Can We Guess If You'll Have Sex on a First Date?

By: Mariana Sabino
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess If You'll Have Sex on a First Date?
Image: Pekic/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

You might have sex under various circumstances, including on a first date. How likely are you to have it, though? We're wagering we can tell whether or not you'd be so inclined by your answers to our prying questions. Yes, we'll ask you spicy questions that'll help reveal whether you're likely to get down to it if the situation presents itself.

Maybe you're more conservative and have it as a well-established rule that you're just not going all the way on a first date - no matter how attractive the person. Or maybe you're someone who usually wouldn't, but rules are meant to be broken in special situations.

Or maybe you're more adventurous and willing to go with the flow to wherever it may take you, including the bedroom. Behind closed doors, anything is possible, you might say to yourself. As long as you find someone attractive enough to spark the urge, you have no problem letting the mood dictate. Or it could also be that you'll take sex when you can get it.

Go on, challenge yourself as well as your group of friends and new acquaintances with this quiz. Test it out as a game that will be sure to arouse, er, interest among those around you.

1 wear on first date
Kristina Strasunske/Moment/Getty Images
What do you usually wear on a first date?
Something flattering but understated
Dressed to kill
2 sex on a first date
Emir Memedovski/E+/Getty Images
Have you ever had sex on a first date?
Almost once
A couple of times
Many times
3 gauge on a first date
Nick Dolding/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What do you want to gauge on a first date?
What they're all about
Whether I'd like to have a second
Whether we click
Whether we have chemistry


4 make a clear move
Gpointstudio/Cultura/Getty Images
Would you be disappointed if the other person doesn't make a clear move?
No. I'd find it appropriate for a first date.
Somewhat. I'd want some flirting, sure.
Yes. I'd like to know they want to have sex, even if we don't.
Heck yes! I want to know I'm wanted.
5 attractive stranger
Christopher Robbins/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If an attractive stranger tells you they find you sexy, how do you react?
I'd be put off. Too forward.
I'd be flattered and would smile.
I'd be curious about them.
I'd jump right on it.
6 how long has it been
Seb Oliver/Cultura/Getty Images
How long has it been since you've had sex?
Quite some time
A little while ago
Somewhat recent
Relatively recently, but it feels like a long time!


7 uninhibited
Gpointstudio/Cultura/Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as uninhibited?
I wouldn't say that, no.
Not really. I'm not that inhibited, though.
Somewhat. I'd say that, sure.
Definitely. No hang-ups here.
8 serious relationship
Sam Edwards/OJO Images/Getty Images
Are you looking for a serious relationship?
I'd say so, yes.
Ultimately, sure ...
Maybe, but I don't mind having a satisfying short-term fling.
Not from the get-go, no.
9 hurt
Kiyoshi Hijiki/Moment/Getty Images
Do you get hurt easily?
I guard my feelings carefully.
Kind of. I try to be careful.
Not really. I don't dwell on it.
Nope. I have a thick skin.


10 many partners
Paul Bradbury/OJO Images/Getty Images
Have you had many partners?
No, I haven't. How rude of you to ask!
I wouldn't say so, no.
I'm no virgin, LOL.
I've had my share, but there are always more fish to fry.
11 thrill seeker
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you a thrill seeker, do you think?
No. That's ridiculous.
I wouldn't say I seek it, but I'll take it.
I'll take a few thrills to spice up my life.
That's what I'm all about!
12 experimenting in bed
Seb Oliver/Image Source/Getty Images
Do you enjoy experimenting in bed?
What on earth do you mean by that?
You mean, er, a different position?
I like to try new things.
Yup. Bring it on!


13 attracted to strangers
Martin Dimitrov/E+/Getty Images
Do you often find yourself attracted to strangers?
Not really. I need to get to know someone before I become attracted to them.
I occasionally find strangers attractive.
I do. I often see people I fantasize about in daily life.
Strangers are hot; that's all I have to say.
14 sexually experienced
AJ_Watt/E+/Getty Images
Are you sexually experienced?
Um. That's a very intrusive question.
I'm not sure ...
I'd say so.
Indeed! And I'm looking for more!
15 cheated on someone
stock_colors/E+/Getty Images
Have you ever cheated on someone?
Never! That would be wrong.
No, but I've been quite tempted.
I have ... unfortunately.
It happens. Human nature, I'm afraid.


16 non-monogamous relationship
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
Would you be open to a non-monogamous relationship?
Definitely not
Probably not
Under the right circumstances, sure.
Sure. Monogamy is kind of boring anyway.
17 live in the moment
stock_colors/E+/Getty Images
Would you say you live in the moment?
No, I wouldn't say that.
I take it as it goes to a certain extent.
I go with the flow, sure.
Seize the moment, that's what I say!
18 Drink
Photo by Rafa Elias/Moment/Getty Images
Do you drink?
Little to nothing
Sure, who doesn't?
Glug glug ;)


19 hit on you
Hill Street Studios/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do a lot of people hit on you?
They wouldn't dare.
I wouldn't say a lot, but a few do.
I get my fair share of attention.
I make sure they do!
20 ideal for sleeping
Charles Gullung/Cultura/Getty Images
How many dates do you think is ideal before sleeping with someone?
At least 4-5. At least!
At least three
Three, I guess, but I don't really care about that.
There's no such thing. It's ideal when you feel like it.
21 Fantasize Open/Getty Images
Do you fantasize often?
About what, exactly? I don't have any weird sex fantasies if that's what you're asking.
I envision certain scenarios, sure.
I guess I do ... Don't tell anyone!
Sex is always on my mind.


22 Married
Sara Monika/Cultura/Getty Images
Have you ever been married?
Almost, but no
A couple of times ...
23 sex on a first date
Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury/OJO+/Getty Images
Would you like to have sex on a first date?
Of course not! Not that I attract the kind of person who's into that.
I don't think so, but who knows?
It'd be cool to have a passionate enough feeling that it might happen.
I'd like to have it any time the mood strikes.
24 look down on people
Ian Ross Pettigrew/Moment/Getty Images
Do you look down on people who do it on a first date?
Actually, I do. It's reckless.
Well, I think it's best to wait.
Not really. To each their own.
C'mon! They'd be talking about me.


25 first kiss
Britt Erlanson/Cultura/Getty Images
How old were you when you first kissed someone?
26 make out on a first date
Eugenio Marongiu/Cultura/Getty Images
Do you usually make out on a first date?
Make out? No. That's for way later.
Not really. Maybe a kiss.
It has happened on a few occasions.
You mean preliminaries? Of course!
27 nightcap
Chris Ryan/OJO Images/Getty Images
They invite you for a nightcap; what do you say?
Next time
I might accept, but probably not.
Sure, a nightcap, why not?
Of course! Nightcaps are mandatory in my book.


28 sleep with you on the first date
Kathrin Ziegler/DigitalVision/Getty Images
They make it clear they want to sleep with you on the first date. What do you do?
How audacious! I'd find an excuse to leave soon.
I'd let them know it's not going to happen.
I'd ask myself if I felt the same way.
Glad they said it first, honestly!
29 Music
Todor Tsvetkov/E+/Getty Images
What kind of music do you like to listen to on a date?
Something low-key. I want to talk.
Jazz, maybe
Whatever, from party to romantic
Music that puts us in the mood
30 first thing you notice
Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What's the first thing you usually notice in a potential love interest?
Their hands
Their eyes
Their lips
Their butts


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