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About This Quiz
You are keenly aware of the behaviors around you, and there are some bad habits make you crazy! Of all the annoying things people do, see if we can which of their bad habits makes you absolutely nuts!
Are you easily annoyed?
No, but some things do get my goat.
I am a little irritable.
I only have a few pet peeves that annoy me.
Do you think you are a picky eater?
No, I will eat almost anything.
Yes, I stick to a strict diet.
Yes. I am definitely a picky eater.
I like things cooked a certain way.
Which do you find most annoying?
A child calling their mother repeatedly to get their attention.
Grocery shopping is really annoying.
Playing with gum is really annoying.
People who do not know how to merge onto the highway drive me crazy.
What is the one thing your best friend does that makes you crazy?
My best friend takes forever to get ready to go out.
My best friend is terrible about returning messages.
My best friend is a sloppy eater.
My best friend is a terrible driver.
What would you do if someone were interrupting your work?
I would politely tell them that I'm in the middle of something.
I would ask if I could get back to them later.
I would tell them to leave.
I would hurry the conversation along.
Is there anything about the grocery store that you dislike?
Yes, I hate long lines.
Yes, I hate running into people I know.
I dislike the insane prices.
No, it's a necessity of life.
What is the best way to move through a crowd?
Moving sideways in a crowd works best.
I gently ask people to move aside.
I push my way through.
I tell people to get out of my way.
How much do you like children?
Kids are cool.
I love kids.
I'm not much of a kid person.
I like my own kids.
What aspect of driving do you think most people could improve?
People need to learn to signal.
People should learn how to merge.
I wish people would learn to stop at stop signs.
People need to learn to properly use the carpool lane.
What is the worst thing you have seen someone do in a restaurant?
I've seen people making out in a restaurant.
I have seen cooks do unsanitary things.
I think it's rude to change a baby on a table.
I've seen parents let their kids run wild.
Do you think that you are observant?
I think I'm average.
I am observant.
I notice everything!
I am aware of my surroundings.
What is your worst bad habit?
I bite my nails a lot.
I drink too much.
I smoke.
I don't eat as healthy as I should.
How do you feel when someone writes a check at the checkout counter?
I wish they would modernize and get a debit card.
What's a check?
I don't think anything about it.
I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen a check.
Do you have bad habits that drive someone else nuts?
Of course I do.
I don't think so.
I'm sure I do.
I try to avoid making other people as insane as their bad habits make me.
What personal hygiene task do you believe should always be done alone?
Number twos should always be done in private.
Toenail cutting should always be done alone.
It grosses me out when people brush their teeth outside of the bathroom.
Squeezing zits is a solo act.
What do you do when someone is doing something that irritates you?
I act annoyed.
I gently suggest they stop.
I tell them to knock it off.
I take deep breaths and let it go.
What drives you craziest around the workplace?
My pens always get stolen.
Leaving the copy machine without paper is annoying!
Stealing food from the fridge is irritating.
Ignoring the phone makes me nuts.
Do you have good manners?
I have impeccable manners.
I have good manners.
I have good manners until after a few drinks.
I say please and thank you.
How would your friends describe your driving?
My friends would say I'm a cautious driver.
My friends would say I'm a good driver.
My friends would say I need to look at the road more.
My friends would say riding with me is like gambling with death.
Do you forgive easily?
I forgive, but I do not forget.
I do forgive easily.
No, I have a hard time forgiving someone that crossed me.
It depends on the situation.
How should toilet paper hang on a roller?
As long as it's on the roller, who cares?
I'm not fussy about toilet paper.
Do you like surprises?
I like to surprise others.
I love surprises!
No, I hate surprises.
I like good surprises.
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