91% of People Can't Name These Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films From One Image! Can You?

By: Emily Hough
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
91% of People Can't Name These Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films From One Image! Can You?
Image: TMDB

About This Quiz

Grab your magical sword and strap into your spaceship - this quiz is about to get strange!

Science fiction films and fantasy films are often considered to be two sides of the same coin, since they are both a part of the larger speculative fiction genre. These are two of the most popular genres of film. In recent years, more and more of them have been critically and financially successful - so, it was hard to choose the perfect 50 films for this challenging quiz.

Fantasy films usually encompass stories that are centered around supernatural events, magic and mythology. These stories sometimes take place in a setting that is similar to the real world, with just a few significant changes (such as the Harry Potter series), or a completely different world with its own deep and intricate lore and history (such as in the Lord of the Rings series).They usually take place in a futuristic version of our own world (like "Back to the Future") or on a completely different world, or even in a separate galaxy from our own (like the Star Wars series).

This quiz is dangerous business. Is the force with you? Then c'mon, let's get started!

Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Mars corporation missed out on a big opportunity when they passed on allowing Universal Studios to use their M&M's candy in the films. Spielberg turned to Hershey at just the right time as they were looking to promote their new candy "Reese's Pieces," which became E.T.'s favorite.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Toy Story
Episode IV - A New Hope3
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Mad Max: Fury Road
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Spielberg was so confident that his own film would fail to make any money, that the day it premiered, he took a vacation. He ended up making millions on the film and the merchandise.
The Martian
Toy Story
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Wizard of Oz
The Martian
It's a Wonderful Life
Toy Story
Woody took on quite a change for this popular Pixar film. The original version had him as a jerk who was cruel to all the toys. He was also meant to be a ventriloquist's dummy. However, producers decided that kids didn't want an unlikable character who was associated with horror films -- hence we have a lovable hero.


The Wizard of Oz
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Wizard of Oz
You will not find those infamous ruby slippers in the original story by Frank Baum; he colored them silver. The screenwriter, Noel Langley, suggested they change them to ruby to better pop against the yellow brick road with the new Technicolor technology being used in the film.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Mad Max: Fury Road
Rey, Star Wars The Force Awakens
2015 - Lucasfilm, Bad Robot, Truenorth Productions
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher had no hesitation in making a new Star Wars film. However, it took some time negotiating with J.J. Abrams to direct it.
Iron Man
Mary Poppins
Mad Max Fury Road
Warner Bros. Pictures
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Alice in Wonderland
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Mad Max: Fury Road
For what would you work besides money? Well, it seems that some people would work for beer. Since funds were running low on filming "Mad Max: Fury Road," some of the cast/crew were offered beer as payment.


The Martian
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Martian
A great movie for science lovers, accurate in its depiction of space. However, one thing that was exaggerated, no doubt for cinematic effect, was the wind. The atmosphere on Mars is actually too thin for the wind to blow so strongly. Even the strongest winds are only a breeze, not nearly strong enough to topple space ships or lift large rocks.
The Terminator
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
The Terminator
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Mary Poppins
The Terminator
James Cameron took advantage of a 9-month time setback after Schwarzenegger had to wait to film "Terminator" to fulfill an obligation for another contract. Cameron wasted no time, though, as he used it to write both "Aliens 2" and "Rambo" at the same time.
Star Trek
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Wizard of Oz
It's a Wonderful Life
Writer Ted Chiang was pleased with the changes and adaptations made of his book, "Story of Your Life," into the film, "Arrival." Some of these changes included the number of looking glasses (ships), and the names given to the Aliens, which were changed again in the Italian version of the film.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens


The Dark Knight
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Miracle on 34th Street
The Dark Knight
Batman's new suit came at the request, not only of the character, but also the actor. Christopher Nolan asked that the suit be lighter and more agile. He also admitted to not beefing up as much for this Batman movie because the suit was leaner.
Alice in Wonderland
Iron Man
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Iron Man
Improv at its best. The script for this movie was not completely finished and actors had to ad-lib many of the scenes. But this was not a problem for Robert Downey Jr., and he often requested another take to try something else. Gwyneth Paltrow, on the other hand, had no idea what Downey would do or say and found herself struggling to respond with an appropriate line.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
Marvel's The Avengers
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
It seems so real, but the only real things you see in a lot of the shots are the actors' faces. Since almost the entire movie was computer animation, the actors did not film their parts until approximately two years after "filming" had begun.
Mary Poppins
Star Trek


