Can You Name All of These Animals That Live in Cold Climates?

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Name All of These Animals That Live in Cold Climates?
Image: shutterstock

About This Quiz

Long before we colonized the world, animals existed in all four corners and in between them. From the frozen Arctic regions to the tropical rainforests, the fiery deserts and the cool oceans and seas, animals can be found on almost every inch of our planet.

Depending on where these animals are found, they have certain adaptations which are different from their ancestors, which allow them to not only survive, but to thrive in their environments. 

The animals which live in the cold climates have adaptations which include: a very thick fur coat, layers of blubber or fat reserves, and some have the ability to desiccate (dry off, or remove moisture). Others cope by hibernating, digging underground, moving to warmer areas during the winter or changing the color of their coat to dissuade predators.

How well do you the animals which come from the coldest regions of the world? If you were given pictures of these animals, would you be able to guess their names or even tell which part of the world they come from? Only 7 percent of the population can. Will you be among them? Take this quiz to find out!

Arctic Fox
What is the name of this animal?
Fennec fox
Arctic fox
The arctic fox, also known as the white or polar fox, is a small fox which can be found throughout the arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, known to reach temperatures as low as -55 degrees Fahrenheit. Their fur keeps them warm in the cold environments and provides camouflage from predators.
Red crested turaco
Zenaida dove
Arctic hare
What is the name of this animal?
Fallow deer
Arctic hare
The arctic hare, sometimes called the polar rabbit, is a species of hare which is found in cold and icy biomes around the world, specifically the Arctic tundra. It survives the cold weather by digging holes in the ground. Twenty percent of its body is composed of fat, providing further insulation for this animal.
Hawksbill turtle
Leopard Seal
What is the name of this animal?
Leopard seal
The leopard seal, sometimes called the sea leopard, is a large predatory species of seals found in parts of Antarctica, along with many other earless seals. They feed on many species of penguins as well as other seals and are also known to attack humans.
Rufous hornero
Red kangaroo


Arctic wolf
What is the name of this animal?
Black eagle
Karabakh horse
Royal Bengal tiger
Arctic wolf
The arctic wolf is a subspecies of the grey wolf found on the Queen Elizabeth Islands in Canada. They are smaller than their wolf ancestors, which can likely be attributed to the hybridization of wolves and dogs.
What is the name of this animal?
Magpie robin
European bison
The reindeer, also known as Caribou in some parts of the world, is a species of deer found in the arctic, subarctic and mountainous regions of North America, Siberia and Europe. In some populations, both the male and female grow antlers, which vary in size according to species and sex.
What is the name of this animal?
Baird's tapir
Keel-billed toucan
Pacific walrus
The pacific walrus is a subspecies of walrus found in the Bering, Laptev and East Siberian Seas. These marine mammals rely on sea ice for resting during their foraging periods, making them very susceptible to climate change and global warming.


Gentoo penguin
What is the name of this animal?
Gentoo penguin
The Gentoo penguin is a species of penguin that was first seen on the Falkland Islands in 1781. They are known mostly for their long tails and wide, white stripes which extend across the top of their heads. They are also known for the loud trumpeting noise they use to communicate with each other.
North American beaver
What is the name of this animal?
Canadian horse
The moose is a large species that belongs to the deer family and is found in many temperate and subarctic forests across the Northern Hemisphere. Because of the loss of habitat, they are mostly found in Canada, Alaska, New England and Russia.
Giant panda
Red-crowned crane
Dall sheep
What is the name of this animal?
Andean condor
Dall sheep
The Dall sheep is a subspecies of thinhorn sheep found in the mountain ranges and cliffs of Alaska. They have become popular for their massive curled horns and their thick winter coats which are capable of growing up to two inches in thickness.


