89% of People Can't Name All of These Creepy Crawly Creatures from an Image. Can You?
By: Jody Mabry
4 min
Image: Shutterstock
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Everyone has something they are afraid of; Needles, the dark, and even clowns are some of the most popular. But, nearly everyone is afraid of creepy crawlies. They are slimy, creepy and often terrifying. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up with a snake slithering through your bed sheets? Or a poison dart frog shimmering up your pant leg as you walk along a trail? Even if they are safe, such as a daddy long legs spider, these creatures will give you the heebie-jeebies as they go about their lives hidden in corners, under stone walkers or those places you haven't been in years such as your attic. Some may only be as big as your fingernail, and other over twenty feet long - yet somehow they don't pop out until you're nearly on top of them.Â
From a small spider to a 25-foot-long cobra these creatures are sure to make you look twice as you cross your lawn or even walk through your living room in the middle of the night. These are creatures that terrify your dreams. See how many of these creepy crawlies you can identify from an image - your life may depend on it...or not.Â
Which spider is shown in this image?
American House Spider
Male American House Spiders have orange legs. The females' legs are yellow. The legs of both males and females have dark ba
This worm-like amphibian is only found in one area - Sagala Hill in Kenya. It burrows into the ground to lay eggs which the female will protect until they hatch. Sagalla Caecilian feed on termites and earthworms.
The Black Mamba is widely considered to be the world's deadliest snake. They live in the southern and eastern parts of Africa and are particularly aggressive if threatened, striking repeatedly. They can grow up to 14 feet in length but are normally around 8 feet. They are more a green-grey than black.
Found in Cape Town, South Africa, specifically around Table Mountain, this frog is critically endangered. It reaches about 60 mm in length and is noted for its reddish/brown coloring. It often has a slight pink underbelly. These frogs have suckers on their feet to help them climb steep, wet, rock surfaces.
Known as the Naja Naja, this cobra is one of the deadliest snakes in the world. They are found in many countries in the sub-continent, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal to name a few. Often found near water, they live in a range of habitats. Indian Cobras grow to around 1.5m in length and have a range of colors but are easy to identify thanks to two circular patterns on their hood.
If you measure from spike to spike across this spider's back you could get as much as 3 centimeters - that's over an inch. It's only in the case of the females, however, since the males' projections are more like stubby knobs than spikes.
Sometimes called a cave salamander or a Proteus, the Olm is blind. It lives in Europe, mostly in underwater caves in rivers or lakes. It relies on both hearing and smell to make its way around in the dark so much so that its eyes are underdeveloped. Olms are carnivores and hunt small invertebrates, worms, larvae and underwater insects.
The characteristic arrow-shaped abdomen which gives this spider its name is only featured in the females of the species. The web of the Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider also has a characteristic feature - a hole in its center.
This salamander is only active at night. During the day, it will hide under rocks or organic material. This elusive creature, found in the Black Warrior River drainage area, is thought to be inactive during summer. It grows up to 22cm in length and feeds on invertebrates and small fish.
Found throughout Southeast Asia, the King Cobra is certainly a beautiful specimen. This is the largest venomous snake in the world and can reach 18 feet in length. A fully grown male can weigh around 15 to 20 pounds but specimens of over 40 pounds have been recorded. The King Cobra is the preferred species for snake charmers as they have the ability to stand upright, sometimes as high as six feet.
Found in the southern islands of Japan where they live in a variety of habitats including forests, croplands, swamps, and grasslands. This newt is so named thanks to its very rough skin, formed by glands on the side of the body. These, along with the under soles of its feet, are orange in color while the rest of the newt is normally black. Alligator newts grow to six inches in length.
Sowbugs (aka woodlice) may be tough little pests, but they are no match for the Sowbug Killer Spider which views them as regular prey. These spiders live close to their food source, so you can find them under rocks and logs or in leaf litter.
