
The Seafarers International Union supervised the production of this film, so you can guarantee it's completely free of ultraviolence, weird relations between couples, or Jack Nicholson swinging an ax. It was added to a re-release of Kubrick's Fear and Desire antiwar film in 2002.
Day of the Fight
Flying Padre
Full Metal Jacket
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
If you want to have a really fun double feature and have a large portion of a day to kill, watch this as a double feature with Gladiator. At the end, you'll be ready to pick up your gladius and go find an emperor to overthrow.
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining 3
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
It's no secret that Stephen King has had major battles with drug and alcohol addiction over his career. The fact that Jack Torrance is an alcoholic writer comes as no surprise.
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut


Eyes Wide Shut
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Barry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut
While the content of this movie is pretty racy, it was originally even more lurid. Eyes Wide Shut carries the dubious distinction of being one of the first movies to have sex scenes "digitally altered" to keep its "R" rating. I'll leave the nature of those alterations to your imaginations.
Killer's Kiss
The Shining
The Killing 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Killer's Kiss
Fear and Desire
The Killing
One of the final scenes of this movie almost makes you sympathetic for the crooks. Two of the conspirators are waiting to board a plane with the ill-gotten money, which they've had to check in a suitcase. They watch as the suitcase falls off a luggage cart and springs open, and their cash is blown to the four winds by propeller wash.
Full Metal Jacket
Flying Padre 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Seafarers
Full Metal Jacket
Eyes Wide Shut
Flying Padre
Like many documentaries, Flying Padre had a narrator for its nine-minute length. Bob Hite, whose voice was familiar to viewers of the CBS News with Walter Cronkite, filled that job here. He'd had a more exciting early career, narrating serials such as The Green Hornet and The Lone Ranger.


A Clockwork Orange 3
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange
The Ludovico technique is a behavioral-modification program in the movie (and book) that's designed to make violence of any kind abhorrent to those who go through the treatment. It's a brutal brainwashing combined with drugs that turns Alex into a helpless Patsy who's unable even to resist Dim and Georgie when they beat him nearly to death.
Eyes Wide Shut
Fear and Desire
Fear and Desire 1
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
This was Kubrick's first feature film effort, and despite praise from prominent critics like James Agee, he was embarrassed by it and tried to minimize its circulation in later years. In 1993, he tried to discourage people from seeing a showing of it at the Telluride Film Festival, calling it "a bumbling amateur film exercise."
Killer's Kiss
Full Metal Jacket
The Seafarers
Dr. Strangelove
The Movie DB
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
Full Metal Jacket
Barry Lyndon
Dr. Strangelove
There are few images in movie history more comedically iconic than Slim Pickens shouting "Yeehaw!" as he rides a bomb in this movie. For those who didn't live during the Cold War, some of the jokes might fall flat, but if you don't laugh at this scene, there's something wrong with your wiring.


A Clockwork Orange 6
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
A Clockwork Orange
The Korova Milkbar is where our story begins, and it gives a snapshot of how diseased the society has become. Patrons drink milk spiked with any one of a number of powerful drugs designed to relax, enervate or spark hallucinations in the drinkers.
Full Metal Jacket
Barry Lyndon
Dr. Strangelove
2001 A Space Odyssey 2
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
You could spend months learning about everything that went into the making of this movie. Kubrick and legendary sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke started with one of Clarke's short stories, The Sentinel, and spent years putting the finished product together, even at one point seeking advice from Carl Sagan on extraterrestrial life.
The Seafarers
Spartacus 3
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
One of Kubrick's hallmarks was using anti-war stars whose public personae differed from their private beliefs. Douglas was a bit of a radical politically at the time, so the concept of slaves overthrowing a tyrannical government appealed to him.
Eyes Wide Shut
The Killing
Fear and Desire


Full Metal Jacket 3
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
Fear and Desire
Dr. Strangelove
Full Metal Jacket
Adam Baldwin, who plays Animal Mother in the film, is actually not part of the Baldwin brothers of acting fame. However, he's got his own ticket to immortality, having starred in the sci-fi classic series Firefly and its movie adaptation, Serenity.
Killer's Kiss
Which Stanley Kubrick movie is shown in this screenshot?
The Killing
Paths of Glory
Eyes Wide Shut
Killer's Kiss
Kubrick loved lives that were thrown into turmoil, twisted by events. This one has a boxer and a taxi dancer thrown into each other's orbits after the dancer has to fend off an assault.
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