89% of people can't identify all these swords and knives from just one image. Can you?

By: Craig
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
89% of people can't identify all these swords and knives from just one image. Can you?
Image: Shutterstock

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Fancy yourself a novice chef? Are you a lover and collector of swords? Then take this quiz! 89% of people can't guess each of these knives and swords by looking at just one image. Can you? Prove it!
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Katana Japanese sword
Butterfly sword
Used in medieval times, a broadsword had a long, flat wide blade with cutting edges on both sides. It was generally used in battle by knights.
Katan Japanese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Pistol sword
Kilij sword
Estoc sword
Katana Japanese sword
Used by Samurai warriors in ancient Japan, a Katana has a unique appearance. This single edged blade has a curve in it, while the handle is long, allowing the weapon to be gripped in two hands. The blade is normally over 23.5 inches in length.
Gut hook or zipper knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Gut hook or zipper knife
A gut hook is a blade feature in which the knife's spine has a semi-circle ground out of it. This is then sharpened. It is often used by hunters to help process animals they have shot.
Spear point knife
Bread knife
Tanto point knife


Bread knives
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Grapefruit knife
Santoku knife
Utility knife
Bread knife
Bread knives have large serrated edges, perfect for cutting through hard crust. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Wakizashi Japanese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Gladius Roman sword
Wakizashi Japanese sword
This is a sword used by Samurai. The word Wakizashi means "side inserted." It is typically between 12 to 24 inches in length and carried in conjunction with a Katana.
Sabre sword
Foil fencing sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Mortuary sword
Executioner's sword
Foil fencing sword
A foil is a sword used in the sport of fencing. The blade is normally 35 inches in length, rectangular in shape, and very flexible. It is also light, allowing for very fast strikes.


Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
A cleaver has a wide blade, with a thick spine and a straight edge running along the length of the blade. It is used to cut through large pieces of meat, as well as poultry bones. This is achieved by using a chopping motion, making use of the sharpness of the blade as well as the weight of the cleaver itself.
Tomato knife
Carving knife
Chef's knife
Cutlass Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Tachi sword
Cutlass sword
A one-handed short sword, a cutlass has a slightly curved blade. It was a weapon of choice for sailors during the golden age of sail.
Falcata sword
Viking sword
Sujihiki Knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Sujihiki carving knife
Sujihiki knives hail from Japan and are used for carving a variety of meats, including fish. They typically have blades between 24 to 30 cm in length, with one cutting edge.
Bread knife
Decorating knife
Chinese cleaver


Gladius Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Wodao sword
Shinken sword
Gladius sword
The main weapon of a Roman soldier, the Gladius was used in close combat. It was very versatile, used for thrusting, cutting, or chopping motions.
Epee fencing sword
Peeling knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Steak knife
Utility knife
Peeling knife
A peeling knife is small, perfect for removing the skin from fruit and vegetables. It can also be used to do intricate knife work in the kitchen.
Boning knife
Epee fencing sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Hook sword
Epee fencing sword
The epee is a sword used in fencing, similar to a dueling sword. It has a fairly thick and stiff blade, while a guard protects the fencer's hand. It weighs around 0.8 kg.
Wodao Chinese sword
Dahong Palay Philippine sword


European Style Saber
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Katsane Sri Lankan sword
Jian Japanese sword
European style saber
A saber has a curved blade with only one sharpened edge. It also has a hilt with a massive hand guard, providing protection for the whole hand. It was often used as a cavalry weapon.
Tanto Japanese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Tanto Japanese Sword
The Tanto sword was carried by the samurai class in feudal Japan. It was a functional weapon, without artistic embellishment.
Kopesh Egyptian sword
Bokken Japanese sword
Luwuk Indonesian sword
Viking Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Nimcha sword
Viking sword
Some excellent examples of Viking swords have been found in archaeological digs in Europe. One such sword, found in Flå in Norway, was 102.4 cm long and weighed 1.9 kilograms.
Katana sword
Talwar sword


Boning knives
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Serrated utility knife
Paring knife
Boning knife
Boning knives generally have blades that are 5 to 7 inches long. They are curved and flexible, to allow the knife to easily cut meat as close to the bone as possible.
Chinese cleavers
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Bread knife
Utility knife
Cheese cutter
Chinese cleaver
A Chinese cleaver has a very narrow spine with a wide blade attached to it. It can easily chop through many ingredients. The flat blade can be used to pick up prepared food. Never chop bones with this blade, as it is thinner than a regular cleaver.
Tomato knives
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Bread knife
Tomato knife
With a small serrated blade, this knife is perfect for slicing through the skin of a tomato without damaging the fragile flesh underneath.
Fluting knife
Trimming knife


Bokken Japanese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Kopesh Egyptian sword
Bokken Japanese sword
A bokken is a sword made from wood and used in Japan while training.
Dao Chinese sword
Luwuk Indonesian sword
Bird's beak pairing knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Clip point knife
Bird's beak pairing knife
A bird's beak knife has a blade that is convex, with a very pointy tip. This is an excellent knife for fluting, while peeling round fruit or vegetables.
Chef's knife
Wavy edge knife
Wavy (Serrated) Edge
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Trimming knife
Chef's knife
Serrated edge knife
This is the perfect knife for cutting things that have a tough outer exterior - for example, the crust of a bread or even a hard sausage skin.
Grapefruit Knife