Are You Mary Poppins or Maria Von Trapp
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Mary Poppins
Remember Mary Poppins' lovely whistle during "A Spoonful of Sugar"? Would you have guessed that it is actually Julie Andrews whistling? She apparently is a very skilled at whistling, in addition to singing and acting.
Miracle on 34th Street
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Alice in Wonderland
Miracle on 34th Street
I bet famous 18th Century British satirist, Jonathan Swift, never considered his writing would appear in a theater, and certainly not on a moving picture screen! When Santa lists his date of birth on his application, he actually quotes a line from Swift: "I'm as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth."
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Star Trek
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Star Trek
The original Number 1 was played by a woman, but was not well received by audiences of the time. She certainly would be considered a strong character today.
Fantastic Beasts


Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Talk about getting a raise! Sigourney Weaver only received $35,000 for the first film, but a whopping $1 million plus profit percentage for the second. It only went up from there with the sequels.
The Princess Bride
Alice in Wonderland
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Pan's Labyrinth
Alice in Wonderland
You can find a copy of "Alice in Wonderland" almost anywhere. Though there was a halt on the first publication when the illustrator not being pleased with how they produced his images in the book, it has never been out of print since. The book was first made into a movie in 1903 and has graced us with many versions, including the one starring Johnny Depp.
2008 - Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Captain America: Civil War
WALL-E's voice is the same actor as R2D2. I guess once a droid, always a droid.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Fantastic Beasts
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Body molds of the actors were cast in order to create the clones for the characters in the movie. They were completely covered in plaster and had to breathe through straws until it hardened.
Deathly Hallows Pt 2
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Wizard of Oz
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
The script for this movie was nearly 500 pages long! This is probably why it was split into two parts. Nonetheless, it was the shortest of all the Harry Potter movies at 2 hours 10 minutes, if you count each part on its own.
The Avengers
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Marvel's The Avengers
Marvel did not trademark "The Avengers" until 1970. When the film went to screen in Britain in 2012, there were some trademark rights issues that had to be worked out as there was a series from 1960's called, "The Avengers," and they didn't want to create any confusion.
Alice in Wonderland
Back to the Future


The Day the Earth Stood Still
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Pan's Labyrinth
The Day the Earth Stood Still
If you call the phone number that runs on the screen during the report of Klaatu, you will get the National Weather Sevice of Alaska information center.
Jurassic Park
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers1
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Neverending Story
District 9
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
It was said that Jake Gyllenhaal, who auditioned to play Frodo, gave one of the worst auditions ever. He says he was not told he needed a British accent.
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Groundhog Day
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
You wouldn't want to eat the Stay Puft marshmallow on this set. When the giant finally explodes at the end, it's shaving cream you see covering the people of New York -- more than 500 pounds of it.


Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Mickey Mouse, as we know him today, is due largely in part to his portrayal in "Fantasia." The big physical changes to the character in this movie included shortening his nose, giving him pupils for his eyes, and donning him in white gloves.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Back to the Future
The Neverending Story
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Princess Bride
The adult scenes were first filmed with the child actor. Hanks could then mimick his mannerisms and movements to re-film the adult scenes.
Monsters Inc.
Ex Machina
Pan's Layrinth
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
Groundhog Day
Pan's Labyrinth
Unfortunately, the weather was extremely dry during filming so the crew had to cover the set in moss and other green plants to break up the dull brown color in the scenes. Also, almost none of the flames you see in the movie are real, because it would have been a real safety issue.


