Are You a Cat or Dog Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You a Cat or Dog Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: Fuse/Corbis/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Your Myers-Briggs personality type can help you understand your personality and temperament on a deeper level. Invented in the 1940s, the famous psychological exam can tell you exactly how you approach the world and the traits you use to do it. Lucky for you, it also can help you understand which type of household pet you're most similar to, be it a dog, cat, goldfish or hamster.

While our animal quiz might not be made from the same stuff as conventional psychological tests, we do feel that the answers you provide will give away both your Myers-Briggs type and your inner beast. It's the correlation of the two that sees you pawing or clawing your way through each day. Whether you're introspective or outgoing, trusting or not, we'll find the pet that speaks to your soul.

Make sure you use your animal instincts to choose the answers you feel represent you best. Will you be purring, swimming, running on a wheel or getting a belly rub when we're done? Take this quiz to find out which domesticated pet you really are! 

Are you the type of person who stops to help turtles cross the road?
I sure do!
They'll figure it out.
If it's safe to stop, I do.
Who doesn't stop for turtles?
Do you prefer crossword puzzles or video games?
I like Sudoku better than those.
I don't have the patience for either.
I really enjoy word games.
I love a good video game.
What pet food flavor makes you feel hungry?
Tuna salmon blend
Beef and barley
Shrimp and whitefish
Lamb and wild rice


Which animal are you most like when you first wake up?
Do you believe that nature or nurture is stronger?
Nature is clearly the only thing that matters in the end.
I think nurture is much stronger.
Nature is stronger, but nurture helps.
I think they have an equal effect on a person.
Which cartoon dog amuses you the most?
Brian Griffin


Would your friends say you are outgoing or shy?
They would say I'm outgoing with them.
My friends would say I'm totally outgoing.
I think they would say I have moments of being both.
They would say I'm more of an introvert.
Which personality trait do you have in common with a wolf?
A take-charge approach
Do you think cats are smarter than dogs?
Both are smart in different ways.
Dogs are definitely smarter than cats.
Cats are smarter than most humans.
Neither one of them is particularly smart.


If you adopted a pet bunny, which name would you give it?
Bun Bun
Mr. Nibbles
Do you make a friendly first impression?
I do my best.
I'm always friendly.
I tend to come off as quiet.
I think I make a strange first impression.
Which of these things do you find most frightening?
Freddy Krueger


Are you freaked out by large crowds?
I enjoy being around like-minded groups of people.
I love being in a large crowd.
I prefer my own company.
Crowds make me nervous.
What is your first thought when you meet a strange dog?
"I hope it doesn't bite me."
"I must pet it."
"Please don't come over here."
"It's so cute!"
Do you fall in love quickly?
I like to take my time.
I fall in love far too fast.
I have, but I won't make that mistake again.
No, my heart is guarded like a fort.


What can cats do that you wish you could do?
I would like to nap whenever and wherever I please.
It must be nice to be fed and sheltered for free.
I wish I could shower by licking myself.
I wish I could easily see in the dark.
If you went to obedience school, how would you do?
I would fail.
I would graduate at the top of the class.
I would be kicked out.
I'm sure I would manage a "C."
What would you be found doing at a holiday office party?
You would find me at my desk.
I would be keeping the dance floor warm.
I would be sampling the food.
I'm sure I would be catching up on the office gossip.


In your opinion, should cats be allowed to go outdoors?
Cats are individuals, so it's up to the cat!
Cats should be free to come and go as they please.
They should always be kept indoors.
Farm cats love being outdoors, so that's where they should be.
Do you have a hard time paying attention?
Not really
I'm sorry, what did you say?
How would your boss describe your demeanor at work?


Which of these dog breeds has the cutest face?
Border collie
Do you think that you are an aggressive driver?
I really don't drive that much.
I can be aggressive during rush hour.
I'm more of a calculated driver.
I'm too nervous behind the wheel to be aggressive.
How would you sum up your sense of humor?


Why do you think dogs are such great pets?
Dogs can show their emotions.
They have loyal hearts.
I'm not really a fan of dogs.
Dogs are good companions.
Are you more of a night owl or an early bird?
I'm an early bird during the work week.
I'm always asleep by 11 p.m.
I am a true night owl.
I don't stay up too late or get up too early.
Which apex predator are you most like when you are angry?
Great white shark
Polar bear
Saltwater crocodile


Would anyone call you a perfectionist?
Not really
I have my moments.
What do you think dogs are dreaming about when their legs move in their sleep?
I think they are dreaming about running.
They are dreaming about chasing cats.
Dogs dream about giant bones.
I think they are trying to find their owners in their dreams.
Are you more optimistic or skeptical?
I'm on the skeptical side of things.
I'm a total optimist.
I'm balanced between the two.
It depends on the idea.


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