Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess Which Animal You Most Resemble

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess Which Animal You Most Resemble
Image: Stefan Cristian Cioata / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether you're a fan of cats, dogs, fish or cute squirrels, this quiz will bring out your true animalistic persona! It may be hard to believe, but humans and animals are not all that different from each other. In fact, we all tend to share similar positive and negative traits, and that's exactly what we're here to find out today. The real question is, what type of animal do you resemble the most? Maybe it's a type of pet you own, or perhaps it's an animal that lives within the depths of the ocean.

Here's a fun fact for you: Did you know that humans are actually mammals? That's right; we're not much different from bears, leopards, camels and hogs. But how is this possible? Well, for starters, both humans and mammals have fur. See those little hairs all over your body? They're used to keep you warm through chilly temperatures, and this same concept applies to animals too! Of course, some animals have pretty thick coats of fur, like arctic foxes, sea otters, muskoxen and chinchillas. But you're not just similar to these types of animals because of the fur, but also because of some of your personality traits. If you're hungry to find out more, answer some of our random questions now!

If you were an animal who could eat human food to survive, what type of food would you eat?
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fried chicken
Mac and cheese
How would you react if your friend wanted to take you on an impromptu road trip with them?
I would probably not be friends with a person like that.
I would need some time to think about it.
I would not want to go at all.
I would be excited about it.
Would you rather be on a plane for 10 hours or a boat for four hours?
I'll choose the plane.
It depends on who is keeping me company.
I'll take the boat.


Would it be more fun to breathe underwater or fly high in the sky?
Fly in the sky
Both sound scary
Breathe underwater
Both sound really fun
If you could transform into a hybrid of one of these legendary creatures, which one would you pick?
What would your reaction be if you saw the Loch Ness Monster with your own eyes?
I wouldn't really care.
I wouldn't know what to think.
I would question my eyesight.
I'd be terrified.


Which of these X-Men mutant abilities would you like to acquire for yourself?
Weather Manipulation
You've found yourself stranded on top of a mountain. How do you go about finding help?
I would try to send a message to another person through a device.
Knowing me, I wouldn't last long up there.
I would start to climb down the mountain.
I would try and find someone else on the mountain.
Would you pay $500 to meet your favorite celebrity?
No, that's too much money.
I don't know, I'd have to think about it.
It depends on how long I get to talk to them for.
Absolutely yes.


Which of these "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" would you like to visit first?
Colossus of Rhodes
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Great Pyramid of Giza
What sounds scarier: skydiving or shark cage diving?
Neither sounds that scary.
Shark cage diving
Both of them sound terrifying.
If you could hold planet Earth on the palm of your hand, how would it feel to you?
Like a cloud


What do you think of the following phrase by Edward Bulwer-Lytton: "The pen is mightier than the sword."?
I don't know what it means.
I think it's very true.
I disagree with this phrase.
I think the pen and the sword are both mighty.
Which of the following increases the value of a gift?
The brand that it's associated with
Who it came from
The cost of it
The thought behind it
Is it better to gain a new skill or remove two bad habits from your lifestyle?
I'm happy with the way I am.
Remove two bad habits
Why not both?
Gain a new skill


What is a human trait that cannot be taught?
What would feel worse: to forget your name or forget your past?
Knowing my memory, I've probably forgotten both already.
Forgetting my past would feel worse.
Forgetting my name
Both sound awful.
The road to success is different for everybody, but what does it look like to you?
My road is sharply curved.
My road is a little bit bumpy.
My road is exactly like a roller coaster.
My road is pretty straight and smooth.


Which of the following locations equates to a state of feeling calm and peaceful?
A bustling city
A zen garden
A tropical island
My own home
If your mind could absorb knowledge like a sponge, would this be a blessing or a curse to you?
Maybe a bit of both
It depends on how you look at this.
A curse
A blessing
Which of these "Alice in Wonderland" characters matches your personality the best?
The Mad Hatter
White Rabbit
Cheshire Cat


Everybody has a few masculine traits, but which of these do you think is more prominent in you?
Is there anything that makes you feel loved by other people?
No, not really.
I really like compliments.
I like handmade gifts and cards.
I like hugs and kisses.
Which of these historical figures would you share a cup of coffee with?
Alexander the Great
Albert Einstein
Leonardo da Vinci
Mahatma Gandhi


Your friend just had their heart broken by their significant other. What are you going to do to mend it?
Nothing at all
I'll cheer them up by taking them to a movie.
I'll make them a nice gift.
I'll hug them and tell them that everything is going to be OK.
Would you rather stay at home for 30 days straight or travel the world for 90 days straight?
Neither, just let me live my normal life.
I'd much rather stay at home than travel.
It depends on who is coming with me.
I'd love to travel the world for 90 days straight.
What is the driving force behind your decision-making skills?
My observational nature
My logic
My creative way of thinking
My intuition


If you could secretly transform into an animal, would you tell anybody about it?
I'm not sure, maybe I would.
Absolutely not
I would only tell a few close friends.
Yes, I would tell all of my friends and family.
Let's say that you can press a rewind button on your life. How far back would you want to go?
I'm fine where I am.
Five years
10 years or more
One year
Are you happy with the type of person you have become?
Not at all
Kind of, but I have a long way to go still.
Of course I am.
