Can You Identify All These Animals That Live in The United Kingdom?

By: Valerie
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Identify All These Animals That Live in The United Kingdom?
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About This Quiz

There are many similarities between the United States and the United Kingdom when it comes to the environment. Both have marshes, woodlands, highlands and lowlands, but there are differences, too. That's why some of these animals like the grizzly bear, beaver and otter you'll find in both ecosystems, whereas the stoats, slow worm and European wildcat are found in the UK.

However, if you are a lover of animals or are simply good at identifying animals from images, you'll do well on this quiz. But be forewarned, 98% of the people who take this quiz were not able to identify them all. Are you in the top 2 percent? Find out now by taking the quiz.

You'll also learn some fun facts along the way whether or not you answer the questions correctly. For instance, did you know the sand lizard is able to detach its tail from the rest of the body? It makes for a quick and surprising getaway when a predator has you by the tail. Stoats are the cutest animals ever, but just like skunks, they spray a bad-smelling fluid when they are in danger. You'll even learn about the Chinese water deer, which are quite small - usually, they weigh only 25 to 40 lbs. and that includes tusks! Ready to begin? Click the button below to start the quiz.

Sand Lizard
What animal is this?
Mountain hare
Sand lizard
Multicolored sand lizards can be found in many European countries, including the UK. They mostly eat insects, spiders and grasshoppers. It's easy to recognize them - sand lizards have stocky bodies with very long tails (up to 170% of body length) and can grow up to 4 ft long!
North Atlantic whale
European polecat
Slow worm
What animal is this?
Common bat
Slow worm
Despite their name, slow worms are not worms. They look more like snakes, but in fact, they are lizards. Just like other species, they can shed their tails and blink with their eyelids.
What animal is this?
Skomer vole
Common toad
Common toads are easily recognizable - unlike frogs, they have plenty of the dark warts on their body that can secrete powerful toxins when the toad is in danger.Moreover, common toads can change the tone of its skin, just like chameleons.
European hedgehog


What animal is this?
Stoats are the cutest animals ever, but just like skunks, they spray a bad-smelling fluid when they are in danger. Sometimes, stoats are called short-tailed weasels, but they are usually bigger than weasels and have a longer tail with a prominent black tip.
St. Kilda field mouse
Horseshoe bat
Grass snake
Red Squirrel
Wiki commons
What animal is this?
Long-eared bat
Basking shark
Marsh frog
Red squirrel
Brighter and smaller than other squirrels, red squirrel is a very attractive mammal. In addition to its vivid fur, the red squirrel has noticeable ear tufts and the famous big, fluffy tail.
Skomer Vole
What animal is this?
Skomer vole
Skomer vole is a species of rodent that comes from the island of Skomer, off the west coast of Wales. While voles can be found in many European countries, only water voles in the UK are dependent on living by water.
Roe deer


Natterjack Toad
What animal is this?
Natterjack toad
At first, natterjack toads look like other toads, but if you look closer, you can notice a yellow line down the middle of their back. Out of three native amphibian species in Ireland, they are the most threatened. In fact, natterjack toads were almost extinct for years, but made a huge comeback in 2014.
American mink
European Mole
What animal is this?
European mole
European (Northern) mole prefers habitats with soils deep enough to allow building a long and complicated underground tunnel system. They are medium-sized, have black, velvety fur, and tiny eyes usually hidden by fur.
Grey seal
Red fox
What animal is this?
Wood mouse
In 2014, wild beavers were seen in the UK for the first time in centuries. However, European beavers were once very common in England and Wales. Unfortunately, they were hunted to extinction by the 16th century for their fur, medicinal value and meat.
Field vole


Scottish Wildcat
What animal is this?
Blank vole
Common shrew
"Scottish” wildcat
An icon of the Scottish wild life, wildcat can be seen in clan heraldry since the 13th century. At first glance, they may look like domestic cats, but there are important differences. For example, the flat head, pointing ears, a bushy blunt-ended tail with dark rings, and distinctive stripes all distinguish the true wildcat from others.
Whiskered bat
What animal is this?
Wild boar
Whiskered bat
Small European bats with long fur can be found anywhere in the UK - from parks and gardens to apartment complexes and old houses. Whiskered bats are usually tiny and weigh only between 4 and 8 grams.
Killer whale
Brown rat
Fallow Deer
What animal is this?
Red squirrel
Fallow deer
There are around 60 species of deer in the world, including caribou, elk, moose and wapiti. The fallow deer has been ornamental species for years and can be found in many countries around the world. In fact, deer are native to all continents except for two - Australia and Antarctica.


