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About This Quiz
Is the glass half full, half empty or just a glass of water? Find out if you're an optimist, pessimist or realist.
When going grocery shopping, you usually:
Make a list of everything you need and stick to it
Buy what you think looks good
Nitpick through everything, purchase a couple items and go home
When getting up for work, you tend to:
Bounce right out of bed. Every morning, is a beautiful morning.
Hit snooze until there is only 10 mins left to get ready.
Turn your alarm clock off and make yourself a strong cup of coffee.
Your friends invite you out this weekend, you most likely will:
Accept immediately then ask what you will be doing together
Pretend to be under the weather and stay in with a good book
Check your schedule to see if you have time to join
How organized are you?
Easy going - I like to see where the day takes me
A mess - I could barely find some socks this morning to put on my sneakers
Extremely organized - I have every minute of every day planned out
The house needs a good cleaning, you are inclined to:
Look up tips on Pinterest before you even start, to find the best cleaning advice
Take a walk outside because it's cleaner out there
Start scrubbing for as long as possible then tell yourself you will continue tomorrow
There is an important project due at work, in the past you have:
Accepted the project as a challenge to show your boss what amazing work you can produce
Thought your team was incapable of doing great work and finish the project by yourself
Pushed through it because you know you won't have to work on this project next week
When you decide what to have for dinner, you always:
Happily whip up a dish with whatever is in the fridge
Stare at the half rotting cheese in the back of the fridge and decide to order Chinese food
Plan out meals a week in advice so you never have to worry about dinner
When picking out clothes in the morning, you think:
I love to mix and match to find the perfect outfit.
Such a chore! Do I have to wear clothing?
I already picked out what to wear the night before.
When you look at modern art, you think:
Wow that's impressive! I want to hang this painting in my living room.
A five year old could have painted a better picture.
The artist probably went through a lot of schooling for this skill but it could be better.
You are on your 3rd date of the week with another dud. What do you do?
Give him until the end of the night so you don't hurt his feelings
Tell him you're going to the bathroom and run out the door
Tell him straight that it's not going to work out and call your best friends over for ice cream
In the morning when the birds start chirping, you think:
Good morning birdies, isn't it a wonderful day?
Oh not now, I only have 1 more hour to sleep!
Is it 4am already?
A new piece of technology comes out in the news, you:
Read all the articles to find out if this new product could improve your life
Think, "not another cell phone, doesn't the world have enough of those?"
Check your invested stocks in the company
When you get to work, there are 150 new emails in your inbox, you proceed to:
Shrug it off and say tomorrow will be a better day
Run around screaming while pulling your hair out
Prioritize from urgent to low importance
It's a beautiful sunny afternoon, your day is spent:
Outside in the fresh air cooking BBQ with your best friends
Sunny? Hisssss I'm staying inside where it's safe
Walking to the grocery store and completing other errands
When you are stressed out, you tend to:
Try to brush it off and take a few deep breaths knowing the feeling will go away soon
Pace back and forth obsessing over the stressful situation
Impulsively clean everything to keep your mind off it
How many friends do you have?
I make new friends everywhere I go
Many friends, mostly acquaintances
A few close friends
If you summed up your life in a phrase, it would be:
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.â€-Robert F. Kennedy
"The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much; if he is an optimist after it, he knows too little.â€-Mark Twain
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.â€-Albert Einstein
If someone were to describe your personality they would say:
You are generally cheery and always looking on the bright side
You don't like most people but always have great advice
You are honest and always have facts to back up everything you say
On the weekend you like to:
Wake up early and go for a light jog to your favorite brunch place.
Stay in bed as long as possible. There is nothing to do today anyway.
Wake up naturally and complete all the errands you didn't have time for during the week.
When you run out of milk for your morning cereal, you:
Eat the cereal without milk and enjoy your morning anyway
Put the cereal back and decide not to eat breakfast
Make eggs
You finally have some down time from your busy schedule, you tend to:
Look up the best activity to do in your area
Sit at home and watch TV until your eyes hurt
Finally finish the book you started reading a month ago
How persistent are you?
Very persistent- I always finish everything I start.
Not persistent- I don't waste my time on things just to get ahead.
Somewhat persistent- if it makes sense to finish the task, I will.
Would you consider yourself a caring person?
Yes, I am very caring and always try to help others
No, I am a selfish person
Sometimes, I care about my family and friends but don't have time for anyone else
When you watch a movie with your friends, you tend to:
Sit quietly in anticipation of the climax
Critic every dumb thing you see
Be thankful movies exist because its the only time you get to eat popcorn
When you hear about global warming, you think:
We will find a solution before its too late
The earth will get so hot all life will die
As individuals we need to use less energy so our earth doesn't get too hot
Do you consider yourself hard working?
