Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess Your Zodiac Sign!

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Answer These Random Questions and We'll Guess Your Zodiac Sign!
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Ever think about the placement of the stars in the sky the day you were born? Astrology is the study of the cosmos and their pull on your corner of the earth at your birthdate and throughout your life. The month/season you were born shaped your personality traits and unique characteristics. Naturally, genes and your home environment may have meant conformity or suppression of some of those traits and characteristics, but they are there. And this fun quiz will help you reveal your true self and the zodiac sign that best represents your personality.

Would you describe yourself as gregarious, and open-minded like a Gemini? Or secretive and loyal like a Scorpion? If you are nurturing and caring, what sign best represents you? You'll be surprised at the accuracy of this entertaining quiz. The questions reveal more about you than you think! And knowing the zodiac signs like we do, we can match your answers to the sign that describes you to a T.

Are you new to the whole astrology thing? Have faith in history. Ancient Egyptians are believed to have developed the zodiac that was later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers understood how 12 lunar cycles (i.e., months) brought the sun back to the same position in the sky. Now that you know, it's time to go. Take the quiz right now.

Do you have a regret in your past that you think about often?
Regrets? I have a few...
I regret nothing.
I'm too self-centered to have regrets.
I worry about them all the time.
Are you creative?
I'm so creative, it's ridiculous.
I'm not creative, but I am passionate.
I'm a creative boss. Does that count?
No, I'm all work and no play.
Do you find that sometimes you feel one way, and other times you feel exactly the opposite?
Yes! That's me!
That sounds familiar.
I feel only one way, all the time.
Sometimes I feel shy, and other times I feel really shy.


Do you ever find that you are shy?
I'm not a shy person.
I shine too much for that.
The opposite
Do you find it difficult to voice opinions?
Not usually
Quite often
Is pride a problem for you?
No, I strike a good balance.
Not usually
All the damn time


Are you ruled by your passions?
Half the time
I am!
Only my passion for competition
I'm not a passionate person.
How resourceful are you?
If it takes creativity, I'm there.
As a leader, I always find the way.
If I'm given a task, I'll think hard on it and find a way.
Are you a jealous lover?
Only sometimes
No, because primarily, I love myself.
No, I'm a retiring lover.


Are you decisive?
Hell, no.
When it comes to leadership, I am.
Are you a natural leader?
I can be.
Maybe, but it's not what I ask for.
I always say I am.
I'm a natural follower.
Are you a health nut?
In fits and spurts
I'm all about pleasure when it comes to food.


Are you mysterious?
I'm an open book.
That's me!
I lay it all on the table.
There's no mystery here.
Do you have a sense of humor?
I have a good one.
I have a great one!
If you have a problem with my sense of humor, we're gonna fight.
I'm not known for it.
How well do you do with team sports?
Very well
I'm a crazy fan, does that count?
I'm good as long as I'm the team captain.
Sports! Too exciting for me...


Are you a good driver?
I'm easily distracted.
Only if it's a nice car.
I'm okay.
How adaptable are you?
I'm protean.
I do well.
It's my way or the highway.
I can't change who I am.
Do you ever find you neglect the people you love?
If anything, I'm too enthusiastic.
I couldn't do that to anyone.


How easily do you ask for what you want?
Usually, I say what I want.
I demand it.
Very easily
I can't say it easily.
Do you want to be a professional writer?
I could swing that.
I might do it.
Only if I can write about what I want.
Are you organized?
God, no.
I have a set of priorities.
I pay someone for that.
Yes, I am!


Are you constantly in need of intellectual stimulation?
Yes, I am.
No, I'm in need of passion!
No I'm in need of control.
I like intellectual stimulation.
Would you make a good manager?
No, I'm a loner.
Yes I would!
I would make a good boss.
No, I couldn't handle the responsibility.
Have you been accused of having an out of control ego?
By my exes
All the time
Gosh, never


How are you at multitasking?
I'm great at it.
I'd rather zealously handle one thing at a time.
I like to strategize and delegate.
I couldn't handle that.
Do you ever wear out your romantic partner?
Half the time I do.
All the time, wink wink.
No, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.
Are you competitive?
About half the time
I just want to be in charge.


Are you cheap?
No, I'm a bit of a spender.
Yes, I am.
I'm careful.
I don't spend money on myself, that's for sure...
How hard is it to decide between pleasure and practicality?
Not at all
It's easy, go with practicality.
Oh, I don't know... pleasure seems so self-centered.
Might you consider a career as a doctor?
Yes, if I can be an ER doctor.
It sounds too boring for me.
No, not for me.
I'd really like that!


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