93% of People Can't Name All of These Dangerous Reptiles from an Image. Can You?

By: J.P. Naomi
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
93% of People Can't Name All of These Dangerous Reptiles from an Image. Can You?
Image: shutterstock

About This Quiz

Think those lizards and turtles are cute? Think again...they can be just as dangerous as pythons, alligators and crocs! 

You see, hundreds of species of reptiles have been around for centuries. And while most are not harmful, this quiz will show you 50 that are so dangerous, you'll want to think twice before stepping any closer. From the green iguana to the gaboon viper, we'll show you the Gila monster and forest cobra! Each of these reptiles has their own way of protecting themselves and their own way of hunting prey. Don't worry though, most aren't interested in eating humans (alligators and crocodiles excluded!). All, however, are out to protect their territory and their young. If you advance or find yourself stepping into their space, you better be ready for the consequences! They may not be the fastest, but they can certainly be the strongest. They may not be the biggest, but their venom...well that can be the deadliest! Your best bet? Stay clear!

So, do you think you are brave enough to take this quiz? Or will these dangerous scaly creatures rattle you? It's time to leave the safety of your couch and travel to these risky reptile territories across the world! Good luck!

Salt Water Crocodile
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Salt Water Crocodile
The saltwater crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles, as well as the largest riparian predator in the world. Adult males can reach up to 20 feet and weigh 2,200 pounds. However, adult females are just about half that size.
Philippine Cobra
Saw Scaled Viper
King Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Salt Water Crocodile
Mexican Beaded Lizard
King Cobra
The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake. The longest known king cobra measured was 19.2 feet long!
American Crocodile
Green Iguana
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Green Iguana
The green iguana is also known as the American iguana. It is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard of the genus Iguana. It is native to Central, South America, and the Caribbean. They are sometimes kept as pets in some households!
Blue Krait
Big-Headed Turtle


Marine Iguana
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Marine Iguana
This species of iguana is found only on the Galápagos Islands. The marine iguana is completely protected under the laws of Ecuador and is listed under CITES Appendix II. And yes, they have a decidely nasty bite.
Belcher's Sea Snake
South American Bushmaster
Big-Headed Turtle
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Komodo Dragon
Big-Headed Turtle
Big-headed turtles are found in Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. These creatures are known to climb trees and bushes and use their beaks to assist them when climbing.
Common Death Adder
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
Belcher's Sea Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Gaboon Viper
American Crocodile
Belcher's Sea Snake
The belcher's sea snake ranges from about 20 to 40 inches in length as an adult. Its head is short and its mouth is very small, but it is still suitable for aquatic life.
Russell's Viper


Reticulated Python
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Big-Headed Turtle
Green Iguana
Reticulated Python
The reticulated python is the world's longest snake and longest reptile! Though they are nonvenomous, they have been known to kill people by strangling, or in one documented case...eating them! Yikes!
Gila Monster
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Common Water Monitor
Big-Headed Turtle
Peron's Sea Snake
Gila Monster
The Gila monster is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexican state of Sonora. It is slow-moving and the only venomous lizard native to the U.S. As far as its bite? It's not called a "monster" for nothing.
Black Banded Sea Krait
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Black Mamba
Forest Cobra
Black-Banded Sea Krait
The black-banded sea krait is also known as the Chinese sea snake. It is found mostly in the warm waters of the western Pacific Ocean and frequently visits coral reef areas! It is too slow to catch fish so it attempts to hunt them by hiding in the coral.


What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
American Crocodile
Red-Bellied Black Snake
Rattlesnakes receive their name from the rattle located at the end of their tails. This rattle makes a loud rattling noise when vibrated and in turn, it deters predators and serves as a warning to passers-by.
Blue Krait
Saw Scaled Viper
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Saw-Scaled Viper
The saw-scaled vipers is also known as a carpet viper. These reptiles are found in the dry regions of Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka. They are known for causing the most snakebites and deaths in the world!
Big-Headed Turtle
King Cobra
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Snapping Turtle
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Common Krait
Alligator Snapping Turtle
The alligator snapping turtle is a species of turtle in the family Chelydridae, and it is native to freshwater habitats in the United States. This turtle is one of the heaviest freshwater turtles in the world!
Gila Monster
Belcher's Sea Snake


Crocodile Monitor
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Crocodile Monitor Lizard
Varanus salvadorii is the scientific name for this species of monitor. It is the largest monitor lizard known from New Guinea, and is one of the longest lizards in the world with a length of up to eight feet!
American Crocodile
Forest Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Forest Cobra
Despite its name, the forest cobra is highly adaptable and is a very capable swimmer. Its feeding habits are rather general - eating anything from large insects to small mammals or even other reptiles.
Gila Monster
Big-Headed Turtle
Tiger Snake
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake
The yellow-bellied sea snake is found in tropical oceanic waters around the world, excluding the Atlantic Ocean. It can uptake up to 33 percent of its oxygen requirements through the skin while diving and swimming at the surface of the water.
Common Water Monitor
Tiger Snake
Western Australian Tiger Snake


