Are You A Girl Magnet Or Repellent?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Are You A Girl Magnet Or Repellent?
Image: CoffeeAndMilk / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

They say all's fair in love and war, but what they mean is that both love and war can be very unfair indeed. People with lousy characters sometimes draw girls like flies, while much smarter and kinder people get ignored. Some people think that's because looks are all that matter in the dating game, but that's simply not true. A good personality, excellent grooming, an engaging conversational style and a cute dog can all improve your appeal considerably. So can letting go of negative habits, such as speaking negatively about women, going on political rants or complaining about your ex. 

Want to know whether your habits are turning girls on or off? That's what this quiz is all about! We're going to ask you about your fashion, dating app behavior, facial hair and more. By telling the truth about how you talk to women you're not attracted to or handle rejection, you'll help us diagnose whether your behavior impresses the women you meet or prevents them from seeing how great you actually are.

Are you ready to find out whether you're a girl magnet or a girl repellent? Come on; you know you want to! So hit pause on whatever you're doing and play this quiz!

Wrinkled shirt
Wrinkled shirts: are they okay to wear in public or nah?
Absolutely not!
No, unless you're doing chores in the yard.
Yes, if no one important is going to see you that day.
Yes, because who cares? People shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Asking questions
We Are/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Think back to your most recent date. Did you ask her any questions about herself?
I asked her a ton of questions! She was a fascinating person with lots of good stories.
I asked her a few generic questions about her job, living situation, etc.
Well ... I asked her what she wanted to order, lol.
No. I focused on impressing her. Isn't that what you're supposed to do on dates?
Reading on plane
Patrick Foto/Moment/GettyImages
What's the last book you read?
"Stay and Fight" by Madeline Ffitch
"Educated" by Tara Westover
"The 10X Rule" by Grant Cardone
I don't know. I hate books!


Checking Instagram
Elizabeth Fernandez/Moment/GettyImages
You asked a girl out via Instagram DM, and she said no. Now what will you do?
Let it go. There are plenty of fish in the sea!
Listen to a sad song, then DM someone else
Pout for a few days
Tell her she's not as hot as she thinks she is
Valentine's Day gift
Irina Marwan/Moment/GettyImages
In your opinion, what's the perfect Valentine's Day gift?
It depends on the girl you're dating. 💖 You have to give her what SHE likes.
A dozen red roses
I dunno, some candy?
Valentine's Day isn't real; it's corporate nonsense. I refuse to celebrate it.
Pic of cute dog
Carol Yepes/Moment/GettyImages/Moment/GettyImages
Let's say you have a crush on a girl. How will you get her attention?
By texting her a picture of an adorable dog
By teasing her about her new haircut
By staring at her until she makes eye contact with me
By liking ALL of her Instagram and Facebook posts, even the ones from last year


Book club
Your mom is having a bunch of female friends over for her book club. Do you say hi to them?
Of course! My mom's friends are hilarious.
I'll smile and nod. My mom likes it when I'm polite to them.
I'll definitely say hi to Jane (she's the hot one).
My mom's book club is so lame. I'd rather kiss a duck than waste my time talking to them.
Couple laughing
Hello World/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Be honest: what's your favorite thing about having a girlfriend?
I love having private jokes with her.
I like having someone to kiss.
I don't feel good about myself unless I have a girlfriend.
I like it when my girlfriends clean up after me.
Group of friends
Do you have any female friends?
Yes, I have several.
I have one female friend, but I think she has an unrequited crush on me ... and I enjoy that.
I have one female friend, but I'm hoping that she'll date me someday.
I don't see the point of that.


Chatting at party
Let's say you're chatting up a girl at a party. Do you bring up any of your ex-girlfriends?
Of course not!
Not usually, although I might by accident.
If I've recently been dumped, I might complain a little bit.
I want girls to know what I don't like, and that means discussing everything that my exes did wrong.
What kind of cologne do you wear?
Something light and citrus-y
Old Spice
Axe Body Spray
Cologne? Gross!
Dean Mitchell/E+/GettyImages
In your opinion, do you "deserve" a girlfriend?
No. I hope I find one, but no one "deserves" a relationship.
Not really
Well, I am a good person. Don't good people deserve partners?
Heck yes I do! And I'm mad that I don't have one yet.


