Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess What Your Job Is

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess What Your Job Is
Image: 10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Random questions usually aren't as random as they seem. Anything can mean anything someone wants it to mean, and the way these questions are answered actually reveal a lot. The jobs people have can be very similar in how telling they are. This is how they get you with things like personality tests. You answer questions about how you were as a kid, what movies you like, and how you react to stressful situations, and they come back with a whole profile on you. 

When you really think about it, certain jobs really do take certain kinds of people. Someone who thrives in group situations probably wouldn't do well as an astronaut, just like someone who is more productive working alone wouldn't be able to focus in a bustling office setting.

Then there are those people who just take whatever job they can get, and that is a personality all in itself, believe it or not. That fight or flight mentality can cause people to take jobs they never would have otherwise, and ones that don't necessarily make them happy, but get the job done, so to speak. Answer this series of seemingly random questions, and we'll guess what job you have!

Do you keep track of your step count?
I don't need to, I'm always on the move.
Nah, I don't really care.
Yes, I like to know.
I always forget to check.
Did you have any nicknames growing up?
People always called me "mom" and not always in a good way.
I was just "that chick."
I tried giving myself one, but it didn't stick.
I wasn't cool enough.
How many of the books on your bookshelf have you actually read?
All of them! Some twice
About five
Most of them, but I keep buying new ones before reading the ones that are left
I'm not much of a reader.


Are you a doodler?
I don't have the time.
When I was a kid
Big doodler, I get bored.
I'm the talking version of a doodler.
Do you prefer being alone or with a group of people?
I love being around people.
Alone most of the time
I do best in a mix of the two, I need my downtime.
The more people the better.
Are you a sentimental person who keeps things, like cards?
I save everything.
I'm basically the opposite of sentimental.
I keep things for a while, then purge all at once.
I appreciate minimalism in my mind and my space.


When arriving at a party, how do you make your entrance?
By announcing what games I brought
I ask if I need to take my shoes off
I start with "Who wants a drink?"
If you had to give up one of your five senses, which one would it be?
Sense of smell
From where do you get your news?
The internet
The newspaper
My friends
I don't pay attention to the news.


Does anything scare you?
The usual, spiders and other crawly insects
The impending doom of death
Lies being spread about me that I can't disprove
Having to give up my current life for one reason or another
What do you get complimented on the most?
My patience
My coffee-making skills
My leadership abilities
My makeup
Would you accept help getting to the top of your empire?
You can't achieve things alone.
Only from certain people
Of course!
The help of others could propel you further than you ever imagined


If you could pay someone to do one thing that you hate doing, how much would you pay?
I wouldn't, I like doing things myself.
Depends what the thing is and how much time and aggravation it saves me
Do you have a particular sleeping position that you favor?
I'm a back sleeper.
Half on my stomach, half on my side
Mostly on my right side
Left side with one leg outside of the covers
What do you consider an unforgivable act?
Hurting a child
Being wasteful
Drinking and driving


Do you think world politics are on the right track?
I think they have much to learn.
There's definitely room for improvement.
I think it's none of my business.
I only pay attention to my country's politics.
What is the meaning of life?
To educate
To bring things to people they wouldn't otherwise have
To be happy
To constantly improve
Before your next milestone birthday, what is one thing you want to accomplish?
Get married
Visit Colombia
Inspire someone, like really inspire them
Have my own recipe book


Who is your biggest idol?
Maya Angelou
My mom
My boss from a previous job
Where do you think the future of dating is going?
Nowhere good
Hopefully back to the way it was before dating apps
I think it'll stay the same for a while.
I'm sure it will advance somehow with technology.
Imagine your favorite actor is in a new movie. Do you see it in theaters or wait for it to be on TV?
Theaters, for sure
If I have time to see it in the theater, I will see it there.
I like watching movies from the comfort of my couch.
I do like movies on TV, but they always cut out a lot out of them.


If you could have a superpower, would you want one?
I'd like to be able to make people be silent.
It's unnatural.
Maybe X-ray vision, but only for certain situations
Yes, I'd want to read minds.
What are you most proud of in life?
That I made it through school
That I've chosen to follow my own path, and actually followed it
My family
That I've learned to stick up for myself
Time travel isn't real (allegedly) but if it were, to what time period would you travel?
The 1950s
Paris in the '20s
I'd stay right here.
New York City in the '80s


On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy cooking?
What was it about your favorite teacher that made him/her your favorite?
She was extremely patient with those who didn't get things right away.
He was super chill and didn't care if we participated, as long as we passed the tests.
She taught me how to a leader should act.
He let us use our phones during class.
In a movie of your life, what's one thing you'd want left out?
My first kiss because it was so cringeworthy
All of middle school
Nothing, I'm an open book.
My hair freshman year of college


Using only one word, can you describe your family?
How do you like to spend your birthdays?
With all of my friends
On vacation with my significant other
Parties with my family, friends and coworkers
Getting drunk
No matter what job you have now, what is your dream job?
College professor
Travel writer


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