Are You a Dog Person?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You a Dog Person?
Image: valentinrussanov / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Dog people include some of the best people out there. They are people who appreciate undying loyalty, true friendship and unconditional love. They value the idea of having someone in your life who will always hug you when you're down and do a jig with you when you are up. They have plenty of love to give and they bestow it only on those who deserve it and return it. They are ecstatic when they meet a new dog, and doubly so when the dog likes them, because they know that dogs always have a sense of who is good and who is not.

However, there are some people who are also perfectly great, but are not dog people. Perhaps they've been bitten, they have an allergy or they just haven't grown up with dogs. Then there are the people who are dog people who don't get much chance to express it, because they really can't take care of a dog right now and are not going to get one without knowing they've got all their doggie ducks in a row.

Are you a true dog person? Tell us a little about yourself and we'll help you figure it out - and if so, just what kind of dog person you are!

Did you grow up with dogs?
Only later on
I wish!
Do you mind everything being covered in hair?
I don't mind.
I love it!
I wish!
Do you have any allergies?
I don't think so.
Nothing bad


How playful are you?
More than people think
More than I get to express
I hate playing.
Do you like hugging people?
Only if they ask first
Only my friends and family
I hate touching.
Are you scared of dogs you don't know?
I'm wary, not scared.
If they give me a reason


Do you love exercise?
Sure, I just don't get to do as much as I would like.
Yes, I love it!
I like it and want an excuse to do more.
I hate it.
How many snuggles are enough?
A lot
All of them
A few
Can you deal with being truly loved for who you are, no reservations?
Yes, it is amazing.
Yes, and everyone should experience it.
I have never had that, but I want it.
I don't believe anyone really feels that way.


Do you have a lot of love to give?
More than people notice sometimes, sadly
Yes, and I give it!
More than I get to give
I give what I have!
Be honest: How fussy are you?
I can't afford to be.
Not at all
A little
Could you keep a plant alive?
I have a nice little window box or two.
I have a big, thriving garden.
No, I am the Grim Reaper of plants.
Yes, but I don't want to.


What hours do you work, and where?
I work 9-5 in an office that's reasonably dog-friendly.
I work from home sometimes and in a dog-friendly space the rest of the time.
I work long hours in an office.
I work very long hours in a lab and travel a lot.
How tolerant are you of fools?
Not at all
Do you mind going outside no matter the weather?
No, but I need to do it for my health.
I love it!
I like it.
I loathe it.


Do you ever travel spontaneously?
I wish, but no, I can't afford to so I have to save up
No, I am a planner.
Once in a while
All the time
Are you goofy?
I try to be!
No, being goofy is dumb.
Do you mind tripping over toys?
It's actually a hazard that I do not enjoy.
I don't mind at all!
I would love to trip over a toy. Sigh.
Yes, I mind!


Do you have a garden?
A little one
A big one
I have a balcony.
Can you bear the thought of losing a best friend every 10-12 years?
I can't, but I will anyway.
I can because they have a wonderful life.
Oh goodness, that is upsetting.
I would hate that.
Are you willing to set consistent boundaries?
If I must
Of course
Not yet, and I know it.
No, that's too much like hard work.


Can you always tell when a dog is friendly?
I think so.
I don't care if it is, it's still dangerous!
Do you get out of the city regularly?
No, but I live near a park.
Yes, I live in the countryside.
I wish.
No, I hate the countryside.
Do you hunt?
I can't, physically, but I might like to try.
Yes, I love it!
No, I don't hunt.
No, hunting is bad!


Do you immediately feel calmer when you cuddle a dog?
Of course, unless the dog is sad.
I imagine I would.
No, they might be about to kill me!
Do you leave food lying around sometimes?
Once in a while
No, I am very tidy.
I don't always put dinner away immediately.
Of course, I'm not a professional hotel housekeeper.
Have you ever dog-sat for a friend?
No, but I would if asked.
Yes, when I must.
I always offer and sometimes they let me!
I would never do that unless it was an emergency.


Do you know what doggie things cost?
Yes, so I shop carefully to keep my costs down.
Yes and it's worth it.
I have a vague idea.
No idea
What is the best way to get your ideal dog?
Get one trained from a charity
Buy it from a breeder
Adopt from a shelter
I don't know.
Do you get lonely easily?
Probably a little more than average


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