This burrowing salamander can grow up to 250 mm in length. They are found in Alabama where they live in hardwood forests mostly on steep slopes. Unfortunately, logging is a real threat to these amphibians who were only discovered in 1960. These salamanders do not emerge from their underground homes, often hunting at night just by the entrance. Here they eat any hapless snails, ants, spiders, and millipedes that come their way.
The fact that this snake is fairly shy is a good thing as many believe it to be the most venomous in the world, even more so than the Black Mamba. The Inland Taipan will also warn before striking, bending its body from the head downwards in a tight S-shape. The venom produced by one bite of this snake can kill 100 humans!
This strange amphibian is found in the Seychelles. It can grow up to 230 mm in length, has no limbs and looks very much like a worm. It spends most of its life in the ground where it burrows into its home.
There is no mistaking a Green Mamba! This snake is a brilliant lime green and easily spotted when in the open. Generally, they grow to between 6 to 7 feet in length but snakes of up to 8 feet have been recorded. Green Mambas are found on the eastern coast of Southern Africa.
Also known as the Mandarin newt, these amphibians can grow up to 20 cm long and originate in China. They are noted for their ridged head which is orange in color. They also have orange parallel lines down their backs and into their tails. These newts live in streams and pools, mostly in forests. They hunt invertebrates as prey, mostly worms, and small insects.
This spider is easily identified by the bold pattern on its abdomen. The Western Spotted Orb Weaver's circular web is often located out in the open away from foliage.
These amphibians are easily identified by their black skins with yellow spots. They grow up to 25 cm long. To protect themselves from predators, fire salamanders produce a toxin that seeps through their skin. They are found in hill areas in Europe where they eat small newts, frogs and insects to survive.
While the true Daddy Long Legs is not a spider, there is a species of spiders that is referred to as Daddy Long Legs. While real Daddy Long Legs have 8 legs like a spider, they only have two eyes instead of the eight that spiders typically have.
The Gabon (or Gaboon) Viper is a fairly docile ground-dwelling snake found in central and western Africa where it lives in tropical rain forests. What makes this snake impressive is the size of its fangs. They grow up to 4cm in length, the longest of any snake in the world.
Known as the Mexican Walking Fish, this amphibian is green/black color in the wild while those in captivity are normally white and generally are descendants of a white Axolotl that was sent to Paris in 1863. This salamander has strange, feathery protrusions coming off its head. These are actually its gills. These incredible creatures are only found in one place in the wild - Xochimilco, Mexico.
Keen eyesight and the tendency to live and hunt alone are a couple of the characteristics of the Wolf Spider. They are also known to hunt down and pounce on their prey.
With its red belly and black back, this snake is difficult to miss. They are native to eastern Australia where they live near water sources. On average, they grow to around 2m in length. Red-bellied Black Snakes are generally not aggressive and would rather get away than tangle with a human.
These frogs come in a range of bright colors including red, yellow, copper, blue, black and gold. They are extremely caring for their offspring, even carrying tadpoles and smaller frogs around on their backs. These frogs are extremely toxic. Their poison has been used for centuries by the people of the Amazon to coat blowgun darts.
The venom of the Black Widow Spider is said to be up to 15 times as strong as that of a rattlesnake. A healthy adult will most likely not die from being bitten by a Black Widow, however, small children, the elderly, and sick people may not fare so well.
With a distinct ‘horn' on the front of its snout and its beautiful markings, the Sharp-Nosed Pit Viper certainly is a looker! But don't let that fool you, their venom is dangerous. In fact, their nickname, ‘Hundred Pacer' comes from the legend that a person would only be able to walk 100 paces after a bite from these beauties. Whether this is true or not is unknown.
Mudpuppies grow to between 8 and 13 inches in size and live for around 11 years in the wild. They are found in parts of Canada and the United States where they live at the bottom of streams, rivers, and lakes. These amphibians stay constantly in water and never leave. They are gray in color with black spots. They are easily identifiable by their red feathery gills that grow on the outside of their bodies.