Chinese Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
Marine Iguana
Chinese Cobra
Just like the name suggests, these cobras are found mostly in southern China and nearby nations and islands. In Mandarin Chinese, the snake is known as Zhōnghuá yÇŽnjìngshé.
Inland Taipan
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
American Crocodile
The American crocodile species is the most widespread of the four extant species of crocodiles from the Americas. There are an estimated 2,000 American crocodiles living in the United States today!
Belcher's Sea Snake
Komodo Dragon
Common Water Monitor
Nile Monitor
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Black Mamba
Salt Water Crocodile
Many-Banded Krait
Nile Monitor
Nile Monitors are found most everywhere in Africa, except in the west. They have muscular bodies, strong legs, and powerful jaws. Their teeth are sharp and pointed when young and become blunt and peg-like in adults.


Komodo Dragon
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Many-Banded Krait
Komodo Dragon
The Komodo dragon is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Padar. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing up to 10 feet long and reaching 150 pounds.
Coastal Taipan
Beaked Sea Snake
Black Mamba
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Black Mamba
The black mamba is a highly venomous snake endemic to parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Their skin varies in color from grey to dark brown and they are the longest species of venomous snake indigenous to the African continent.
Green Iguana
Marine Iguana
Gaboon Viper
Soft-Shelled Turtle
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Beaked Sea Snake
Giant Tortoise
Soft-Shelled Turtle
The bite of this so-called "soft" turtle is anything but! It can easily break a bone - or worse. Did you know that many soft-shelled turtles must be submerged in water in order to swallow their food? But the tides do turn... in some East Asian countries, they are actually eaten as a delicacy!
Mexican Beaded Lizard


Indian Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Indian Cobra
This snake is revered in Indian mythology and culture and is often seen with snake charmers. Indian cobras are now protected in India under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.
Marine Iguana
Saw Scaled Viper
Many-Banded Krait
Red-Bellied Black Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Red-Bellied Black Snake
The Pseudechis porphyriacus is one of Australia's best-known snakes. It is commonly seen in urban areas along the country's eastern coast. The species name is derived from the Ancient Greek porphyreus, which can mean "dark purple," red-purple" or "beauteous."
Coral Snake
Mata Mata Turtle
Common Water Monitor
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Common Water Monitor
The common water monitor is a large lizard native to South and Southeast Asia. It was first described by Josephus Laurenti in 1768 and is among the largest squamate lizards in the world.
Black Mamba
Reticulated Python
Common Death Adder


Death Adder
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Common Death Adder
Death adders possess the longest fangs of any Australian snake. They are found in forests, woodlands, grasslands and heaths along the eastern coast of Australia and they are masters at camouflaging themselves!
Soft-Shelled Turtle
Many-Banded Krait
Philippine Cobra
Mata Mata Turtle
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Belcher's Sea Snake
Soft-Shelled Turtle
Mata Mata Turtle
The mata mata is a freshwater turtle found in South America, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. This turtle was first described by French naturalist Pierre Barrère in 1741 as a "large land turtle with spiky and ridged scales."
Crocodile Monitor
Mexican bearded lizard
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Mexican Beaded Lizard
Adult beaded lizards range from 22 - 36 inches in length. They are substantially larger than the Gila monster, which only grows to lengths of 12 to 22 inches. These lizards are found primarily in Mexico and Guatemala and feed mainly on bird and reptile eggs.
Saw Scaled Viper
Beaked Sea Snake
Coastal Taipan


Eastern Brown Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Eastern Brown Snake
Caution! The eastern brown snake is considered the second-most venomous land snake in the world! This snake is responsible for about 60 percent of snake-bite deaths in Australi.
Coastal Taipan
Many-Banded Krait
Rhinoceros viper
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Western Australian Tiger Snake
Saw Scaled Viper
Gila Monster
Rhinoceros Viper
Found in the forests of West and Central Africa, the rhinoceros viper is a large viper known for its striking coloration and prominent nasal "horn."
Tiger Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Philippine Cobra
Belcher's Sea Snake
Black Tiger Snake
The black tiger snake is only found on the island of Tasmania. Its diet consists of frogs, small mammals, lizards and other snakes. They use their forked tongue to detect food in underground burrows too!
Many-Banded Krait


Western Australian Tiger Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Western Australian Tiger Snake
Talk about dangerous! These snakes give birth to 20 - 30 live young! They usually mate in spring when it is in the warmer seasons and will give birth to live young in summer. Watch your step in Western Australia!
Blue Krait
Philippine Cobra
Jameson's Mamba
South American bushmaster
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Many-Banded Krait
South American Bushmaster
Not only is this species of pit viper found in South America, it is also found on the island of Trinidad and Tobago. It is the third-longest snake in the world as most grow up to 8-10 feet.
Giant Salamander
Coral Sea Snake
Coastal Taipan
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Reticulated Python
Coastal Taipan
The coastal taipan is also called the common taipan. It is native to the coastal regions of northeast Australia and New Guinea. According to most toxicological studies, this species is the third-most venomous land snake in the world based on its murine LD50!
Soft-Shelled Turtle