St. Kilda Field Mouse
What animal is this?
St. Kilda field mouse
St. Kilda field mouse is a super-sized field mouse. In fact, it can grow up to twice the size of their mainland cousins. Despite the field mice thriving, the St Kilda house mice are now extinct. Because of the lack of food, it took only two years for them to die out.
Pine marten
Silka deer
Red Fox
What animal is this?
Noctule bat
Red fox
Cunning and intelligent solitary hunters, red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats. In fact, they can adapt to any environment and sometimes live in human environments as well, such as farms, suburban areas, small town, and even big cities. Red foxes can be found anywhere from forests to deserts on any continent.
What animal is this?
Grey seal
Walrus can be found on the remote islands in the Arctic and in subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. These mustached and long-tusked marine mammals are related to seals and sea lions.


What animal is this?
Pine marten
The nature's most adorable assassin, pine marten has chestnut-brown to dark brown fur with a creamy-yellow bib along with a long and fluffy tail. The European pine marten prefers to live in the mixed conifer and hardwood forests of the UK.
Wild boar
Brown rat
Gray Seal
What animal is this?
Grey squirrel
Common shrew
Field vole
Grey seal
There are two types of seal found in the UK - the common seal and the grey seal. The grey seal is one of the UK's most charming mammals; almost half of their global population can be found in coastal waters of the UK.
Marine Otter
What animal is this?
Wood mouse
Cute, thick-furred swimmers, otters are the only serious swimmers in the weasel family. They can be found all over the world! By the way, did you know that the last week in September is the Sea Otter Awareness Week?


European Wildcat
What animal is this?
Killer whale
Common bottlenose dolphin
European wildcat
European wildcats can be found in forested regions from Scotland to western Asia. They are big, have thick fur and, unlike domestic cats, are most active in the daytime.
Noctule bat
Eurasian Badger
What animal is this?
Eurasian badger
Badgers are not very popular in the UK. First of all, they are infamous for endlessly tunneling under lawns. Moreover, their noisy late-night passionate encounters can be really annoying.
Red fox
Wild Goat
What animal is this?
Horseshoe bats
American mink
Grey seal
Wild goat
Prominent symbols of national independence and an important part of the landscape of north Wales, wild goats have been around for more than 10,000 years. On the other hand, they can cause a lot of trouble from car accidents to damaging young trees.


Wild Boar
What animal is this?
Wild boar
Wild boar became extinct in the UK in the 17th century. However, not long ago, these animals re-emerged. Today, there are between 500 and 1,000 animals in the UK, mostly in Kent and East Sussex.
Red fox
Grey squirrel
What animal is this?
Sheep are amazing farm animals - they do not only produce meat and wool but also support the environment, UK landscapes and local communities. As of today, there are around one billion sheep worldwide. The Great Britain is home to 1/4 of the EU sheep flock.
Fallow deer
Feral Horse
What animal is this?
Common seal
Feral horse
A lot of people still think that there are plenty of wild horses roaming through the forests and countryside, but in reality there are almost no wild horses surviving today. All horses that are still roaming in the wild in the UK are either feral or semi-feral stock.
Brown rat


Chinese Water Dear
What animal is this?
Edible dormouse
Bank vole
Roe deer
Chinese water deer
Chinese water deer are really small - usually, they weight only 11-18 kg. Their tusks suggest that they are a very primitive form of deer that existed before deer with antlers that we know nowadays.
White Park Cattle
What animal is this?
Did you know that cows are officially the most deadly large animals in Britain? While they are usually docile creatures, they can be very dangerous! As many as 74 people have been killed by cows in the past 15 years, compared only to 17 people killed by dogs.
Wild boar
Elephant Shrew
What animal is this?
Water vole
The drew is a tiny mammal distantly related to the mole. While they almost look alike, there are a few key difference in their appearance and behavior.


Western European Hedgehog
What animal is this?
Brown rat
Western European hedgehog
The Western European hedgehog is a small, round animal with short legs, around 7,000 spines, and a small tail, which is around 5cm long. These mammals have been around for millions of years.
Killer whale
What animal is this?
Short-beaked common dolphin
Grass snake
Mountain hare
The mountain hare, also known as the blue hare, is native to Great Britain. They are generally smaller than other species, have a more rounded shape than the brown hare as well as shorter ears and legs.
Slow worm
What animal is this?
Sand lizard
Brown long-eared bat
European rabbit
Today, European rabbits exist in the wild on every continent except Asia and Antarctica, while their domesticated siblings can be found worldwide. While they are incredibly cute, they are invasive species, meaning that they can cause a lot of damage to agriculture and environment.


