About This Quiz
Kissing is a remarkably strange human behavior when you think about it. People will kiss their dogs and cats. Parents kiss their babies. Acquaintances kiss one another hello. Spider-Man kisses Mary Jane upside down in the rain. There's a whole lot of lip-locking going on, and it clearly changes meaning from one kiss to the next and one person to the next.
For some people, a kiss may as well be a high five - it doesn't mean anything. For others, it's intensely personal and special and can only be shared with someone you deeply love. That's why, for a very long time, the idea of kissing on a first date had a lot of meaning for people. And for some, it still does.
Because kissing can be a very intimate and meaningful thing, not everyone is comfortable laying their lips on just anyone. But some people are. Some people need time to build a rapport with another person, to develop feelings that are strong enough to justify the kiss. Are you one of those people? Do you think we can guess after just a few questions if you're the sort of person who will kiss on a first date? Take the quiz and find out!
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