What is the name of this animal?
Narwhals, often called "the unicorn of the sea,” are porpoises found in the coastal waters and rivers of the Arctic, mainly around Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Their ivory-colored tusks, which are capable of growing up to nine feet in length in males, are believed to be used in mating rituals.
White-tailed deer
West Indian manatee
Arctic Ermine
What is the name of this animal?
Pine marten
Arctic ermine
The Ermine, sometimes called "arctic ermine,” is a small mammal that belongs to the weasel family and is found in the Arctic and subarctic regions of Asia, Europe and parts of North America. Because of their popularity in the fashion industry, they have become one of the most hunted animals.
Cuban trogon
Cypriot mouflon
Siberian Tiger
What is the name of this animal?
Siberian tiger
The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, is a species of tiger which can be found in the Sikhote Alin mountain region in Russia. It has a rusty-red coat with black transverse lines and an estimated total population of 560 in the wild.
Mute swan
Small tortoiseshell
Steppe eagle


What is the name of this animal?
Snowy Owl
Arabian camel
A lemming is a small animal that belongs to the rodent family and can be found in Arctic biomes. This herbivorous animal, which grows up to 6 inches in length, does not hibernate in the winter. Instead, it burrows through the snow and uses pieces of grass to store food.
What is the name of this animal?
White tiger
Whooper swan
Beluga whale
The Beluga whale, sometimes called the white whale, is a marine mammal found in the subarctic and arctic regions of the world. Because it has adapted to living in colder waters, it is different from the other cetaceans (dolphins and other whales), as it lacks dorsal fins and has a protuberant head.
Holly blue
Musk ox - polar
What is the name of this animal?
European perch
Seven-spot ladybird
Eurasian oystercatcher
Musk ox
The musk ox is a mammal from the Bovidae family found in parts of Greenland, Canada, North America, Siberia, and Scandinavia. They are known for their extremely thick coats and musky odor, which the males use to attract females during mating season.


Polar Bear
What is the name of this animal?
Gallic rooster
Polar bear
The polar bear is a carnivorous bear found in the arctic circle. It is said to be closely related to the brown bear but has many adaptations that allow it to live in cold weather. This marine mammal is now threatened due to habitat loss by global warming and climate change.
Sea Otter
What is the name of this animal?
Sea otter
The sea otter is one of the smallest marine mammals. It belongs to the weasel family. Unlike other marine mammals, sea otters have dense fur to keep them warm, instead of a layer of blubber.
Bengal tiger
Indian peafowl
Snowshoe Hare
What is the name of this animal?
King cobra
Snowshoe hare
The snowshoe hare, sometimes called the snowshoe rabbit, is a species of hare found in parts of North America. During the winter season, their fur color goes from rusty brown to white as a form of camouflage.
Grey wolf
Komodo dragon


Greenland Shark
By: One World One Ocean via Youtube
What is the name of this animal?
Ganges river dolphin
Persian lion
Chukar patridge
Greenland shark
The Greenland shark, otherwise known as the gurry shark, is a large shark found in the waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. This shark has one of the longest lifespans, which can last anywhere from 270 to 510 years. It's meat also contains high levels of toxins, making it inedible to humans.
What is the name of this animal?
Red-billed streertail
Green phaesant
The Wolverine, also known as the skunk bear or quickhatch, is the largest member of the weasel family. Wolverines are found in subarctic and alpine areas in parts of Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Europe. These carnivores have a reputation for their ferocity and ability to kill animals much larger than them.
Parasitic jaegar
What is the name of this animal?
White wagtail
Parasitic jaeger
Parasitic jaegers, sometimes known as the arctic skua, are birds found in the cold regions of North America, Scotland and the British Isles. It earned its name because it attacks other birds midair forcing them to drop their food, then later stealing it for themselves.
Two-spotted ladybird


What is the name of this animal?
Orcas, sometimes called the killer whale, is a toothed whale that belongs to the dolphin family. They are found in all types of waters, from the Arctic to the tropical seas. They are known for feeding on other marine mammals, including seals and dolphins.
White stork
Ring-tailed lemur
Arctic Tern
What is the name of this animal?
Malaysian tiger
Pharaoh hound
Arctic tern
The Arctic tern is a migratory species of birds found in the subarctic and arctic regions of Europe, North America, and Asia These birds are known for flying over 40,000 miles on their annual round trip. They are also known for living as long as 30 years.
Bearded seal
What is the name of this animal?
Golden eagle
Bearded seal
The bearded seal, also known as the square flipper seal, is an earless pinniped and the largest species of arctic seals found in and around the Arctic Ocean. Its name is a nod to the abundance of whiskers on its face, which curl up when dry.


