Can We Guess If You're More Black Hole or Supernova?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess If You're More Black Hole or Supernova?
Image: Mark Garlick / Science Photo Library / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Did you know that nearly 1,000 years ago Chinese astronomers witnessed a supernova that was so bright it could be seen with the naked eye and was bright enough to read by at night? This thing was 6,500 light years away in the Crab Nebula! That's the power of a supernova. Meanwhile, the rest of our universe is riddled with black holes. Some of them are bigger than our entire solar system, while others could very well be the size of your dog. When it comes to stellar phenomena, the only things you can be sure of is that our little corner of the universe is pretty small, and incredible things are happening out there.

It's kind of ironic that a supernova has the power to become a black hole when they seem so different from one another. A supernova is so bright and energetic, flooding the universe with light. A black hole literally pulls light into itself and can't even be seen with the naked eye. They're like opposite sides of the same coin but they still start off the same way, just like us. We all start very much the same and find different paths in life. So which are you, a supernova or a black hole? Let's find out!

It's party time! What's your role going to be at this little shindig?
The center of attention, I expect
I'm hosting.
I'm just chilling.
You know, mingling and enjoying myself.
The world is really set up for a 9-5 kind of life. At what time of day do you feel most productive?
High noon
All day long
Late at night
It really depends on the day.
If you were living life on a farm, what job do you think you'd be best at?
Planting things
Anything that lets me ride a tractor around
Milking the cows
Harvesting crops


Which holiday do you put the most effort into celebrating every year?
I put effort into everything!
If someone you've been talking to for a few weeks online suddenly ghosts you, what are you going to do about it?
Send them a salty message
Probably just drop it and move on
Try to lurk their social media
I dunno, Maybe send a message and ask what's up and then leave it at that.
If you get caught out in the rain and it's a brutal, heavy downpour, what do you do?
Run home!
Have fun with it
Take cover until it's done
It's just rain, no big deal.


We live in some tech-savvy times. Do you still have a landline phone?
I probably do, but I don't use it.
I do not.
You bet I do.
I do, but it's just for my family to call me.
You can ride one animal across the countryside, and a horse is not an option. Mount up!
Suppose you just got home from working a double shift and caught your significant other cheating on you, what would you do?
It's time to lose my mind.
Confront them and try to figure out what's going on.
I'm heading out to a bar with some friends.
Kick 'em both out and go to bed


If you didn't have access to TV or the internet, what would you do with all your spare time?
Go out and see the world
Hang out with friends
If someone asked you to cook a dish you've never even heard of before, how would you go about it?
I'll Google a recipe.
Ask my parents for help
I'd see if I could order it from someplace.
Get the person who asked to help me make it
Is it more important that people think you're smart or physically attractive?
I'd rather people find me attractive.
I'm pretty confident in my looks and intelligence.
I'd rather be thought of as smart.
Depends on the person, really


When you were younger, did you ever lie to your parents about where you were going to be when you were out?
Only once in a while
More often than not
Yeah, but I got caught.
If you could be the best in the world at any sport, what sport would you choose?
Would you ever wear a hot pink tuxedo to a formal event?
Sure, why not?
I guess if it wasn't too serious
Not ever
Not if I'm going alone


Have you ever had issues trying to control your temper in the past?
Oh yeah
Not at all
Sometimes, just for a moment
Some things can set me off, but not much.
What do you like most about heading out to the woods for a weekend to go camping?
Spending time with friends
The solitude
How much faith do you have in astrology?
I love reading my horoscope.
I'm open to the idea.
None at all
I'm not sure.


If you found a magic lamp with a genie inside, would you trust him to grant your wishes with no strings attached?
Of course!
I could probably word a wish in a way that wouldn't backfire.
Nah, genies are always up to something.
I'd like to see someone else make some wishes first, just to be safe.
What decade produced the best music of all time?
Modern music is the best!
The '80s
The 2000s
The '60s for sure
If a kid going door to door selling candy shows up at your house, are you buying?
I love candy!
Sure, if it's for a good cause.
No thanks
Depends on what they're selling.


Have you ever, at any time in your life, taken something that didn't belong to you?
Yes, but I returned it!
Yes, I have.
When I was a kid
Everyone likes a nice grilled meal. What's the best thing to cook on a BBQ?
How many stairs do you think you could climb before you'd need a rest?
500, easy.
Maybe 100
I have no idea. What's a normal number of stairs?


Do you believe there's intelligent life on another world out there somewhere?
There has to be.
If it happened here, it could happen elsewhere.
I doubt it.
I hope so.
Space tourism is slowly becoming a thing. Would you be willing to take a flight into space?
That sounds awesome.
I think that'd be a fun thing to do with my family and friends.
No thanks!
Maybe in a few years, once it's cheaper and I know it's safe.
If you're working with a group of people and have to present your work in front of others, are you taking the lead on that project?
I think we should all have an equal part.
Nope, someone else can do it.
Guess it depends on what we have to do.


If money was no object, where would you most like to go on vacation?
A tropical resort
Las Vegas
New Orleans
If your best friend broke up with their partner and needed a place to stay would you let them crash at your place?
Yeah, I could make room.
For as long as they wanted
I don't really have the room. But they'd know that!
I guess until they figured out where to go.
What's the worst thing you can do to a pizza?
Overcook it until it's dry
Not enough sauce


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