Captain America Civil War
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
District 9
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Captain America: Civil War
Robert Downey Jr. played both the younger and older version of himself in this film. Tom Holland is the youngest actor to play in a Marvel movie at 19, here as Spider Man.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Empire Strikes Back
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Gary Kurtz partnered with Lucas on the Star Wars films but the partnership ended with this film. Kurtz just didn't like where the world was headed.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Iron Giant
Westly Princess Bride
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Marvel's The Avengers
The Princess Bride
William Goldman wrote the book for his daughters, one who wanted a story about a princess, and one who wanted a story about a bride. Goldman also wrote the screenplay and helped out during production.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2


Lord of the Rings The Return of the King4
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Edward Scissorhands
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Sean Connery, who auditioned for the role of Gandalf, did not understand the story at all. Not the script, not the books, none of it.
The Terminator
road warrior
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
The dog, named "Dog" in the film was rescued from local shelter and trained for the film. After production, one of the cameramen adopted him.
2001 A Space Odyssey 1
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Martian
The Terminator
2001: A Space Odyssey
Kubrick attempted to take out an insurance policy on his aliens for this movie. He feared that aliens might be discovered before the film's release. He was denied.
Guardians of the Galaxy


Ava, Ex Machina
2014 - Universal Pictures International (UPI), Film4, DNA Films
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Ex Machina
Talk about saving money. The sound of the keycard when it opens the door is actually the "Tejat" noise extracted from the Android Operating System.
Doctor Strange
The Iron Giant
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Iron Giant
It seems Vin Diesel is limited in his voice acting. His 53 words as the Iron Giant in the movie, "Iron Giant, were more than his voicing of Groot in "Guardians of the Galaxy."
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The house of the Nearys was an actual house that the production bought for only $35,000. After wrapping up the filming, they sold it for $50,000, putting the profits back into the film. Seems they got the benefits of that purchase all the way around.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Guardians of the Galaxy
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Alice in Wonderland
Guardians of the Galaxy
Thief or Saint? Chris Pratt took, without permission, his Star Lord costume. But he only did this so he could show up at a hospital so sick children could meet a hero.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)_4
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Dark Crystal
Edward Scissorhands
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
This is the first of the Apes movies to be shown in 3D. It is also the first not to feature a showing of Charlton Heston or Roddy McDowall, not even in stock footage.
Jurassic Park
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Iron Giant
Jurassic Park
Hawaii was the perfect setting for Jurassic Park, but apparently there was more than one monster on the island. While they were filming, Hurricane Iniki hit the Hawaiian Islands, the strongest one in recorded history for Hawaii.
Back to the Future


Back to the Future
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Back to the Future
In your own kind of time travel, you can purchase Pizza Hut's "Back to the Future" promotional sunglasses on eBay.
The Wizard of Oz
Monsters, Inc.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Groundhog Day
District 9
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
There was no messing with Kate Winslet's hair. Instead of dyeing it the many colors of Clementine, she wore a variety of wigs.
X-Men Days of Future Past 3
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
2001: A Space Odyssey
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Originally the "X" in X-men stood for the x-gene that the mutants possessed, according to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. However, it later became to be understood as representing the extra powers the mutants have.
Jurassic Park


Terminator 2 Judment Day
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Dark Crystal
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
A little buttering up never hurts. For his acceptance of the role, Arnold Schwarzenegger acquired a Gulfstream III airplane, worth $14 Million, given to him by producer, Mario Kassar.
Doctor Strange
The Neverending Story
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Neverending Story
At $27 million, "The Neverending Story" was Germany's most expensive movie to make. Lucky for the creators is grossed over $100 million.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Miracle on 34th Street
Monsters, Inc
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Edward Scissorhands
The Princess Bride
District 9
Monsters, Inc.
That loveable little girl named "Boo" is actually named Mary. You may notice some of the small details and clues on her drawings in the movie that give away this tidbit.


Groundhog Day
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Ex Machina
Groundhog Day
It is never really explained in the movie how long Murray is in a loop. Some guesses are 30 to 40 years. The original script had him re-living the same day for 10,000 years.
District 9
The Movie DB
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
District 9
Before Tatiana Maslany, Jason Cope mastered playing multiple characters -- well, sort of. He was the sole actor who played all of the aliens in this movie.
Back to the Future
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Bonjour! Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character struggles with learning French, just as he did in "10 Things I Hate About You." Ironically, he is fluent in French.
The Dark Crystal


It's a Wonderful Life
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
The Martian
It's a Wonderful Life
This film flopped big time at the box office when it was released. But it became an iconic American classic film, probably due to it frequent television showings after the screen rights expired.
The Terminator
The Dark Knight
Which sci-fi or fantasy movie corresponds with this image?
Miracle on 34th Street
Spike Jone wrote the script and directed the movie -- the only one in which he has done both from his own original script.
Star Trek
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