Found throughout warmer regions of the Americas, the Silver Garden Spider can often be distinguished by the zig-zag stabilizing pattern it forms in its web. The female of the species can grow up to 3.5 centimeters long.
Tomato Frogs are so named because of their color, a bright red. These frogs live between 6 to 8 years and puff themselves up when they are threatened. They also secrete a substance that, if taken by predators, causes the predator's mouth and eyes to stick together, although they will release the frog before this happens.
The Bold Jumping Spider is often called the Daring Jumping Spider. Among its distinguishing traits are mouthparts which are an iridescent blue or green.
This frog is found on the island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean where it lives in swamps at high altitudes. Although they have the color gold in their names, they can be a range of colors from gold, to yellow and even shades of red. The Mantella is a small frog that only grows up to a length of around 30 mm. Although they are endangered, they have been bred successfully in 35 zoos around the world.
Found in Texas, this snake eats a range of prey, including lizards, birds and even bats. It lives in a multitude of habitats such as deserts, hills, forests, canyons, and grasslands. The Texas Lyre Snake has a distinct V shape on its head and is mostly tan and grayish.
Although called "brown,†their colors can be anywhere from whitish to dark brown to blackish gray. Those bitten by the Brown Recluse Spider may need to seek medical attention to counter the effects of its venom.
This viper is found in Southwestern Europe and is noted for its broad, triangular head as well as its distinct markings. It also features a snout that is turned up slightly. The Asp Viper lives in a range of habitats, specifically those that can provide it with cover.
Found in eastern Canada and the United States this toad grows between 2 and 4 ½ inches in length. They vary in color but are mostly tan-brown, olive-green or reddish-brown. They can also vary between solid or patterned skins. American Toads use their tongues to catch various insects, including slugs, earthworms, spiders, and invertebrates. They live only around 2 years.
When looking at a Meadow Viper, you will notice its large distinct scales immediately, as well as its beautiful patterned markings. These snakes are found in a range of Western and Central European countries. They feed on insects, spiders, beetles, lizards, and birds.
Brown Widows closely resemble the immature version of the more dangerous Black Widow spiders. Their egg sacs are spiky and can each hold up to 150 eggs.
Mole Salamanders are found in the southeastern states of the United States, including Georgia and Alabama. Females are generally bigger than males and can grow up to 120 mm in length. They live in a number of habitats, including forests and floodplains, for example. They are always found close to a body of water.
This species of Rattlesnake is found in North America right from the border with Canada in the north and Mexico in the South. They do not grow very large, adults reaching around 30 inches in length. They come in a range of colors, mostly brown, tan and darker brown. Each snake has spots or blotches of another color on its back.
The Red ant-mimic Spider uses its disguise for a double advantage. It fools would-be predators into thinking it's a red ant and so is often left alone. It also tricks the red ant (its most favored prey) into thinking it's one of them so it can get close enough for a meal.
Growing to around 6 inches in size, the American Bullfrog lives in the wild for between six to eight years. They are known for their baritone croak and they make most of their noise at night. Most are green or grey-brown in color. They hunt at night and are not fussy, eating anything they can put in their mouths, including fish, insects, mice, snakes and even birds.
Despite its name, the Shamrock Spider is not green but rather can be white, yellow, bright red, purple or anything in-between. They do have the number three in common with the clover leaf in their name, however, as they display three stripes on their legs.
These massive toads grow to around 10 inches in length. They are capable of releasing a toxic spray when threatened. These creatures are found all over the world. They mostly eat invertebrates or anything that may fit into their mouths.
Except for the fact that its body is shiny and hairless, the California Trapdoor Spider looks pretty much like a small Tarantula. Its burrow is built with a hinged door made of silk so it can spring out and catch its prey.
These toads are found throughout Europe, in North Africa, and parts of western Asia. This toad can change its color depending on light and temperature conditions.
These solitary hunters do not spin webs, preferring instead to actively hunt down their prey. The Carolina Wolf Spider is thought to be the largest of the Wolf Spiders throughout North America. It has been singled out as the official spider of South Carolina.