Yes, I always work as hard as possible on every assignment
No, I do as much as I need to get by
Yes, I try to do my best
If you were a marker, what color would you be?
Yellow: bright like the sun
Black: dark like my soul
Green: the color of plants
There is a raffle at work, you:
Buy 10 tickets because you know you're going to win
Don't participate because you never win anything anyway
Strategize and figure out your odds before buying the perfect number of tickets to win
When packing for vacation, you:
Pack the essentials, because you can always buy everything else when you get there
Panic that you forgot something important and double check everything 5 times
Make a list and check things off as you pack
You finally decide to use that gym membership! Yay! You think:
I'm starting to see abs already. I should keep this up!
Drag yourself off the elliptical after 20 mins and tell yourself "never again".
Understand that a healthy body takes time and pace yourself.
You and your significant other go to Ikea, the trip goes:
Well! We found the perfect nightstand and bookshelf we have been saving up to buy
Poorly. Not only did we not buy anything, we are also no longer together.
Are you crazy! I like my SO, I wouldn't dare shop with him/her at Ikea!
You miss the bus to work, you think:
Its ok, I wanted to walk anyway
Oh no, now I'll be late and they will fire me for sure. What am I going to do?
There will be another bus in 15 mins.
Your friend tells you about this awesome personality quiz online, you proceed to:
Log in immediately and share your results with them
Roll your eyes and explain the inaccuracy of personality quizzes
Thank them for the info and complete the quiz when you have time
A documentary on space playing in the iMax theater, you decide:
To go! This is going to be the greatest film since 16 Candles.
Umm no thank you... I can see space just fine from here.
To wait until it comes out on Netflix and save $15.
There is an early morning meeting at work, you:
Go to sleep an hour before usual so you're fresh and ready for the presentation
Decide to wake up after the meeting is over to avoid the stress of attending
Go over your presentation one more time before going to sleep
Your significant other made breakfast, you:
Smile and jump out of bed, giving them a big hug in the process
Say, "at least I don't have to worry about making breakfast today"
Thank them and proceed to eat your heart out
You learn jogging in the morning can increase your metabolism, you proceed to:
Jump out of bed for your morning jog
Cover your face with a blanket and say you'll try again tomorrow
Take it slow and start with a short morning walk
Your best friend complements your shirt, you think:
Thanks! I like it too
Ok, their just being nice
I know, that's why I bought it
You like your coffee...
With lots of sugar so it can be sweet like me
I don't drink coffee, I read that it wasn't good for you
When your boss asks you to stay late to help finish an important project, you:
Get excited and think, "finally she is trusting me with important work"!
Politely decline. You have a date with your couch and Netflix.
Say yes and try to give her your best work.
The kids are arguing over a toy, you:
Show them the advantages of sharing.
Let them work it out on their own. How else will they learn?
Tell them life isn't fair and one of them needs to find another toy to play with.
The last time you took a class, your study style was:
Work hard, play harder
Study all day, everyday,or else I will fail
Read new material before class so I know what the professor is teaching
For your birthday, your mother gives you an ugly sweater, you:
Thank her because there are people who aren't fortunate enough receive an ugly sweater from their mother.
Sigh loudly and sarcastically say thanks mom.
Realize if you removed the tassels and rhinestones the sweater would be cute.
Your friends are coming over for dinner and you're missing a key ingredient for the soup you're serving. You proceed to:
Add more salt. No one will notice. It still tastes great!
Give up, throw the soup in the sink and order Thai food.
Think how you can replace the ingredient with something else you have.
When you see a smiley face, you think:
Awww! It's as happy as I am.
Is there a way to remove this yellow circle with a face?
Cool, society invented a way to simply show happiness.
You think emoji's are:
The best invention since sliced bread
Dumb, words should be enough
A great way to show emotion in a text
If you have to decide between something you want to do and something you have to do, you:
Try to do both at the same time
Do what you want
Finish what you have to and do what you want to if there is time
You would rather:
Spend time with family and friends
Be alone
Finish the documentary you started a week ago
When looking at the stars, you think:
How beautiful! We are so lucky it's clear out.
I wish I could go to space, it would be so peaceful.
Where is the big dipper?
In any situation you expect:
The best outcome
The worst outcome
Murphy's law: whatever can happen will happen
You are given a pad of paper, you proceed to:
Draw your heart out
Write about your day
Draw how DNA mutations occur
When you go shopping for new clothes, you:
Make a day of it and try on everything at your favorite store
Go online to find what you need
Use a stylist website. Who has time for shopping anymore?
Your office is:
Filled with pictures of family and friends
Bare, I don't want my co-workers to know what my family looks like
Neat and clean, with only work on your desk
You are lost with no GPS at hand, you:
As the nice man at the gas station for directions
Try to figure out the way by yourself
Buy a map at the nearest convenience store
You Got: