About This Quiz
You might have sex under various circumstances, including on a first date. How likely are you to have it, though? We're wagering we can tell whether or not you'd be so inclined by your answers to our prying questions. Yes, we'll ask you spicy questions that'll help reveal whether you're likely to get down to it if the situation presents itself.
Maybe you're more conservative and have it as a well-established rule that you're just not going all the way on a first date - no matter how attractive the person. Or maybe you're someone who usually wouldn't, but rules are meant to be broken in special situations.
Or maybe you're more adventurous and willing to go with the flow to wherever it may take you, including the bedroom. Behind closed doors, anything is possible, you might say to yourself. As long as you find someone attractive enough to spark the urge, you have no problem letting the mood dictate. Or it could also be that you'll take sex when you can get it.
Go on, challenge yourself as well as your group of friends and new acquaintances with this quiz. Test it out as a game that will be sure to arouse, er, interest among those around you.
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