How often do you shower?
Every day (and after I work out)
Every other day
Three times a week
When my roommates basically order me to
Personal problems
When you're on a date with a girl and she starts talking about her personal problems, how do you feel?
I'm happy to comfort her, although if she goes on for too long, I usually change the subject.
I love it! It makes me feel like her knight in shining armor.
Uh, that kind of thing bores me, to be honest.
I assume she's crazy and leave the date ASAP.
Political rant
Are you in the habit of going into political rants?
No. I put my energy into volunteering for the causes I care about.
No. People who do that are a drag.
Every once in a while I do, if there's something in the news I'm mad about.
Yes. I'm always ranting about how much I hate various female politicians.


Community garden
Mike Harrington/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Imagine that you want to impress a girl who's an environmentalist. What kind of a date will you take her on?
I'd ask her to come help me work a shift on a community garden.
I'd take her for a stroll along the beach.
I'd just take her on a normal movie date.
I'd take her out for steaks (ironically!).
Age difference
Zak Kendal/Cultura/GettyImages
Do you hit on girls who are significantly younger than you?
No ... my friends would give me too much biz.
Every once in a while
All the time!
What kind of haircut do you have?
Shaved sides, long on top
Short and neat
I'm not sure what Michelle at Supercuts calls it.
One word: Flowbee!


Happy guy
Delmaine Donson/E+/GettyImages
Are you good at staying happy?
Yeah. I had to work on it, but I've built a good life for myself.
I'm even-keeled most of the time, although surprises can make me moody.
Some people say I can be overly critical.
In my opinion, most happy people are idiots.
Student council
SDI Productions/E+/GettyImages
Would you rather date a girl who was running for student council or a girl who had tons of time for you?
The city council girl; she sounds cool and ambitious!
The girl with tons of time for me; I like to be my girlfriend's #1.
How about neither of them?
Women shouldn't be leaders, so I'd date the other one.
Critiquing celebrities
Martin Novak/Moment/GettyImages
Do you critique the bodies of celebrities in front of girls?
I called a female celeb a string bean once.
Sometimes I joke about celebrities packing on baby weight, but I don't think it bothers anyone.
All the time. Don't judge; it's nothing but the truth.


Mutton chops
What's your facial hair situation?
I'm clean-shaven or have a very neat beard and mustache.
Call me Mr. Stubble.
I have a big '70s mustache.
I'm still rocking muttonchops.
How many relationships have you had?
Five to ten
Two or three
15 or more
One or none
Photo by Joel Sharpe/Moment/GettyImages
Sorry to ask, but we must: do you shave or wax your back hair?
Yes, always
Yes, in the summer
... No, but that's not a bad idea.
No, and I shouldn't have to!


Are you an expert on any topics that girls are obsessed with, such as astrology or ex-Disney stars?
I know a lot about astrology, actually.
I think Selena Gomez is hot. Does that count?
No. I hate astrology and Disney.
Whenever a girl starts talking about astrology, I explain to her that it's a pseudoscience.
Shiba Inu
Amax Photo/E+/GettyImages
Do you own a pet? What kind?
A pert Shibu Inu
A fluffy orange cat
I don't own any animals.
I let my snake roam free in the house.
Dating app
Manuel Breva Colmeiro/Moment/GettyImages
Let's say you're on a dating app and want to get a conversation started. What will you say?
Something friendly that shows a knowledge of the girl's profile, such as, "Hey there, I see you like hiking. Have you ever been on the Pacific Coast trail?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you're a dead ringer for Natalie Portman?"
"So I haven't had a lot of luck on the dating scene because my ex was a real meanie who screwed me up, but I was wondering if you wanted to chill with me later today at your house?"


Annoying woman
What's the most annoying thing a girl can do?
Speak cruelly about her friends
Not tip the server
Talk a lot about herself
Disagree with me
Fashionable man
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/GettyImages
How up-to-date is your fashion?
I pay attention to trends, but I try to wear timeless stuff most of the time.
Uh-oh. I'm not sure whether it's up-to-date or not?
I dress the same as I did in high school.
I still wear cargo pants.
Tom Merton/OJO Images/GettyImages
Which of these celebs do you act the most like?
Keanu Reeves
Terry Crews
Shia LaBeouf
Charlie Sheen


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