About This Quiz
There are a few staple crops in the world that provide a disproportionately large amount of the calories that humans eat. These include wheat, maize, rice, potatoes, soybeans, yams, sorghum, cassava, sugarcane and sweet potato - and if you haven't heard of a couple of those or find it surprising that they are on the list, that's because they are staple crops in parts of the world that tend not to export as much to the United States or Europe.
While some crops can grow in a huge variety of places, others prefer a specific climate and topography. For example, potatoes hail from the Americas but transferred beautifully to the European climate, which is itself pretty varied. However, salad crops can only grow where there is plenty of water and thus aren't suited to certain places. Rice is an extremely labor-intensive crop that can produce several harvests a year, while barley grows one crop a year and thus gives you the winter off. Certain fruits only grow wild for a few weeks but put up a large greenhouse, and all bets are off!
This means that different crops lend themselves to different cultures and personalities. Historically, it was the crop that shaped the culture, but these days farmers - like the rest of us - can choose more easily what they think suits them. Tell us a little about yourself, and we'll figure out what you'd farm!
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