93% of People Can't Name These Breathtaking Sites From Around the World! Can You?
By: Jody Mabry
4 min
Image: Shutterstock
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Are you a world traveler? Or do you like to page through magazines, imagining where you'll travel one day? Then this quiz is for you. It's amazing how many spectacular monuments there are to visit on this Earth. From the breathtaking artistic perfection of the Taj Mahal to the impressive feat of engineering of the Great Wall of China, the diversity of historic riches is astounding. See how clever you are when it comes to identifying structural wonders of the world from above. Take this quiz now. But hurry, you may start packing your bags before you finish!
From the heights of Machu Picchu to the depths of the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin, (discovered when a well was dug), there are so many wonders that grace the land. But the question is, can you beat 93 percent of people who remain at a loss when seeing these amazing sights from above? Sure, the Eiffel Tower is easy, but can you identify Map the Miner, also known as Map Kernow or Son of Cornwall, a sculpture that honors the mining history of Kapunda, Australia? Well, you won't know until you give it a try. Start your sightseeing now by taking the quiz.ÂÂ
Which breathtaking monument is shown here?
Sky Tower
Space Needle
Big Ben
Eiffel Tower
Though Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel is most often credited with the design of the tower, it was actually a concept from his employee, Maurice Koechlin. The tower made its debut at the 1889 World's Fair in Paris.
Perhaps the most famous ruins in the world, the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt were built between 2550 and 2490 BC. Three different Pharaohs were involved in their construction - Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. These impressive structures served as burial chambers for the Pharaohs as they journeyed to the afterlife. Of the wonders of the ancient world, only the Pyramids remain.
Some say the Taj Mahal is a memorial of love since it was built following the death of Mumtaz Mahal, wife of Shah Jahan, ruler of most of northern India. Legends say the architect's hands were cut off to prevent him from reproducing any structure in its likeness. Taj Mahal means "crown palace."
The Great Wall of China is an extremely impressive feat of engineering. It is over 13,000 miles in length and was built as a defensive wall. It took over 2,300 years to build and spanned five Dynasties. The wall was even added to in the 1950s. It remains one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world with certain sections receiving 70,000 visitors per day.
Edouard de Laboulaye was a political Frenchman who admired the democracy of the U.S. His motivation for suggesting a monument as a gift to the U.S. to celebrate the perseverance in freedom, was the hope that the French would pull away from the monarchy system and be inspired to create their own democracy.
The Colosseum in Rome was completed in 80 AD after it was commissioned eight years earlier by Emperor Vespasian. Its construction was a gift to the Roman people. The Colosseum was used for the next 400 years. Gladiator fights, Christian persecution, as well as battles between wild beasts all took place here. And then it was left to fall into ruin with many stones used in its construction taken away and used elsewhere. Although only about 1/3 of the original structure remains, the Colosseum once measured 620 by 513 feet.
The Maman Spider stands or creeps at over 30 feet high and 33 feet wide. The Louise Bourgeois sculpture is made of bronze and steel, plus an egg sac with 26 marble eggs. Maman is a French word for mother.
Hadrian's Wall formed the most northwestern boundary of the Roman Empire. It was constructed on the orders of Roman Emperor Hadrian after he visited Britain in 122 AD. The wall itself is an impressive structure, made of stone and is over 73 miles long. The aim of the wall was to separate dangerous British locals from the Romans. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.
Found in Athens, the Acropolis is situated on a hill overlooking the city. It was commissioned by Pericles, a general and Greek statesman. Building began in 447 BC. It's centerpiece is the Parthenon, designed and built by some of the greatest tradesmen of the time, including sculpture Phidias who carved Zeus's statue at Olympus, one of the wonders of the ancient world.
One of the twin spiral staircases in the building has two extra steps to compensate for the lean. It contains seven bells, all halted for fear they will contribute to more leaning. The largest bell is over 8,000 pounds.
Big Ben survived a bombing attack during WWII. The name originally referred to just the bell, but later came to reference the clock in the tower as well. The bell received a crack just two months into its life, and the hammer was replaced three years later. The crack has never been fixed.
