Am I Naughty?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Am I Naughty?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The difference between naughty and nice is often in the perception. What one person considers taboo another might consider a normal Sunday morning. It's also something a lot of people struggle with. Are your naughty tendencies too naughty? Are you still normal? What is normal anyway? At the end of the day, if you're comfortable with yourself and how you feel about what you do, and no one is being hurt, then it's probably all good. Your naughtiness is a part of you just like your hair color and your shoe size. The only thing you need to consider now is-are you really all that naughty?

Different people are definitely going to have different opinions on what qualifies as naughty. But if you think you have that little spark burning somewhere inside of you, then maybe it's worth exploring for a while. Maybe it's worth asking a few questions about what you think is naughty in the world and what isn't so we can get a better idea of just how naughty you truly are. After all, naughty or nice, it's always best to know who you are and how you feel about things to make your journey through life a little more exciting. So, if you want to find out just how naughty you are, take the quiz!

If grandma needed to use your phone to check her email, would you be OK with her scrolling through your browser history?
Grandma cannot use my phone ever
Of course!
Um. Lemme just check something first
I guess that would be mostly OK
Have you ever picked up a cucumber in the grocery store and found yourself giggling?
All the time
Why would I giggle?
Who me??
I'm not a child. I only smirk sometimes
If we were to take a peek in your nightstand drawer would we find anything noteworthy in there?
You probably don't want to look in there
I have a book
You might see something I'd rather you didn't
Nothing much in there, I'm afraid


Would you ever consider getting a little frisky in the great outdoors?
Consider? Already have
Oh goodness, no
Maybe, if I was somewhere private
I don't know how far I could go
If we looked through the pics on your phone would we find any that are a little more intense than PG-13?
You'd find a lot more intense than that
Not at all
There are definitely some things I don't need you seeing in there
Maybe one or two
On a Friday night when you're out with friends, are you drinking water or something a little stronger?
Much stronger
Maybe a soda
I might have a cocktail or two
I could have a glass of wine maybe


If your friends invite you on a weekend trip to Vegas, how tempted would you be to go?
I love Las Vegas!
I'm not sure it's the town for me
I could play some slots
I've never been but it sounds fun!
If your significant other was out of town, would you ever engage in a little dirty talk during a late night phone call?
Heck, I'd do that even if they were in town
I think a regular phone call is fine
That might be fun
Any phone call could get a little saucy, I suppose
If you're driving on a long, lonely stretch of highway with no one around, is there a chance you're going to start speeding?
Pedal to the metal, baby
Speed limits exist for a reason!
I might get some speed going
Yes, but only like 5 miles per hour!


If you and a special someone are in a hot tub together is there a chance you might do so in the buff?
Yay nekkid time!
That's not hygienic!
That sounds fun
That makes me a little nervous
Has there ever been a time when you were playing on the internet and you maybe got distracted by some naughty videos?
Pretty much every day
Sometimes, when the mood strikes
Oh, once or twice
What do you think of the word "moist?"
I love it
It's just a word
Sounds a lot dirtier than it is, doesn't it?
It's kind of gross


If you were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, is there a chance you'd flash the crowd for some beads?
Heck yeah! Pile those beads on!
Not a chance
I might consider it
That seems a little intense
Has there ever been a time in your life when perhaps you partook of some mind-altering substances?
There's a definite possibility
I don't do that
I can neither confirm nor deny this
I've been tempted but no
If you're in a relationship with someone, is kissing someone else cheating?
A kiss is harmless
Of course
What kind of kiss are we talking about
I think so


Do you have any skill when it comes to telling dirty jokes?
I know a few good ones
Not really
No, but I like hearing them
I wish!
How often do you find yourself peppering a conversation with innuendo?
It's a daily thing
Not that I know of
I don't find it too hard to do
Now and then I pop out a good one
If you were seeing someone who turned out to be just awful in bed, how would you handle that situation?
I don't think I could deal with that
There's more to love than just physical stuff
Maybe I could teach them
I'm not sure


Do you and your best friend discuss the dirty details of your love life?
All the time
I don't like to overshare
Within reason
I talk about my relationship but nothing too graphic
Have you ever been inspired to do a sexy dance for someone?
I'm pretty good at sexy dances
I have not
I've tried that before
I haven't but I could be
Do you know what it feels like to have handcuffs on your wrists?
I sure do
I've never been arrested!
Only in the bedroom
Just some joke ones


Is it possible you've ever called in sick to work just so you could go do something fun instead?
Much more than possible
No, that's deceptive
Once or twice
I've been very tempted
Do you have a sexy-time music playlist?
I do and it's amazing
I have some great playlists but not that kind
I have a few songs that get me in the mood
Well, there's one special song...
Have you and a partner ever made the sort of home movie you wouldn't want your folks to see?
I deserve an Oscar at this point
Why wouldn't my parents want to see?
I have but you couldn't tell it was me
I've thought about it


How open are you to the idea of a one-night stand?
I'm as open as open gets
I don't do that
I've had a few
I could imagine that happening
Does your mind ever drift to some dirty thoughts about friends or coworkers?
It's drifting that way all the time
Not really
I've definitely enjoyed some fantasies now and then
Hmm. Sometimes
Have you ever gotten in trouble for being a little too flirty?
Trouble? You could say that
More than once
I flirt a little but it's not bad


So what kind of underwear do you tend to wear most days?
Call me commando cuz I'm not wearing any
Normal underwear
Something sexy
Like ... the kind that covers your bits
Are public displays of affection the sort of thing you're into?
There'sno wrong place to get affectionate
A kiss never hurt anyone
Ooh, fun
Sometimes, within reason
Have you ever tried to use your sexuality to get what you want out of someone?
I mean ... charm is charm, right?
Oh no, that would be inappropriate
Hey, whatever works
It may have happened


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