Are You Addicted to the Internet?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You Addicted to the Internet?
Image: Shuttterstock

About This Quiz

There's always some cool new app or website popping up online, and it's easy to get caught up in the hype. With more and more people staying plugged in for longer and longer, it's no wonder Internet addictions has become an issue. How addicted are you? Play on to find out!
How often do you check your phone?
Every couple hours or so.
A few times a day.
Multiple times an hour.
It depends on how busy I am.
What is the most important when it comes to choosing a cell phone?
Data connection speed.
Battery life.
Advanced features.
How many active social media accounts do you have?
One or two.
Three to five.
More than five.
I'm not on social media.


You're standing in line waiting to check out; how do you pass the time?
I scroll through an app on my phone.
I play a game on my phone.
I usually browse the magazines.
I wait patiently for my turn.
How do you catch up on current events?
I scroll through and read articles from my social media dashboards.
I watch cable news programs.
I don't. The news is too depressing.
I pull information from various sources.
Are you an online shopper?
I prefer local in-person shopping.
I make the occasional online purchase.
I do almost all of my shopping online.
I shop an equal amount online and in-person.


On an average day, how much time do you spend using the internet?
Less than two hours.
Between two and four hours.
Between five and six hours.
More than six hours.
Would you be willing to spend a long weekend in a "dead" zone?
Probably not.
I'd consider it.
Definitely, I'd love it!
I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it.
How do you feel about websites that take longer than a few seconds to load and function properly?
They're annoying: I usually exit out.
I don't mind.
That's my pet peeve.
Unless I need to be on a slow site, I don't waste my time waiting for it to load.


Do you play online games?
Yes, mainly online computer games.
Yes, mainly online gaming console games.
Yes, mainly online cell phone games.
Not usually, no.
You're on a hot first date at a lovely restaurant and your phone buzzes with a breaking news notification, do you check it?
I'd eventually check it in the bathroom.
Yes, I can't miss out on important information.
It depends on how well the date is going.
Probably not, but I might be tempted.
Have you ever gotten sucked into an unnecessary google search binge?
Yes, it's fun every now and then.
Yes, google totally sucks me in.
I don't get sucked into doing anything I don't want to be doing.
No, I don't binge search.


What does "surfing" mean to you?
It's when you jump from one friend's couch to the next.
It's when you browse the Internet.
It's a watersport.
It could mean a lot of different things.
What happens if you're denied Internet access for a prolonged period of time?
I throw a temper tantrum until my Internet privileges are restored.
I get very cranky.
I don't allow anyone to deny me access.
Thankfully, this hasn't happened to me...yet.
Do you think you're addicted to the Internet?
Yeah, probably.
I don't think it's anything I can't handle.
I'm not sure, which is why I'm taking this quiz!
Nah, I doubt it.


What's your go-to method for watching movies/tv?
Online pirated video streaming services.
Online subscription streaming services.
Cable, Redbox, and/or DVDs.
I don't watch much TV.
Would you pay extra for faster internet?
Sure, as long as it isn't ridiculously expensive.
I'd be willing to pay a lot extra for quality internet.
I'd at least consider it.
I shouldn't have to pay extra and probably wouldn't.
What're the most concerning parts of being shipwrecked alone on a desert island?
Being forced off "the grid" (technology) and isolated from humanity.


Do you have online/Internet friends who you haven't yet met in person?
A few.
Yes, I've met most of my friends online.
I used to.
Has anyone ever expressed concern over your Internet usage?
Yes, but they were being ridiculous.
They've tried to.
Not directly, no.
Do you ever use the Internet during inappropriate times (like in class, in the middle of a conversation, during work hours)?
Yes, but I at least try to be discreet about it.
I use it whenever I want.
Occasionally, but I try not to make it a habit.
Only in cases of emergency. Otherwise, no.


Have you ever canceled your plans so you could spend more time on the Internet (including binge-watching a series)?
A few times, yeah.
Yes, many times.
I've bailed on plans, but not because of the Internet.
No, I usually follow through on my plans.
Do you ever use the Internet to procrastinate when you should be doing something else?
Yes, it's a real problem.
Who doesn't?
Sometimes, but I'm usually pretty good at getting things done promptly.
I'm not much of a procrastinator.
What do you think life would be like if you didn't have the Internet?
It would be boring.
I don't even want to think about it.
It would be harder.
It would be inconvenient.


Have you ever stayed up all night because you were absorbed by something online?
I've stayed up most of the night, but not all night.
More times than I can count.
Once or twice, yeah.
I don't do all-nighters.
Have you ever tried to cut back on the amount of time you're spending on the Internet?
I've thought about it, but haven't gotten to it yet.
Why would I want to do that?
Yes, unsuccessfully so.
Yes, successfully so.
How does the Internet make you feel?


When you compare yourself to your friends, how often do you use the Internet?
Way more.
About the same.
Do you ever browse the Internet when sitting on the toilet?
All the time.
Yes, it sometimes causes me to stay on the toilet for hours more than I need to.
I try not to, but I give in every now and then.
How do you respond when someone tries to discuss your Internet usage with you?
I usually get cranky and irritable.
I shut that down immediately.
I laugh it off.
No one has ever tried to, but I'd be open to it.


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