Bourgeois de Calais, or The Burghers of Calais, by the sculptor Auguste Rodin, commemorates part of the Hundred Years' War. Under French law, only twelve original casts can be made of any Rodin sculpture; there are copies of the whole group of six figures and some individual figures.
The Pieta is a Renaissance sculpture by the renowned artist, Michelangelo. The Carrera marble statue is on display at St. Peter's Basilica and is the only piece to which the famed sculptor ever signed his name.
The Berlin Victory Column, unveiled in 1873, is dedicated to those who fought in the Prussian War. From its observation deck, one can view all of Berlin.
Venus de Milo is most likely a sculpture of Aphrodite, known as the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology. The work was found damaged and her arms have never been recovered. She originally wore metal jewelry, long lost, and only the fastening holes remain. This marble masterpiece is part of the collection of the Louvre in Paris.
The Winged Victory of Samothrace, also known as the Nike of Samothrace, is an incomplete masterpiece. The artist's vision for the head and facial expression, for example, has been lost to time. Some parts have been reconstructed, including the right wing, which is a mirror image of a cast of the left wing.
Dog on the Tuckerbox is an homage to folk stories from early Australian pioneers and explorers. This particular story involves a dog guarding his master's tucker - or food supplies.
Located in Wiltshire in the United Kingdom, the ruins at Stonehenge are thought to date back to around 3100 BC. Although it is not known exactly for what it was used, speculation includes reasons ranging from sacrifice to astronomy. It wasn't all built at once. There are three distinct phases of construction which in all would have taken over thirty million hours of labor. The stones themselves are of a large variety and include bluestone, sarensen and Welsh sandstone.
Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is found in Peru and was once a major Inca city. Although Spain conquered much of the surrounding lands, they never even knew the city existed, thanks to the fact that it is situated high in the Andes mountains. In fact, the city stands at around 2,400 meters above sea-level. It was abandoned during the Spanish invasion and only discovered again in 1911.
The Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin is one of China's foremost tourist attractions. It was discovered in 1974 by accident when a well was dug in Lintong. The soldiers are all standing in rank and each has a unique facial expression. The discovery also yielded clay horses, wooden chariots, and various weapons. It is thought that Qin wanted the soldiers to accompany him into the afterlife.
Mount Nemrut is supposedly where the Biblical King Nimrod was laid to rest. Various stone statues were placed near the summit of Mount Nemrut, all seated, all of which have had their heads removed and scattered about, probably due to religious or political differences.
Teotihuacán is found in central Mexico and is dominated by two massive pyramids as well as a long avenue. It is the most popular ancient ruin in the country. The city was established between 150 and 200 AD. It hit its peak in 400 AD when it is thought over 200,000 people lived there. Evidence shows that in around 600 AD many of the bigger buildings were destroyed in a deliberate fire. This could indicate a change of leadership.
Located between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea in Jordan, Petra was once a thriving city. Parts of the city are carved into rock. It was a major center for trade and directly situated on routes between Egypt, Arabia, and Phoenicia. The Hollywood blockbuster, "ndiana Jones and the Last Crusade," was filmed here. At present, only 15 percent of the city has been excavated with much for archaeologists still to find.
Perhaps one of the most famous ruins in the world, the ancient Roman city of Pompeii gives us an extensive look at life during Roman times. The city itself was destroyed when the local volcano, Mount Vesuvius, erupted in 79 AD, covering the city in hot ash which killed over 2,000 people. Pompeii was rediscovered in 1748 and excavations have revealed much about the Roman way of life by providing virtually a complete, untouched Roman city from that time.
Carved into the mountainside in the Verde Valley in Arizona, this ruin is very well preserved. Around 600 years ago, it was the home of Sinagua Indians who lived in the area. The ruins themselves are five stories high and comprised of 20 rooms. The early settlers in the area named it Montezuma's Castle, believing that it must have been constructed by the Aztec emperor.
Sculpted by Rodin, The Age of Bronze is a life-sized nude male of no identifiable occupation or status. First displayed in 1877, it is also known as The Awakening Man or The Vanquished One.