Clip Point (Granny)
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Clip point (Granny)
There are three basic knife point shapes, of which the clip point is the most common. Here, the front part of the knife is clipped off. Clip point knives have two shapes - straight and concave.
Straight edge
Granton edge
Bird's beak
Samshir sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Flamberge sword
Rapier sword
Hunting sword
Shamshir sword
Often thought of as a sword of Persian origin, the Shamshir was actually brought to the Persians by the Seljuk Empire. It quickly became a favorite, replacing the double-edge straight blade used before.
Drop-point blade knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Drop-point blade knife
A drop-point knife has a slope in the blade, typically from the handle right to its tip. This means that the blade is stronger because the spine, the thickest point, continues all the way down the length of the blade, right to the tip.
Chef's knife
Clip point knife
Paring knife


Sheep's foot
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Serrated edge
Bird's beak
Granton edge
Sheep's foot
The blade of a sheep's foot knife has both a straight edge and a straight back, although this does drop away as it curves downward toward the point. The knife got its name because it was used to trim the hooves of sheep.
Honesuki boning knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Honesuki boning knife
Honesuki boning knives are specially made for cutting chicken. They have a very triangular blade profile and an extremely pointed tip.
Chinese cleaver
Trailing-point knife
Needle-point knife
Petty utility knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Hawkbill knife
Spey point knife
Leaf blade knife
Petty utility knife
The petty knife is of Japanese origin and useful for a number of different kitchen tasks. It's great for trimming curly vegetables.


Taijijian Chinese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Karambit Indonesian sword
Acinaces Persian sword
Taiji Jian Chinese sword
The Taiji Jian is a two-edged sword that forms part of the Chinese martial art of Taijiquan. It has a straight blade and is used in exercise to improve conditioning.
Cinquedea Italian sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
This is a thrusting weapon with a long blade. It has a hilt to protect the user's hand and the blade is sharpened on both edges.
Two-handed sword
Arming sword
Zweihander sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Zweihander sword
German for "two-hander," a Zweihander is a large sword that is never sheathed, but carried across the shoulder. It became more ceremonial as swords were phased out on the battlefield.
War sword
Golok sword
Panabas sword


Celtic Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Falcata sword
Xiphos sword
Khmali sword
Celtic sword
The Celts were feared warriors. Their swords were very well made and often only Chieftains could afford the best quality. Celts were buried with their weapons when they died.
Santoku Knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Wharncliff blade
Santoku knife
Santoku knives are for general purpose use in the kitchen. Their blades are from 5.1 to 7.9 inches in length, with a sheepfoot style. They are excellent for slicing, mincing, or dicing a range of ingredients.
Spear point knife
Chisel point knife
Salmon Knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Cheese knife
Boning knife
Peeling knife
Salmon carving knife
A specialty kitchen piece, a salmon carving knife has a long flat blade and a round tip. It is generally around 30 cm long. It allows for the slicing of salmon and tuna into wafer-thin pieces.


Swiss Saber
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Swiss sapper
The Swiss sapper has a unique one-sided serrated edge that starts from the handle and extends close to the tip of the sword.
Spatha sword
Claymore sword
Sabina sword
Pulwar sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Iron Age sword
Kirpan sword
Pinuti sword
Pulwar sword
Originating in Afghanistan, the Pulwar is a sword with a one-handed curved blade, carried by the Pashtun tribe.
Bowie blade knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Bowie blade knife
This knife was designed and created by Jim Black, for American pioneer Jim Bowie. The knife typically has a long blade and a double-edged tip.


Mameluke sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Gupti sword
Bolo sword
Flamberge sword
Mameluke sword
This sword has a curved blade with one cutting edge and a cross hilt. It originated in the Middle East and today is the ceremonial sword of choice for many military branches, including the United States Marine Corps.
Granton Edge
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Granton edge
A granton edged blade is filled with grooves which have been hollowed out along its length. The aim of these grooves is to remove any fat or liquid from the meat while slicing. This results in an even cut, without the meat tearing or shredding under the knife's pressure.
Drop point
Straight edge
Serrated edge
Spatha Sword
Wiki Commons
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Kopis sword
Moplah sword
Spatha sword
A Spatha is a longsword used by the Romans. It could reach up to a meter in length. It was the weapon of choice for Roman heavy infantry divisions. The design of the Spatha - small hilt and handle with a long blade - continued through the centuries. Similar blades were used by the Vikings and Normans.


Chef's knife
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Bird's beak knife
Serrated utility knife
Paring knife
Chef's knife
Chef's knives have a blade that curves towards the tip. The blade varies in length but generally is from 6 to 14 inches. It is used in a number of scenarios, from cutting meat to preparing vegetables.
Niuweidao Chinese Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Kwelan Indonesian sword
Niuweidao Chinese sword
Niuweidao means "ox-tailed." This one-handed sword has a blade that curves upwards around three-quarters of the way through its length, creating a flaring tip. The Niuweidao Chinese sword has one cutting edge and was the weapon of choice of the common man in ancient China.
Jedokgum Korean sword
Tachi Japanese sword
Saber fencing sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Saber sword
Considered to be the modern brother of a cavalry sword, the saber used in fencing has a long, pointy blade. It can score hits by either thrusting or cutting. It has a large hilt to protect the fencer's hand.


Claymore Sword
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Claymore sword
A Scottish sword, the Claymore had a long double-edged blade and was wielded in two hands. It was used in Scotland between 1400 and 1700.
Bastard sword
Straight Edge
Which type of sword or knife correlates with this image?
Wavy edge
Granton edge
Straight edge
The more traditional form of knife, a straight edge blade has a cutting edge along most of its length. It is a perfect blade for cutting harder vegetables such as potatoes, where a push cutting action is used.
Sheep's foot
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