Can We Guess If Your Cat Is an Angel or the Spawn of Satan?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can We Guess If Your Cat Is an Angel or the Spawn of Satan?
Image: 101cats / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Cats certainly have their own distinct personality traits, but we can essentially categorize them into two aspects: Angelic and the spawn of Satan. If your cat has an angelic personality, then they probably behave in a very kind manner around you and your friends. Angelic cats tend to never inflict wounds with their claws, nor do they chew on curtains or scratch the carpet. 

But if your cat is a creature who even occasionally causes destruction to furniture in your home, then they might possess certain demonic traits. In other words, how well do you know your cat? After all, your cat may act one way toward you, but have a completely separate identity when you're not around ...

One interesting aspect to note about cats is a change in behavior throughout their life. Some cats are certainly more playful when they are young, but tend to grow more mature and calm as they age. But the opposite can also be true, as some cats actually become more destructive as they grow older. This may come from a sense of pride, as well as a lack of care for their owner's feelings. So if you think you know your cat, it's time to find out how much of an angel (or a devil) they really are!

How does your cat feel when you leave them alone in the house?
How should I know?
When you come home after a long day of work, what kind of chaos do you find?
No chaos, my cat would never harm objects.
My home turns into an apocalypse when I'm gone.
The toilet paper has been destroyed.
A couple of pens are usually on the floor.
Does your cat scratch or bite you when they feel annoyed?
No, never.
Yes, all the time.
Only when I try to pick them up.
Sometimes they do.


How does your cat react to guests in the house?
They love guests.
They run and hide from them.
It depends on how many people are over.
They act shy around them.
If you gave your cat a bath, would they love you forever or plan on running away from home?
Of course they would love me forever.
They would probably kill me first and then run away.
They would run away from home.
I'm not sure, I've never tried giving a bath to my cat.
Let's say that you gave your cat a crumpled piece of paper. What would they do to it?
They would play with it like a toy.
They would start destroying it.
They would probably lay down next to it.
They would stare at it, then walk away.


Some toys don't last very long around cats. How many toys has your cat destroyed so far?
All of them
A few of them
I don't know, I can never seem to find their toys.
If you cuddled up next to your cat when they are sleeping, how would they react to you?
They would lick my face and cuddle with me.
They would swipe me in the face.
They would look annoyed and continue to sleep.
They would get up and walk away.
You just found your cat peeing on your carpet. What kind of expression would they have on their face?


When your cat drinks water, do they tend to splash the water around with their paws?
No, they would never do such a thing.
Yes, their food and water area is always wet.
I never notice it.
Pretend that your cat has the power to talk back to you. What's the first thing they would say?
"I love you so much."
"Why don't you take a nice skydiving trip ... without the parachute."
"When can I leave this dump?"
"I'm hungry."
Let's say that you brought home another furry friend for your cat to play with. Would they feel happy about this?
Of course, they would be overjoyed.
No, they would find a way to get rid of their new "friend."
They would probably get my attention more.
They would probably just ignore their new friend.


Does your cat dig around in your cabinets and pantry cupboards for treats and snacks?
No, my cat would never do that.
Every single day.
Sometimes they do.
Maybe they do, but I don't notice it.
Does your cat go a little bit crazy for catnip or are they more indifferent about it?
They remain calm around catnip.
They definitely go crazy for it.
They're indifferent about it.
I've never given them catnip.
Is your cat picky when it comes to wet or dry food, or will they eat almost anything?
They'll eat almost anything.
They're super picky.
They're not overly picky.
They're only used to the same kind of food I give them.


How does your cat throw a temper tantrum when they become annoyed?
They never throw temper tantrums.
They start biting or scratching me.
They start meowing like crazy.
They'll start chewing on random objects.
If your cat was hiding and you were looking for them, what would you use to reveal them?
I would just call them by their name.
Nothing, they only come out when they feel like it.
I'll shake a bag of treats or food.
A laser toy
Let's say that your cat saw a spider crawling next to it. What would they do?
They would walk away and leave it alone.
They would destroy every part of that spider.
They would start playing with it.
Nothing at all.


When you give brand new toys to your cat, what kind of facial expression do they convey to you?
A happy expression
An expression that says "Finally, I deserve this."
An indifferent expression
A confused expression
When it comes to playtime, does your cat prefer to play indoors or outdoors?
A bit of both.
They don't really play that much.
If your cat saw you working on a computer, would they sit on the keyboard to claim it as their own?
No, why would they do that?
I'm pretty sure they have already claimed everything in my house.
They would try, but I would quickly remove them from the keyboard.
Maybe when I'm not around.


Does your cat follow your house rules or do they tend to happily dismiss them?
They always follow the rules.
They always happily dismiss my rules.
I think my cat made up their own rules.
They tend to only follow the rules that they want to follow.
Let's say that you dressed up your cat in a cute cat outfit. Would they feel happy or annoyed by this?
They would feel very happy.
I don't think I could even put an outfit on them with how angry they would become.
They would feel annoyed.
They would feel betrayed by me.
Match one of these historical conquerors to your cat's personality.
Julius Caesar
My cat is like Attila the Hun
Napoleon Bonaparte
Cyrus the Great


If your cat could rule the world, what kind of changes would they make?
My cat would bring world peace to all of the people.
My cat would make every human being their servant.
My cat would probably do nothing at all.
All factories would be required to manufacture mice and laser toys.
You notice that your cat is sleeping peacefully. What are they probably dreaming about?
Rainbows and unicorns
World destruction
Playing with toys
Fill in the blank: My cat is as mature as a ________ year old human being.


Is your cat a fearless creature or does it have a couple of fears?
My cat definitely has a lot of fears.
Trust me, my cat fears nothing.
My cat has a few fears.
I'm not really sure what my cat fears.
Does your cat like to sunbathe or could they care less about a warm floor?
They love to sunbathe.
They don't really care.
They occasionally sunbathe.
I don't think I've ever seen them sunbathe.
There are seven deadly sins in this world, but which of these applies to your cat's personality?
