Are You an Expert on "On the Waterfront"?

By: R. White
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You an Expert on "On the Waterfront"?
Image: Horizon Pictures

About This Quiz

An ex-prize fighter, Terry Malloy, takes on Johnny Friendly and a corrupt union along the waterfront when he is called to testify as a witness for the Crime Commission.
How does Terry Malloy lure Joey Doyle for "the hit?"
He says, "Come on out. I'll buy you a beer."
He says, "I picked up your paycheck for you. Come get it."
He says, "Some guy is bothering your sister."
He says, "I got one of your birds."
Terry holds a pigeon to show Joey, who is at the open window. Joey takes care of pigeons on the roof.
How is Joey Doyle killed?
He is run down by a speeding car.
He is shot in the back.
He is thrown from the roof of a building.
Terry Malloy makes Joey believe he'll meet him on the roof to give him his bird. Terry never goes up to the roof.
He is found drowned at the waterfront.
What is the name of the bar where Johnny has his meetings?
"The Ship to Shore Tavern"
"John's Friendly Bar"
Johnny Friendly and his men meet here to discuss their power plays. It's here that Terry Malloy gets directives from Friendly.
"The Jersey Sidebar"
"The Fish and Ships"


The characters often reference "D & D." What is it?
"Deaf and Dumb"
"Deaf and dumb" is how the workers need to react to save themselves from Johnny Friendly's wrath.
"Don't talk and Don't listen"
"Dollar and Delivery"
"Direct and Dangerous"
Eva Marie Saint debuted her movie career in this film as Edie. Who was Edie?
Terry Malloy's sister
Joey Doyle's sister
Edie wants to find out who killed her brother, Joey. She refuses to leave town until she's able to find the murderer.
Charlie Malloy's wife
Johnny Friendly's girlfriend
In an early scene, Johnny Friendly tells one of his lackeys, "You don't work for me no more!" Why not?
The man shorted him $50.
Johnny Friendly uses intimidation tactics to keep his men honest. Johnny doesn't like to be cheated.
The man talked to the cops.
The man bet against him.
The man did not buy Johnny a drink.


In return for setting up Doyle, what does Johnny do for Terry?
Gets him a boxing trainer
Buys him a car
Puts him on the loft
On the loft means you are on deck help to move ship's cargo. Being below deck was not a pleasant experience for the workers.
Gives him a paid vacation
Terry keeps company with some boys on the roof who care for the pigeons. What do their jackets say?
"Eagle Eyes"
"The Hawks"
"Golden Warriors"
The boys all belong too
What is the cargo shipment about which the workers complain?
Car parts
Some of the workers like to "skim" some of the product. They look forward to the Irish whiskey shipment.
Medical supplies


What item of Joey's does his "Pops" bring to work to give to another worker?
His warm hat
His heavy gloves
His windbreaker
The jacket seems cursed because the man who takes it is killed on the job. Edie later gives it to Terry.
His steel-toed boots
Where do some of the disgruntled workers meet in secret?
A local diner after hours
An empty warehouse at the far end of the shore
At Edie's apartment
The basement of the church
Father Barry suggests they meet at the church and feels they will be safe. However, Johnny Friendly sends a spy (Terry Malloy) to the meeting.
What term is used for turning someone in to the authorities?
It's like snitching. Johnny kills people off who turn informant to the Crime Commission.
"Sweet Talking"


What is NOT a point Father Barry says needs to be addressed regarding work at the waterfront?
Working conditions are bad.
The union is corrupt.
The union gets away with murder.
Women should be allowed to work.
Father Barry takes a strong stance in encouraging the workers to rise up against the corruption. He gives several speeches to rally the men.
What career does Edie want to pursue?
Edie talks with Terry about her hopes for the future. She says, "It isn't your brains, it's how you use them."
When Terry says to Edie, "You don't remember me, do you?" ... what is her reply?
"Were you the boy who gave me a push on a swing when I was in 2nd grade?"
"I remembered you the first time I saw you."
There is an attraction between the two immediately. She feels like he needs her help and he thinks she is attractive.
"I do, but you look so different now."
"I am sure we couldn't have met before."


When Edie asks Terry, "What side are you with?" ... how does he respond?
"I'm with me ... Terry."
Edie is not sure if she can trust Terry or not. She suspects he may have had something to do with her brother's death.
"I'm not so sure anymore."
"The winning side."
"Why does it matter to you?"
What does Edie remember about Terry when they were growing up?
He helped her father with chores around the house.
He left school to join the army.
He never went to school.
He was always in trouble.
She says she would help someone who gets into trouble with patience and kindness.
What does Terry tell Edie about the pigeons?
They are loyal.
He says, they are "married" and stay that way until one of them dies. He seems to admire that quality.
They focus on only task.
They don't like to be alone.
They avoid fighting.


