Can We Guess Which Female Tennis Star You Embody?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Which Female Tennis Star You Embody?
Image: Wiki Commons by Robbie Mendelson

About This Quiz

The Women's Tennis Association has only been around since the 1970s, but women's tennis has been around since long before then, and the stars it produced have become as famous as any monarch in history. Tennis was once, as with many sports, considered the exclusive purview of men. Then, starting in the 1960s, all of that changed. Now, women's tennis is just as professional and high stakes as men's tennis, and the two play side by side at all of the world's major competitions. In many ways, women's tennis is bigger, with stars of the game coming from all corners of the world, all ethnicities and all walks of life.

Unlike the men's game, where wearing a hat backward is considered a major statement, women's tennis is where trends in fashion begin and end, with tennis stars challenging uniform rules in ways that make headlines and highlight the double standards women face around how they dress. Women's tennis tends to be much more centered around the technical challenges of the game, since women cannot hit the ball as hard as their male counterparts, as a rule.

Women's tennis has also produced some of the most colorful superstars in the sport. Take this quiz, and we will tell you which female tennis star you embody!

What psychological motivation do you turn to when you're working out and feel like you've got nothing left in the tank?
I hear the voices of my parents urging me on.
I redouble my efforts to prove my naysayers are wrong.
I have a mantra about pain being an illusion.
I remind myself that I'm the best and the best never settles!
In which of these events are you best prepared to succeed?
A long singles match in the scorching heat
A series of singles matches against opponents I have not studied
A grueling singles match against someone physically very strong
A doubles match against a pair of psychic twins
How politically active are you?
Not at all
Very active
Fairly active
A little tiny bit


For what sort of lifestyle do you yearn?
A life of leisure
A life of constant work
A life of activism
A life of celebrity
How do you stay in shape?
Weight lifting
If someone saw you competing in your area of expertise, what would they remember was most notable about your style?
My battle cry
My cerebral focus
My physical commitment
My presence


How well known are you outside your industry peers?
I'm unknown outside my peers.
Industry people know me.
Fairly well known
Everyone knows who I am.
How do you measure your successes?
By how I feel
By the length of my career
By the consistency of my career
By the height of the peaks of my career
What would prompt you to push the boundaries of societal norms?
Being forced into the role
Solidarity with my peers
Being told I couldn't


How much public punishment can you take before you break down?
Not much
Bring it on!
Quite a lot
A bit
What do you do to intimidate opponents?
I turn every action into a display of ferocity.
I let my name speak for itself.
I make sure I'm in peak physical condition.
I embrace being as much "me" as possible.
What time of day do you begin training?
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
4 a.m.
6 a.m.


How do you spend downtime away from training and competing?
Planning for my retirement
Running a business
Having a family
What sort of sponsor would endorse you?
A handbag designer
Personal hygiene products
A watch company
A sports apparel brand
How do you respond to accusations of flouting the rules?
I innocently ask for a full explanation.
I ask who decided that.
I demand to know how they arrived at that.
I insist I am right, and demand the accusation be dropped.


How well do you "work the umpire"?
Well enough
I don't even bother.
Pretty skillfully, but don't tell anyone
Who? Me?
How would you budget your energy for a marathon?
I would run flat out from the get go.
I would keep lots of energy in reserve until I reached the last leg.
I would save my energy for the toughest sections in the middle third and second to last quarter, to put some distance between me and the pack.
I would keep pace with the leader, and then save what I have left to blow past them in the final miles.
Which of these causes would you support with the greatest passion?
A national cause in my homeland
The advancement of my greatest passion
A cause advocating for one's sense of self
Supporting kids who are as I was


What are you more prepared for: social challenges or physical ones?
I'm not sure.
Definitely social ones
A bit of both
Definitely physical ones
At what point should one call it a career?
When one is near the top
When one is at the top
When one is at the top of one's ability
How would you take on someone much stronger than you?
Find their weak point and train just for that
Find a way to stay away from their strengths
Become stronger than them in their greatest strength, for a psychological edge
Train to magnify my strengths, forgetting about my opponent's strengths


How do you like to dress on the job?
As traditional as possible
I just go with the dress code.
I stick with things that don't break rules, but show off what I have to offer.
I will push every boundary and break every rule to be me.
How would you deal with a personal secret getting out?
Totally freak out
Swallow hard and confirm it
Get out ahead of it
Disappear for a while to grieve in private
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
New York
San Francisco


Other than tennis, what sport produces athletes you admire?
What charitable cause would you support?
Children's charities
Food banks
AIDS charities
Education in the third world
Would you like to marry someone famous?
Not especially
Yes, but not in the way I am.


For what would you like to be remembered?
My demeanor
My record
My commitment
My excellence
What would you wear on the red carpet of a gala?
Something stylish, but not too daring
Something conservative but not boring
Something very stylish and unique, but not revealing at all
Something extremely provocative
What other sport would you play, if not for tennis?


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