Can We Guess Which High School Stereotype You Were?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Which High School Stereotype You Were?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

They say that we never really change, but are you the same as you were in high school? Let’s take a trip back to the bleachers and find out if you are the same person you were all those years ago. Whether you spent more time hitting the books or hanging out in the locker room, your distinct personality traits probably still shine through! Depending on your level of high school swagger, you may have gained or lost cool points in the adult world. This quiz will take you through your high school years to get to the heart of who you were back then.

Unlike high school, this is one quiz you can’t fail! There are no right or wrong answers, and no one is going to send you to detention. We are simply going to do our best to learn the traits you possessed in your teenage years so that we can make the most accurate guess possible! Were you a nerd, or were you a jock? There’s only one way to find out! Channel your teenage angst and remember your biggest crush. Take this quiz and your responses will tell us what stereotypical high schooler you were back when you didn’t have to pay bills!

What was your locker like?
Neatly organized, and packed full of books and trinkets from my mom
A bit messy, with a centerfold and my athletic gear in it
Plastered with pages from comic books
Total disaster, full of everything I might carry, including some whoopie cushions
What was your favorite class?
What was your least favorite class?


What club did you belong to?
Study Group
Water Skiing
Comic Books
The Yearbook
Were you in student government?
I was the treasurer.
I did the book layout.
I edited the copy.
What team would you have been part of?


Were you popular?
No, I had no friends.
Yes, I was the master of the school scene.
I had my own crowd but that was all.
I like to hope I was.
Did you have much luck dating?
No, not until after college
Yeah, I had my pick of the school.
I had one girl/boyfriend, but neither of us was popular.
I dated a bit, but I never got to go out with the person I wanted to go out with the most.
What did you typically do after school?
Run track
Read comics
Go home to a dysfunctional home


Did you belong to any clubs outside of your school?
I audited classes at the local college.
I took private athletic coaching, does that count?
Yes, I was part of an outside subculture.
Did your friends think you were funny?
Only my closest friends
Most people laughed at my jokes.
Only my best friend thought that.
Yeah, everyone thought I was funny.
Looking back now as an adult, were you really funny?
No, people were just intimidated by me and laughed to keep me happy.
Yeah, I was.
No, I was just sad.


Did you pick on anyone when you were in high school?
No, I got picked on.
Yeah, I picked on people.
My friends and I picked on each other, but it was friendly.
I got picked on, but learned that making jokes stopped that because I was effectively picking on myself.
Were you picked on in high school?
Yeah, I got stuffed in a locker.
No, but I got hazed.
Yeah, I had my comic books thrown into the trash.
At first, yes
Did you belong to a group that engaged in hazing?
No, we just nerded out.
Yes, we hazed.
Not really
My whole life in high school was a hazing.


When you went to college, did you join a frat?
No, I didn't need that to succeed.
Yes, I did.
No, I had another crowd to turn to.
I had to in order to make friends.
When you went to college, did you join a team?
I was on the chess team.
I was on a sports team.
I was on the Magic The Gathering team.
Which was better for you, high school or college?
High school
Neither really. I spent most of my time away from my classmates and the school culture.
They were about the same.


Did you keep many friends from high school?
One or two
Sure, loads
A few
Were the things you learned in high school useful in life?
Sure they were.
Not the things I learned in class.
Only in so far as they got me into my choice college.
Did you have an internship in high school?
I did, at a local manufacturer.
No, I was too busy with sports.
No, I was too busy with my art.
No, I was too lazy.


Are you proud of how you behaved in high school?
Yes, I am.
No... I could have been a better person.
Yeah, but not what I wore!
No, I'd like to keep my behavior private, please.
Assuming you went, how did you approach your 10-year reunion?
I rolled up in my fancy car, with my fancy job, prepared to rub it in the faces of my classmates.
I hopped out of the family minivan and made sure my tie was on straight.
I rocked up looking very different from my high school days.
I came straight from my law practice, dressed for work.
Looking back, what do you most wish you could have done in high school, that you never tried?
Been any kind of athlete at all
Played another sport than the one I played
Studied more
Been less of a jerk


Did you get decent grades?
I got great grades.
I got passing grades.
I had great grades in some subjects and acceptable ones in other subjects.
I only had grades lowered because I would act out in class.
Did you have a serious boy/girlfriend?
I had a few.
I had one.
No, nothing serious.
Did you ever get left back a year?
No, I skipped a year.
Yes, once
No, I never was.
Yes, a couple times


Did you have to go to summer school?
No, but I once chose to.
Yes, once
Yes, more than once
Did you leave high school knowing what you wanted to do with your life?
Yes, but in fairness, I knew beforehand.
Yes, I learned that in high school.
I still don't know that.
Does looking back on your time in high school make you happy?
No! That's a funny question.
Yes, those were the best days of my life.
Some of it does.
Mostly, no.


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