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About This Quiz
Did you grow up with free reign over your household, or did you grow up with siblings? Your answers will be able to tell us whether you grew up as an only child!
Have you ever gone to a movie alone?
All the time!
I have, but I prefer to go with others.
No, but I have gone to dinner by myself.
How do you spend a bonus day off?
I sleep.
I catch up on projects.
I go out with friends.
I go shopping with my mom.
What do you like most about Thanksgiving?
Volunteering at a shelter
Visiting the grandparents
Huge family dinner
Watching football with friends
Who are you most likely to take on vacation with you?
My best friend
My sweetheart
My cousin
My aunt/uncle
How do you protect your privacy at work?
I have nothing to hide.
I use encrypted files.
I change my password a lot.
I only surf the internet when no one else is around.
Can your coworkers count on you?
It depends what they want.
They can depend on me from 9 to 5.
They would say I do things at my own pace.
Are you a team player?
I try to be a good team player.
It depends who is on my team.
I'm a natural.
I work better in pairs.
What do you like doing alone most?
I don't mind doing anything alone.
I like reading the paper alone.
I like going to the bathroom alone.
I like shopping alone.
Which only child television character do you like most?
Buffy Summers
Rory Gilmore
Veronica Mars
Do you think your parents should have had more children?
I think they should have had less.
I think they should have had more.
I think they had the perfect number of kids.
What would you be doing at an office party?
I would be the DJ.
I would be pouring drinks.
I would be organizing the food table.
I would be mingling.
What is the first thing you do when you get home from work?
Walk the dog
Take a shower
Check the mail
Take off my shoes
Do you hold onto things?
I tend to keep things forever.
I keep special stuff.
I don't have room to keep stuff.
I hoard things; you never know when you might need them!
What do you like most about Bobby Hill from "King of the Hill?"
He's hilarious.
He's truthful.
I've never seen it.
He loves Luann.
What do you think is the best thing about being an only child?
The relationship with the parents
Not having to share
I don't think it would be much fun.
Having a lot of independence
Can you tell when someone is an only child?
I know right away.
I've never tried to guess.
I can usually tell.
I don't make judgments like that.
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