Can We Guess How Spiritual You Are?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess How Spiritual You Are?
Image: Ingo Rösler / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Spirituality differs from religion. It differs from faith. It's a thing all on its own. Religion is about believing in a deity and learning to live your life by guidelines and beliefs laid out in the texts of a given religion. Being spiritual is more about tapping into your deeper self and learning to connect to other humans and living things on a non-physical level. Have you ever felt like things were just going your way and the universe was sending positive things your way? That is what spirituality is about. No books, no preaching, just living and loving.

Spirituality and religion aren't mutually exclusive either. You can have a belief in a god or higher being but also have something else you believe in. The universe works in mysterious ways, and so do people. If you've never considered yourself spiritual, thinks about a few things. Have you ever cared about something else more than you've cared about yourself? Do material things not give you nearly as much pleasure as being out in nature surrounded by the beauty of the earth? Have your priorities shifted as you've gotten older and wiser? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a spiritual being. But how much? Take this quiz, and we'll guess!

Do you recognize the existence of a spirit in living things?
I think I do.
How could someone not?
It's there and I can't wait to help other people find it.
Is it possible for you to be happy without material objects?
Anyone who says "yes" is lying.
Not all things but some
I need less now than ever before.
Happiness doesn't come from things.
How often do you spend meditating and getting to a place outside of yourself?
Once a week
Once a day
Every morning and every night


Are you able to accept that people have different beliefs than you?
I accept it, but I don't have to hang out with them.
Of course! That's part of life.
I encourage people to have different beliefs than others.
Differences are what makes the world go round.
What's your favorite part of the material world?
The food
The mature trees
Coffee shops
Home decor
Have you ever had a paranormal experience or an experience you couldn't explain?
I haven't, but I know people who have.
I thought I did once, but I can't be sure.
I've had many!
I'm very open to those who haven't crossed over.


Do you believe in coincidences?
No, I think everything happens because of hard work.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, whether it's known at the time or not.
Coincidences are the universe's way of reassuring you.
Does it ever cross your mind why you're in the place in life that you're in right now?
Yes, but I don't spend too much time thinking about it.
I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
All the time, and I'm sure one day I'll figure it out.
I work through that constantly.
On an average day, how much time do you spend thinking about something outside of yourself?
I've never kept track.
I think about work more than anything.
It's probably equal to how much time I spend thinking of myself.
At least half the time


Are you a curious creature by nature?
I'm always asking questions.
Yes! I want to know as much as possible.
With certain things
I let the universe tell me what I need to know.
Do you have a thirst for factual knowledge?
It does help me in conversations.
I seek out information of all kinds.
I'm really just trying to expand my mind in all ways.
I have a thirst for everything.
When you're venturing into something new, do you need specific instructions or guidelines?
It makes it so much easier.
I like to follow my own path.
Some guidance is nice.
Not specific ones, but a general idea is helpful.


How willing are you to step outside of your comfort zone?
I like to be inside it.
I'm reluctant, but I'll do it.
All personal growth comes from outside your comfort zone.
It's best not to even have a comfort zone.
What do you when you feel like things are hopeless?
Feel my feelings
Do something good for my body
Work through it and push myself out of it
Meditate and clear my head.
Are you open to change your ways in order to achieve spiritual freedom?
What would I have to do?
I'm willing to take some chances.
I do want to be free from the pressures of the physical world.
I'd do anything for that.


What would you be willing to change about your life in order to feel the best you can?
My bad habits
I'd leave my job.
My diet
I could be more physically active.
If you started to feel really down during your journey, would you quit?
Depends on how invested in it I am.
That would make me want to work harder.
I'd take a break, but I wouldn't quit.
I would definitely re-evaluate some things.
Can you name one good habit that you want to work into your spiritual practice?
More yoga
Being less judgmental
More nature walks
Being early or on time for things


Who would you turn to for guidance or advice if you needed it?
My mom
My closest friend
My significant other
The universe
When you think about nature, how do you work to protect it every day?
I recycle.
Pick up trash whenever I see it.
Eat a plant-based diet.
Educate myself on preservation
Has journaling ever been something you did regularly?
Only when required to by school
Not in the past, but it is now.
I've always kept a journal.
Not regularly, but it's there when I need it.


Do you accept others for exactly who they are?
Definitely not
I do try to.
Not everyone deserves that.
It benefits everyone to be that way.
When in your life have you felt superior to others?
When I got promoted
When I started working out
When I became a vegan
Never, superiority is a wasted feeling.
Are there roadblocks on the path ahead of you?
I hope not!
There will always be roadblocks.
Yes, but I can handle whatever comes my way.
Tons of them, and that's OK.


Do you think that things like finding a four leaf clover actually mean good luck?
No, but it's a fun thing to tell kids.
I don't see why it couldn't be.
If you want it to be good luck, it will be.
Probably not, but it's still fun to look for them.
At what age do you think people mature fully?
I think it depends on life experience.
Whenever they feel ready
Maturity is not a conscious decision.
Why do you think kids and animals can sense things that we cannot see?
They're the most innocent creatures.
Society hasn't told them otherwise.
Life hasn't beat them down yet.
Spiritual beings feel more comfortable with those creatures.


Is time an illusion?
I have no idea.
Time is another set of rules we're expected to follow.
Yes, but it's necessary.
Mostly everything is an illusion.
Do you like to teach others things that you have learned throughout your life?
I'm not good at teaching others.
If I can help even one person, I consider my life a success.
People have to be open to learning.
I like to teach but not preach.
What do you think happens to us when we leave this earth?
We just cease to exist.
We each go somewhere different.
Our bodies leave, but our souls stay alive forever.
I believe we are reincarnated.


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