Can We Guess How Old You Were When You Lost Your Virginity?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess How Old You Were When You Lost Your Virginity?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Virginity is a delicate subject. There is some variability about what constitutes an act that relieves on of their virginity. For purposes of this quiz, we're going to define it as any sexual contact beyond kissing and petting. There are people who, for whatever reason, define it so narrowly they can claim to be virgins basically for life, and that's silly.

It's not always clear at first glance when someone lost their virginity. There are some very cool, desirable people who waited a long time, and there are some very louche folks who got going with sexual intercourse at a young age. People choose to have sex, or not have sex for many reasons. Some are swayed by religious arguments about the specialness of sex, or the threat of divine punishment for having it out of wedlock.

Other people are scared into celibacy by the threat of STDs, or the inability to walk into a CVS and buy a pack of condoms without turning bright red. The teenage worry about buying condoms has scared some kids into celibacy, and others into pregnancy.

Do you mind if we plumb the most private depths of your past to uncover when you lost your virginity? We'll keep it light, but we're positive we'll get it accurate.

How strict was your upbringing?
Not at all strict
We had a few rules
We had a lot of rules
It was very strict
Did your parents try to dictate too you about faith or let you figure it out?
They tried to dicate, and failed
They appealed to me with it, but didn't dominate with it
They didn't at all, so I made my own choices
They tried, and succeeded
How religious is your community?
Very religious
Pretty religious
It had its religious pockets
Totally secular


Did your family spend a lot of time together growing up?
No, we all did our own thing
We would get together on Friday nights
We spent most weeknights together
We spent all our time together
How involved were your parents in your school?
Not at all
A bit here and there
They donated whenever there was a fund raiser, and knew my teachers
They were pillars of my school community
Did you feel like you had a connection with your teachers?
I did, with a few of them
I did, with many of them
I felt a close bond with all of them


Did you believe in God when you were growing up?
Yes, and I still do
I did, but I don't anymore
I didn't, and I still don't
I didn't, but now I do
How likely were you to believe things adults told you when you were growing up?
Not at all likely
Pretty likely
Somewhat likely
Very unlikely
Did your school have a sex ed program?
No, what's that?
Yeah, for one semester, in my senior year of high school
Yes, all through high school
Yes, starting in middle school


Did anyone teach you about condoms when you were growing up?
Yes, my minister said they were a sin
Yes, my parents did
Yes, in sex ed
Yes, all of the above
How much of your free time was taken up with after school activities?
I was a member of one club
Most of my time
All of my time!
Did you play a sport?
I was a mathlete
I played a sport
I played several sports


Did you play an instrument?
I played the recorder
I played the guitar
I played the trombone
Did you have a performance art?
I acted
I danced
I was a magician
Did you use less than legal substances?
A few times


Did you smoke cigarettes?
Cloves, of course
I did for a few months
I did every now and then
No, never
Did you drink when you were growing up?
Starting VERY early
From time to time
I started when I was about 18
Did you stay out after curfew?
Only a few times
Only once
No, never


How many of your friends did your parents know?
One or two
A handful
Most of them
All of them
Were you a good student?
Heck no
I was okay
I was a very good student
I was a straight A student
Did you go to a lot of parties?
A few every year
One or two a year
No, I wasn't very cool


Were you comfortable in your own skin?
I was deeply uncomfortable in my own skin
I was mostly fine, with a bit of teenage angst.
I was pretty comfortable
I was totally fine with who I was
Did you end up in summer school?
Yeah but I skipped it
No, I did enough to get by
No, I was an A student
Just once but I sorted myself out
Did you have a reliable, sensible non-parent in your life you could talk to about stuff?
Yes, a coach and a priest
A bunch, yes - aunts, uncles, priest, neighbor, etc
Yes, a teacher


Were you considered a problem child?
No, but I was a bit of a wild kid
No, I was pretty well behaved
I was a total shut-in
How many siblings did you have?
A couple
Were you cool?
I was very cool
A was a little cool
I was about average
I was totally uncool


Were your friends cool?
All of my friends were cool, and older than me
Not really, but we had out niche
I had a few cool friends, but they were the exception
How did you feel about going to college, from a socialization perspective?
I felt like I was abandoning my friends
I felt like I had a chance to reinvent myself
I felt like I was being forced to reinvent myself
I felt like I was finally liberated from an oppressive culture
How much of a relief was adulthood?
None. My glory days were behind me
It felt good
It was a relief
It was a revelation


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