Eurasian Harvest Mouse
What animal is this?
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse is the smallest rodent in the UK, with small eyes, bright reddish fur, and tiny hairy ears. They also have a remarkable prehensile tail that helps them to climb tall stems.
Daubenton's bat
Horseshoe bats
Common seal
Black Rat
What animal is this?
Serotine bat
Black rat
The black rat originates from Asia, but today is distributed worldwide. While the black rat is usually associated with buildings in many countries, in Britain it tends to inhabit rocky mountains, shores and cliffs.
Soprano pipistrelle
Wood Mouse
What animal is this?
Pine marten
Wood mouse
The wood mouse is most common in woodland, hence the name. However, it can be also found in grassland and gardens. The wood mouse usually gathers food stores of berries and seeds in the autumn and keeps them underground or in old birds' nests.


Palmate Newt
What animal is this?
Palmate newt
Palmate newt is protected by law in all countries where it can be found. In some countries it considered to be extremely rare (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg) and common in other European countries such as the UK.
Roe deer
Field vole
Wood mouse
Puff Adder
What animal is this?
Killer whale
Adders are native to the UK. While the adder has the most developed venom-injecting mechanism, it's not dangerous - it usually uses it only as a last means of defense.
Common mole
Grass Snake
What animal is this?
Harbour porpoises
Grass snake
The grass snake is a non-venomous snake that can be commonly found in gardens in Britain. Sometimes, they can be confused with slow worms, which are not snakes at all but small, legless lizards.
Lesser horseshoe bat
American mink


Water Vole
What animal is this?
Water vole
The largest species of vole in Britain, water voles are sometimes mistaken for brown rats. While they do look alike, the water vole resembles a rat only at a first glance. Unlike a true rat, the water vole is chubby, has a rounder nose as well as hairy paws and ears.
Fallow deer
Red deer
Wild boar
Hoary Bat
What animal is this?
Soprano pipistrelle
Hoary bat
Hoary bats are considered to be the most beautiful among the species. While the hoary bat is a widespread American species, it's also pretty common in the UK.
Harvest mouse
Common shrew
Edible Dormouse
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What animal is this?
Edible dormouse
The edible dormouse appeared in the UK at the start of the 20th century after escaping from captivity. Its name comes from the ancient Romans, who ate them as a delicacy. They kept them in jars, pens or pots and fed them with chestnuts and acorns until they get fat.
Harbour porpoises
Lesser horseshoe bat
Harvest mouse


Grizzly Bear
What animal is this?
Mountain hare
Bank vole
Grizzly bear
Great Britain has lost almost all its native wildlife, especially its big animals - grizzly bears once roamed free in the UK. Today, only a few bears can still be found in Scotland and only in captivity.
Common shrew
American Mink
What animal is this?
Muntjac deer
Brown rat
American mink
Even though the American mink is the cutest little animal ever, it's an untamable, vicious creature. They are native to North America, but were introduced to the British Isles in the '60s when they escaped from fur farms.
Red Deer
What animal is this?
Red deer
One of the largest deer species, red deer has reddish brown fur during the summer and brown or gray during the winter. Stags have big, highly branched antlers. The more branches they have, the older the deer is.
Water vole
Field vole
Bank vole


Barn Owl
What animal is this?
Wood mouse
Barn owl
A barn owl is one of the most recognizable birds in the UK with no ear-tufts and a cute, heart-shaped face. These pale, white birds with dark eyes are closely associated with the Harry Potter series now.
Edible dormouse
Common shrew
Long-Tailed Honey-Buzzard
What animal is this?
Buzzards can be distinguished from others birds of prey by their broad wings and rounded tails when in flight. They are graceful, dangerous creatures. While they fly with slow heavy wing beats, they become incredibly fast when they see prey.
Sika deer
What animal is this?
Muntjac deer
As a result of changes in farming, numbers of kestrels declined significantly since the '70s. Today, they are included on the Amber List. On the other hand, they can easily adapt to any environments including man-made environments like big cities.


Polecat 1
What animal is this?
Pine marten
Noctule bat
These tiny weasel-like animals, just like skunks, produce a strong musky scent from anal glands when threatened or when they want to mark their territory.
Harvest mouse
What animal is this?
Weasels can be mainly found on mainland Britain, however they are absent from Ireland. Weasels are active both during the day and at night simply because they must consume up to a third of their body weight daily to survive.
Fallow deer
Little Owl
What animal is this?
Killer whale
Brown rat
Sika deer
Little owl
The little owl was introduced to the UK in the 19th century. Today it can be commonly seen in the daylight, usually on a tree branch, fence, or telegraph pole. The small owl is really tiny compared to others but has long, rounded wings. Unfortunately, little owl numbers are declining nowadays, with the UK population thought to be down by 24 percent between 1995 and 2008.


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