Can We Guess If You’re a Hugger?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess If You’re a Hugger?
Image: Grant Squibb/Cultura/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Are you an affectionate person? Does it make you feel great to go around spreading hugs and love to those around you? In this quiz, we're going to see who you really are with questions about your affectionate personality!

In this quiz, we've associated certain personality traits to those who like or dislike the concept of hugging. Some people don't like to give or receive hugs because they're not emotionally available for that kind of affection, while others are hindered with a dark past or secret that prevents them from feeling love. People who love to give or receive hugs are usually more affectionate and emotionally available to those they care about. These types of people also don't like to see others hurt, and are quick to come to their aid at any sign of distress.

You could either be a total hugger like a teddy bear or someone who only likes to hug friends or family. You could also be matched to someone who doesn't like hugs at all, which depends on how you answer the questions in this quiz. If you're ready to see if you've got an affectionate personality, it's time to take this quiz now!

Would you rather receive hugs or give hugs?
Both! I just love hugs in general.
I'd rather receive hugs.
I'd rather give hugs.
Neither, I hate hugs.


How do you feel about PDA?
I think it's sweet and romantic.
If it's just hugging, it's fine, but hopefully nothing more.
Kissing and hugging is fine, but everything else needs to be away from the public.
I think it's gross.


Are you close with your family?
Only immediate family, not extended relatives
I'm close to all family members.
Not really, maybe only one or two family members.
Not at all


Do you like to cuddle?
Yes, with people and stuffed animals
It depends on my mood.
I'll only cuddle with my BFF.
Nope, not at all


Are you more outgoing or more introverted?
I'm more outgoing.
I'm a bit more introverted, but I can be outgoing around my family.
I'm more outgoing around friends, but quiet around everyone else.
I'm way more introverted.


Do you have any stuffed animals?
Yes, I have a whole bunch!
I have a few stuffed animals, but they're in a closet somewhere.
I have one or two stuffed animals.
Nope, stuffed animals are for kids.


Do you trust people easily?
Yes, what do I have to lose?
I trust my family, but not anyone else.
I trust some of my friends, but not so much with everyone else.
No, trust needs to be built over time.


Are you an imaginative person?
Yes, I think I'm very creative.
I day dream sometimes.
I only imagine stuff when I'm dreaming at night.
No, not really


Which of these colors dominates the clothes in your closet?
My closet is a rainbow of colors.
Red, orange and yellow
Pink, purple and baby blue
Black, brown and grey


Do you have low or high self-esteem?
I have pretty high self-esteem!
I would say I'm a 7/10 on the self-esteem scale.
I'm more of a 4/10 on the self-esteem scale.
I have very low self-esteem.


When you sleep at night, do you prefer the room to be warm or cold?
I like it very warm.
Not too hot, but not too cold
I prefer it cool, but not totally cold.
I prefer it ice cold.


Do you have a lot of friends in your social circle?
I have several close friends.
Mostly acquaintances with three or four friends.
Yes, I have quite a few friends.
No, I only have one or two friends.


Which of these foods would you eat?
Mac and cheese


Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
Yes, I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
I have a serious crush on someone.
I flirt with some people, but it's nothing serious.
No, I don't have a significant other.


Have you had your first kiss yet?
Yes, I've had many great first kisses with people!
Yes, and it was magical.
Yes, but it wasn't that great.
Nope, it hasn't happened yet.


Do you feel lonely in your life?
No, not at all
Sometimes I get lonely.
For the most part, no, but I occasionally feel lonely.
Yes, very much so


Are you more soft or tough as a person?
I'm way more soft than I want to admit.
I'm about 90% soft and 10% tough.
I'm more 10% soft and 90% tough.
I'm definitely more tough.


Do you want to get married at some point in your life?
I'm already married!
Yes, eventually I want to get married
Maybe, but I don't know yet.
No, I have no interest in that.


If your friend is cold, would you hug them to keep them warm?
Yes, without a doubt
They would have to be a really close BFF.
Friends, yes. Acquaintances, no.
No, they should bring a jacket.


Which of these gifts would you want the most for Valentine's Day?
Stuffed animals
A card


Do you think you're a confident person?
Yes, absolutely.
I'm more confident around my family than anyone else.
I'm confident around my friends, but no one else.
No, I lack confidence.


If you saw a stray cat on the road, what would you do?
Pick it up and take it home with me
Take it to a nearby shelter
Take a picture of it and post it on social media
I would ignore it.


Do you prefer to give gifts, or to receive them?
I love giving gifts!
I love giving gifts to my family, but not to anyone else.
I only surprise my friends with gifts.
I'm not much of a gift-giver, but I have no problem receiving them.


Which of these is your favorite holiday?
My birthday
Valentine's Day


Have you ever given anything to charity?
Yes, and I still give to charity on occasion.
I've given to charity in the past, but not recently.
Once in a blue moon, I'll donate to charity.
I never have and I never will.


Do you have a dark secret that you haven't shared with anyone yet?
I have maybe one secret, but it's not dark at all.
I have a few secrets, but nothing too dark.
I have one or two dark secrets from my past.
I have many, many dark secrets.


How do you feel if your friends or family says "I love you" to you?
I love it, and I say it right back to them!
I love it from my family, but it'd be weird to hear that from friends.
I prefer hearing it from my friends over family.
Eww, I hate it.


Do you feel like hugs and kisses are a form of weakness?
No, why would it be a weakness?
I can see why it would it be a weakness, but I don't view it as such.
It's kind of a "weak" thing, but I don't care that much.
Yes, absolutely


It's very cold outside. How are you going to dress?
Lots and lots of layers
A winter coat would suffice.
A jacket with a hat and a scarf
Just a light jacket is fine. I like the cold.


Do you cry a lot?
No, it's pretty rare.
I get emotional sometimes, yes.
Sometimes I cry in front of close friends, but they always comfort me.
Yes actually, but I never show it.


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