This citadel is found deep within the Guatemalan rainforests. This important Mayan city was inhabited for over 500 years from 300 to 850 AD. It is estimated that during the height of its power and influence over the surrounding lands, around 50,000 people lived in, or close to the city. The site was discovered in the 19th Century and includes some impressive Mayan pyramids.
The temple complex at Angkor Wat was built during the lifetime of Suryavarman II (1112 - 1152). It is meant to be a replica of Mt Meru, the home of the Hindu gods. It is one of the world's largest religious buildings and has over 3,000 apsaras carved into its walls. These are considered to be heavenly nymphs.
A city on the Gulf of Tunis, Carthage came into existence around 9 BC and was founded by the Phoenicians. Over time, it became one of the most important trading posts on the Mediterranean. The city was destroyed by Rome in 146 AD and subsequently rebuilt. Today it provides important information into the way of life of that period and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Farnese Hercules is a representation of the Ancient Greek God Hercules, resting with the skin of a lion and a club. The marble sculpture, dated 216 AD, is believed to be a copy of an even older work.
These ruins, found in Zimbabwe, Africa are the largest set of ruins located south of the Sahara desert. It was here that a great culture built a massive city and lived in the area between the Zambezi and Limpopo river from the 11th to the 15th Century. The people who lived here were mostly cattle herders, although they also had incredible skill in metal working. Between 10,000 to 20,000 people lived in the city which is characterized by intricate sculptures of birds carved from soapstone.
The ruins of the once great city of Babylon lie in modern day Iraq, some 60 miles from Baghdad. It was home to one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Hanging Gardens. Today the ruins include part of the Ishtar Gate, although some construction by Saddam Hussein ruined part of the site. The former dictator of Iraq began construction of a palace on the same site as that of the famous king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar.
Found 80 km north of Bangkok in Thailand, Ayutthaya was a former Siamese kingdom. It is estimated that over 1 million people lived here. It was destroyed in the 18th Century by an invasion of the Burmese. The ruins include statues of Buddha, temples and three large palaces. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991.
The Parthenon is a temple found atop the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. It was used to worship the god, Athena. It cost 469 silver talents to build. This is difficult to put into current currencies but as a comparison, the biggest Greek warships of the day cost only 1 silver talent to construct. Construction on the Parthenon started in 447 BC and finished in 432 BC.
This statue depicts George Brown, a famous Canadian politician who was born in Scotland. He was one of the Fathers of Confederation and also the founder and editor of the Toronto Globe.
Translated to "Christ the Redeemer," the original design has Christ holding a cross in one hand and the world in the other. With collaboration between the two designers, Paul Lindowski and Silva Costa, the final product shows Christ with his arms outstretched and palms open.
Manneke Pis translates to "little man pee" and in its early years was used to distribute water to the people of the city. The little boy is dressed up to mark special events and occaasions.
Some believe Santorini to be the lost city of Atlantis. Approximately 1500 BC, the islands combined after a Volcano erupted, forming the circle that it is today. At the center of it all is the Orthodox Cathedral, founded in the 19th Century.
Construction began in 1506 with Julius II. The design was a Greek Cross designed by Donato Bramante. Construction leadership was handed down through a number of people, and the design was eventually modified to a Latin cross, but changed back to Bramante's design in 1527, before changing again to the Latin cross.
Aushwitz was the biggest Nazi concentration camp with an estimated more than one million people dying while imprisoned there. In 1944, a group of Jewish boys were killed for staging a revolt on the guards while carrying out their work removing corpses from the crematorium.
Map the Miner, also known as Map Kernow or Son of Cornwall, is a sculpture that honors the mining history of Kapunda, Australia. It was destroyed by fire in 2006, but it was rebuilt on the same site in just over a year.
The mermaid's look is a combination of the sculptor Edward Eriksen's wife (body) and a prima ballerina (head). She has been posed on the rock since 1913.
Construction on this building has been ongoing for over 130 years and is slated to be completed by 2026, though it probably won't be finished until 2040. By comparison, the Great Pyramid of Egypt only took 20 years to build.
Christ of the Abyss, near the Italian Riviera, is an underwater statue with arms stretched toward the heavens. The statue is a memorial to Italian diver Dario Gonzatti, who lost his life while scuba diving at that location in 1947.