About This Quiz
Few activities are as much fun as a good snogging. It is free, it only requires one other person, and it is connected to other emotional rewards like love and intimacy. Some people do not engage in this sort of intimacy with other people until they find that one person with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives, even if that desire does not become a reality. Others, knowing full well that the odds of such a bull's eye are such a long shot, prefer to go through life enjoying whomever they are with, compiling a vast catalog of past lovers with whom they've snogged, either casually at parties, or in longer-term dalliances.
The sheer number of snoggees is neither here nor there when it comes to assessing a person. They can be the result of the environment as much as personal character or goals. The number of people you have snogged says nothing about who you are, directly or indirectly. Only with other factors considered could such information be used to extrapolate anything about your character.
We can't speak to your emotional needs or your tastes in lovers. We can't say for sure what sort of person you are. None of these things can be fully understood through a personality test. However, certain details can be gleaned if one asks the right questions. Take the quiz, and we'll guess how many people you've snogged.
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