Red flat bark beetle
What is the name of this animal?
Red flat bark beetle
The red flat bark beetle comes from the Cucujidae family and is found in the arctic regions of Alaska and Canada. They are able to desiccate 40 percent of their body weight during the winter as well as using other anti-freeze proteins to stay warm.
Canada Goose
What is the name of this animal?
Canada goose
The Canada goose is a wild species of goose known for its black head and neck, white cheeks and under the chin, and brown body. They are found in artic regions of North America but later migrate to parts of northern Europe, where they are one of the most commonly-hunted birds.
Black-tailed godwit
Brunnich's Guillemot
What is the name of this animal?
Fennec fox
Fjord horse
Brunnich's Guillemots
The Brunnich's guillemot, sometimes called the thick-billed murre, is a bird found in the polar and sub-polar regions of the Northern hemisphere. They live in colonies on cliffs where the temperature drops below 8 degrees Celsius.


Harp seal
What is the name of this animal?
Harp seal
The harp seal is an earless seal found in the northernmost regions of the Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic Ocean. They are known for their silvery-grey body, black eyes, and wishbones on their back. These seals are quite large and can weigh up to 420 pounds.
Arabian oryx
Indian crocodile
Rock ptarmigan
What is the name of this animal?
Snow leopard
Shaheen falcon
Harpy eagle
Rock Ptarmigan
The rock ptarmigan, also known as the snow chicken, is a member of the grouse family found in parts of the U.K., the U.S., and Canada. Like some animals, they are seasonally camouflaged. Their feathers go from white in winter to brown during spring and summer.
What is the name of this animal?
Puffins include three species of birds, all of which are known for their brightly-colored beaks. One of the species, the Atlantic puffin, can be found in the North Atlantic Ocean where they live in large colonies on offshore islands and coastal cliffs.


Snow owl
What is the name of this animal?
Snow owl
The snow owl is a white and black owl found in the Arctic regions of Eurasia and North America. These ground nesters are known for hunting waterfowl as well as, on occasion, eating the decaying flesh of dead animals.
Brown bear
White-tailed eagle
White Stork
Upis beetle
What is the name of this animal?
Upis beetle
The Upis beetle is a beetle known for living in fire-damaged trees. They are only found in Canada, Alaska, and the Norrland coast of Sweden. They are able to live in temperatures below freezing due to proteins in their bodies.
Philippine eagle
European bison
St. Vincent parrot
Snow Goose
What is the name of this animal?
Snow goose
The snow goose, also known as the light goose, is a North American species of goose known for its white plumage. They are also found in Greenland, Alaska, Canada, and parts of Siberia. They fly to Texas and Mexico to avoid the harsh winters, only to return in spring to nest.
Blue crane
Siberian tiger


What is the name of this animal?
Korean magpie
Sri Lankan junglefowl
Arabian oryx
The Chinchilla is a rodent species native to the Andes Mountains in South America, where they live at elevations exceeding 14,000 feet. They have very dense fur which helps to keep them warm and is often used in the fashion industry.
Canadian lynx
What is the name of this animal?
Canadian lynx
The Canadian lynx is a member of the cat family and is found all across Canada and some parts of Alaska and the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. They have a very dense silvery-brown coat which helps them to stay warm and provides camouflage.
Grey wolf
Ringed seal
What is the name of this animal?
Peregrine falcon
Ringed seal
The ringed seal, sometimes called the jar seal, is a small, earless seal that inhabits the waters from the Arctic Ocean to the Bering Sea to the Okhotsk Sea off the northern coast of Japan. Its name comes from the light grey rings surrounding dark spots on its body.


Wiki Commons By Arnstein Rønning
What is the name of this animal?
Ruffed grouse
The ruffed grouse is a species of medium non-migratory birds found in the Appalachian Mountains, and across Canada to Alaska. They typically stay in brushy areas or areas where aspen trees are abundant.
Bald eagle
American bison
Fennec fox
Arctic ground squirrel
What is the name of this animal?
Fallow deer
Red kangaroo
Magpie robin
Arctic ground squirrel
The arctic ground squirrel, known as parka to the native people, is a species of ground squirrels native to northern Canada, Alaska, and Siberia. These diurnal animals live in areas with sandy soil which allow them to dig easily when hiding from predators.
Eurasian lynx
What is the name of this animal?
Keel-billed toucan
Giant panda
Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx is a cat which is the largest of the lynx species. It can be found in parts of Siberia, Europe, and Asia. They inhabit the colder rugged forests where they prey on smaller species like rabbits, rodents, red foxes and young moose.


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