Are You a Good Kisser?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You a Good Kisser?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

So you've been wondering whether your lip game is great, right? Well, you've come to the right place. We're going to ask you a series of questions that'll help us determine where you stand on the scale of being a good or even great kisser. The question is, are you ready for the truth? 

We've all seen the movies showing us how we can refine our kissing. Some films tell us to practice on our hands, while others tell us to practice with apples. Some tell us to start off with small pecks to the corners of the mouth, while others tell us to just go for it. With all these different methods in play, and the fact that not everyone likes the same thing, it's no wonder you've ended up here. The thing is, one can never really be sure of how good they are because let's face it, people lie. A girl or guy may tell you that you were amazing for many reasons: because they don't want to hurt your feelings, because they really like you but not your kissing or because they just want to make you feel good about yourself. 

This quiz is the one thing on the internet that won't lie to you about your skills because we're honest like that and we've got your back. Just make sure to be honest with yourself so you can get the most accurate result.  So, now that you know what to expect, there's only one thing separating you from the answer you want. Let's get started!

What kind of date is most appealing to you?
Hike in the woods
Fancy restaurant
Hitting up a nightclub
Movie night
How many people have you dated?
Less than 3
More than 6
I've never gone on a date
What is your preferred mode of transportation?
Car or truck
I like cruising in a Vespa or scooter
I take my bicycle with me everywhere
I only run or walk


Would you describe your lips as...
Soft and ample
Soft and pouty
Thin and pleasant
Crisp and firm
How long has it been since you last kissed someone?
I kiss someone every night
Not since college
I'm a kissing fiend
I kiss my kids all the time
How do you feel about breaking the law?
I would never
I guess if the situation warrants
If my friends are doing it, I might.
Who doesn't break the law a couple times in their life?


Have you ever been a part of a protest?
No thank you
I'll sign the petition to get someone out of my hair
I've been to one or two to impress someone before
Tie me to a tree. I'm not leaving until our demands are met.
What is your favorite season?
Cuddly winter
Strolling autumn
Sultry summer
Wet spring
When do you enjoy cuddling most?
During a movie night
Waking up in the morning
When going to sleep
I don't cuddle.


How much do you love your job?
I can't imagine doing anything else.
Well, I enjoy hanging out with work friends.
I'd consider it a work-hate relationship
I don't believe in work
How do you kiss someone?
I place my hands along their jaw line
I slide my hands around their shoulders
I give little pecks and tickles
I'm always on tip toes
Do you believe in love at first sight?
It can happen, just not to me
Sure, it can happen
I don't believe in love
Nope, fairy tales are for the movies


What's your living situation?
Friend's couch
What does rich mean to you?
Having thousands of acres and surrounded by nature
Personal fulfillment
A large family who loves me
What Cartoon character resembles your passion?
Bandit from Johnny Quest
Scooby Doo
Luiz from Rio
Fred Flintstone


When someone sneezes, what do you say?
Here's a tissue
Bless you
When you bite your lip, what do you do?
Suck out any blood
Internalize the pain
Scream in agony
Tell everyone around you that you just bit your lip
What is the worst kissing experience you've had?
I don't kiss and tell
Gum was exchanged
Someone burped in my mouth
Someone vomited while we were kissing


When you kiss someone you like, who is the first person you call?
Your best friend
Your sibling
Your parents
The person you kissed
What type of movie are you likely to try and kiss someone while watching?
Romantic comedy
What age were you when you had your first kiss?
Older than 16


What is your favorite type of candy?
I love something super sweet
I love sour candy
A little bit of sweet and a little bit of sour
Something chocolate
Where are you most ticklish?
Behind the ear
Under your arms
Who are you most attracted too?
Someone in a biker jacket with plenty of tattoos
A surfer
Someone in bright colors walking along the beach
Someone who dresses up to go to work


If you plan on a little smoochie-smooch later in the evening, what would you eat for dinner?
A pack of Tic-Tacs
Just water for me, thanks.
A Caesar salad
Cheesy garlic bread
During a date, when do you prefer to kiss?
As soon as your date's lips are close enough
As soon as possible
At dinner
At the end of the date
Your favorite morning drink
Anything Hemingway would be proud of
Strong coffee


How do you know when your date is coming to a close?
Your alarm clock telling you to get up for work goes off
Your date is yawning
You are yawning
Right after the dinner bill is paid
How do you end your first date?
Go for the lips
Warm hug
A huge hug
What mint do you pop a few minutes before you plan on kissing someone?
Forget the mints, I like toffee!


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