Leatherback Sea Turtle
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Simply known as the luth, the leatherback sea turtle is the largest of all living turtles and is the fourth-heaviest modern reptile. They may be known as gentle giants, but those who underestimate them will be very sorry if they don't watch out for that bite! The species is said to have existed since the first true sea turtles evolved more than 110 million years ago.
Beaked Sea Snake
American Crocodile
Black-Necked Spitting Cobra
Beaked Sea Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Burmese Python
Big-Headed Turtle
Beaked Sea Snake
Beaked Sea Snake is also known as the hook-nosed sea snake. These snakes are active both during the day and at night. They are able to dive up to 100 meters and stay underwater for five hours before resurfacing.
Common Krait
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Garter snake
Salt Water Crocodile
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Common Krait
The common krait is also called the Indian krait or blue krait. They are found in the jungles of the Indian subcontinent, and are a member of the "big four" species, inflicting the most snakebites on humans in India.


Black Necked Spitting Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Jameson's Mamba
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Black-Necked Spitting Cobra
The black-necked spitting cobra is found mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. They are moderately sized snakes that can grow to a length of 3.9 to 7.2 feet and they eject venom from their fangs when threatened!
Russell's Viper
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Forest Cobra
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Russell's Viper
Russell's viper was named in honor of Patrick Russell, a Scottish herpetologist, who first described many of India's snakes. The name of the genus comes from the Hindi word meaning "that lies hid," or "the lurker."
Banded Krait
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Common Water Monitor
Peron's Sea Snake
Jameson's Mamba
Many-Banded Krait
The many-banded krait is also known as the Taiwanese krait or the Chinese krait. It is a highly venomous species of elapid snake found in much of central and southern China and Southeast Asia.


Jameson's Mamba
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Mexican Beaded Lizard
Jameson's Mamba
Jameson's mamba is a species of quick, highly arboreal and highly venomous snake of the family Elapidae. The species is endemic to Africa and was first described by Thomas Traill in 1843.
Green Iguana
Gaboon Viper
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Tiger Snake
Jameson's Mamba
Gaboon Viper
The Gaboon viper species is found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. Their fangs are very large, up to two inches in length, and they have the highest venom yield of any snake!
Chinese Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Komodo Dragon
The tuatara name comes from the Māori language and means "peaks on the back." They come from a distinct lineage of the order Rhynchocephalia - of which all other species are extinct.
American Crocodile
Belcher's Sea Snake


What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
The rinkhals is also known as the ring-necked spitting cobra - though it is not a true cobra. It belongs to the monotypic genus Hemachatus instead. Its main prey is toads, but it has been known to eat small mammals and other reptiles as well.
Garter snake
Blue Krait
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Blue Krait
The blue krait is also known as the Malayan Krait. It is a highly venomous species of snake and a member of the elapid family - elapid meaning "sea-fish" in Ancient Greek.
Indian Cobra
King Cobra
Philippine Cobra
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Inland Taipan
Philippine Cobra
The Philippine cobra is a stocky, highly venomous species of spitting cobra native to the northern regions of the Philippines. The Philippine cobra is called "ulupong" in Tagalog!
Jameson's Mamba


Fer de Lance
Wiki Commons by Bernard DuPont
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Coastal Taipan
Soft-Shelled Turtle
The Bothrops asper species is a highly venomous pit viper found along the route from southern Mexico to northern South America. They are often found near human habitations and are the main cause of snakebites in the region.
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Peron's Sea Snake
SC Videos
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Peron's Sea Snake
Known as an acalyptophis in the scientific world, Peron's sea snake is the only sea snake with spines on the head! It is venomous and named in honor of François Péron.
Forest Cobra
Gila Monster
Indian Cobra
Tiger Snake
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Reticulated Python
Tiger Snake
The common tiger snake has a flat, blunt head, slightly distinct from a robust body. Its base colors are brown, grey olive, or green with lighter crossbands usually of creamy yellow.
Marine Iguana


Inland Taipan
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Reticulated Python
Gila Monster
Inland Taipan
The inland taipan is also known as the western taipan, or the fierce snake. It is THE most venomous snake in the world and is predominantly found in central east Australia.
South American Bushmaster
What is the name of the dangerous reptile seen here?
Burmese Python
The jararaca is a species of pit viper endemic to southern Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina. Did you know: one of the drugs used to treat hypertension was developed from a peptide found in the venom of this species? Still wouldn't want to be bitten by them though!
King Cobra
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