What is Terry's philosophy of life?
"Always stand up after you get knocked down."
"Never let them see you sweat."
"Let the other guy punch first, then get back at him with a mean right hook."
"Do it to him, before he does it to you."
This is a crossover from his boxing career. Once you are knocked out, game over.
Which worker is Johnny Friendly worried might "squeal" on him to the Crime Commission?
Charlie Malloy
Kayo Dugan
Johnny is mad at Terry for not keeping a closer eye on the priest. The priest has encouraged workers to stand up against the union.
"Pop" Doyle
What event prompts Father Barry to give a strong sermon at the docks to the workers about standing up to Johnny Friendly?
A "beat down" at the church
Seeing Terry on a date with Edie
Dugan's death
Dugan's death was made to look like an accident when some cargo was dropped on him at the docks. Dugan was getting ready to go to the authorities about Friendly.
A threat made against the priest's life


What comment does the priest say at the docks to the workers?
"In the end, God will judge you for your silence."
"Innocent people are paying for your greed."
"Jesus sees you selling your soul for a day's pay!"
The priest lays into the workers with some good old-fashioned religious guilt. He starts to get through to Terry.
"How can you live with yourselves?"
After a one-on-one conversation, Terry decides to talk to the Crime Commission. Who persuades him?
His brother, Charlie
The priest
Father Barry convinces Malloy to "talk" and asks, "How much is your soul worth?" Malloy then tells Edie about his dealings, but the scene never discloses exactly what he says because a ship's whistle blows during the dialogue.
Edie's father
A Crime Commission rep talks with Terry on the rooftop. Aside from the corruption issue, what do they discuss?
The man recognizes Terry from his boxing days and recalls a big fight that Terry lost that he shouldn't have. Terry admits he threw the fight.
Terry's future
The pigeons


Terry is given a chance to get out of testifying against Johnny. Who has the talk with him?
Charlie, his brother
Charlie is told to kill Terry if he doesn't back off from the testimony. Charlie tells him to get out of the cab before they reach the destination for the murder.
Johnny, the head of the union
Tillio, Johnny's henchman
How much will the union pay Terry for not testifying?
Charlie tells him he'll be paid $400/week for basically doing nothing. He says, "Please take the job...Don't say anything."
In the cab, Terry tells his brother, "You should've taken care of me." What comment follows?
"Why were you so greedy?"
"You aren't my brother anymore."
"You can't even take care of yourself!"
"I could've been a contender...instead of a bum."
Terry blames Charlie for his falling under corrupt influences. The famous line is a sad, woeful realization he blew his chance.


What ultimately happens to Charlie?
He becomes the new union leader.
Johnny puts a "hit" on him.
Charlie tries to help his brother, Terry, escape from the reaches of Johnny Friendly. When Terry discovers this, he wants revenge.
He turns on Johnny and testifies against him.
He kills himself.
What is Terry's immediate response to his brother's death?
He cries.
He hides the body.
He says, "I'm gonna take it out on their skulls!"
Terry takes a gun and wants to go after Johnny and his cronies. He goes to the bar, but Johnny isn't there.
He says, "The Feds are gonna get all they want to know!"
When Father Barry comes into the bar and tells Terry to give him the gun, what does Terry respond?
He hands him the gun.
"Over my dead body!"
"What army of angels is gonna stop me?"
"Go to hell!"
The priest tells Terry to fight Johnny in the courtroom. Terry throws his gun at a picture of Johnny on the wall.


In the courtroom, before Terry's testimony, what fact is revealed about the previous night?
Edie has gone missing.
Critical financial records disappeared.
Johnny attempts to cover up evidence that will incriminate him.
Another witness was killed.
Another worker has stepped forward to testify.
What does Johnny say to Terry when he sees him at the courthouse?
"You got one last shot to get out of this, kid."
"You think you're a better man now somehow?"
"You can't pin nothing on me."
"You just dug your own grave."
Johnny is clearly angry with Terry and several guards have to hold him back from hitting him.
What is Johnny Friendly's real name?
Joseph McKay
Arnold Fletcher
Michael Skelly
The union boss has ties to the mob; a stage name might be a good idea. His real name comes out in court records.
Daniel Picatta


What reaction does Terry Malloy get after his testimony?
Edie abandons him.
The workers shun him.
The workers won't speak to him. Even though they don't agree with union practices, they don't want to jeopardize their livelihoods by fraternizing with a "squealer."
The workers view him as a hero and inspiration.
"Pop" Doyle invites him to his house to congratulate him.
What makes the workers finally support Terry Malloy?
Terry stands up, walks after Johnny, and his men severely beat him.
Terry Malloy is left for dead on the docks by Johnny and his men. Malloy courageously defies a bet Johnny barked out about him not getting up again.
Terry shoots Johnny Friendly.
Terry beats up Johnny Friendly.
Terry "guilts" them into turning on Johnny Friendly
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Horizon Pictures