Can We Guess Your Favorite Energy Drink?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Favorite Energy Drink?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

THIS QUIZ GIVES YOU WINGS! It might not wake you up like Red Bull, but it will definitely be a fun time! People all over the world are constantly downing energy drinks in an effort to stay awake. Can we guess what your favorite energy drink is?

Historically, energy drinks were just beverages that included caffeine. Found in many things, caffeine is just a natural stimulant. While many choose to get their dose of caffeine from coffee or soda, others choose to go the route with energy drinks.

People started manufacturing energy drinks from the types seen in many Asian countries. One of the first marketed energy drinks was Dr. Enuf, but the industry has grown immensely since then.

When it comes to these kinds of drinks, Red Bull, 5 Hour Energy, and Monster are leading contenders. Their promises are to give you a quick shot of energy. The brand, NOS, is named after nitrous oxide systems, which are used in race cars to give them a boost of speed. With names like these, you can bet you'll feel a burst of energy! But which one is your favorite?

If you're simple and just need something that works, you might be 5 Hour Energy. There's not much to the packaging, but it does its job! Rather than 5 Hour Energy, you might be looking for a crazy experience with a Four Loko. A controversial mix of caffeine and alcohol, this drink is sure to make you feel something.

What's your favorite energy drink? Take this quiz and we'll take a guess! While it might not be a shot of caffeine, this fun quiz will surely wake you up!

How often do you use energy drinks?
Once a day usually
A couple times a day
Three times a day, usually
It's erratic and unpredictable
Do you need energy drinks to get through the work day?
Yes, but mostly just when I'm at work.
Yes, and most days in general
I need it to live.
I don't "need" it, but I love it.
Do you use energy drinks when you are doing your own creative work?
No, just busywork
No, just manual labor
Yes, of course
Yes, and when I'm doing anything recreational.


Do you use energy drinks when you go out with friends?
Generally no
Yeah, most of the time
Every time I go out.
Do you take energy drinks with your breakfast?
Not usually, but sometimes
No, never
Yes, always
Only on weekends
Do you like to mix your energy drinks with anything?
Not usually
Just more energy drinks
I like to add milk.
I like to add vodka.


What's the best thing about energy drinks?
They do what they say on the tin.
They make me feel like I could do anything.
They make me feel like I can work forever.
They make me feel loose.
Do you worry about how energy drinks could affect your health?
No, I think it's fine. It says what's in it on the label.
I'm young, immortal, and I don't worry too much about it.
No, I'm sure they are good for me.
I'll trade health for a good feeling.
Do you need energy drinks when you travel by air?
No, I try to sleep.
I need them before I land, so I can be awake.
I need them all the time because I'm thoroughly addicted.
No, I just have an adult beverage.


Do you take energy drinks when you drive?
If it's a long drive, yes.
If I need fast reflexes, yes.
I do mostly because I'm just always having energy drinks.
No, because it would impair my ability to drive.
Do you go in for marketing guff?
No, I hate it when someone markets to me.
I love a cool marketing campaign.
Only if it's minimal marketing and it reflects the product well.
I don't care as long as the product is unique.
Do you have an energy drink on your commute?
Sure do!
I usually have two.
No, not during my commute.
Maybe, if it's by train.


Do you like seeing brands you use plastered all over enterprises that have nothing to do with the product?
No, that feels like marketing to me.
Yeah! We win!
No, that's money that's not being spent on product development.
No, I'm not proud of my product choice.
Do you like to think you are hardcore for drinking your energy drink?
No, just sensible
I'm so hardcore, brother.
I don't advertise it, but I am.
No, just really "up for it"
Do you like alcohol in your energy drink?
No, never
Sometimes, maybe on weekends


Do you sip your energy drink of choice?
I do it like a shot of vodka.
I slurp it down.
I sip it carefully.
No, I try to chug it.
Do you ever feel the need to have several energy drinks together?
No, never
Yes, usually
Always! Party!
Do you take an energy drink when you sit down at the office?
Not if I had one at home.
Yes, every time
I usually bring some from home in a thermos.
Not if I want to keep my job.


Do you like the taste of energy drinks?
Take it or leave it. I usually finish mine so quickly it doesn't matter.
It's grown on me.
I only like mine.
No one likes the taste of energy drinks!
Do you have an energy drink with lunch?
Only if it's a very late lunch.
Not usually
Only on Fridays
Do you stray very often from your energy drink of choice?
No, I'm totally loyal.
Sometimes I'll jump on something similar, if it's all that's around.
I'll just skip it if my drink isn't around.
I'll try to blend things together to imitate it if mine isn't around.


Do you like to have food with your energy drink?
No, never
Always! The effects last longer.
No way! I want the full effects to hit me, pronto!
Do you have an energy drink when you get back from lunch?
Yes, usually
Always, without fail
No, usually not
Not unless I'm headed out the door soon.
How long do you expect to have energy from an energy drink?
About five hours
About an hour
Two or three hours
20 minutes or so


Do you have an energy drink before heading home?
No, never
Always! I want to be bouncing off the walls when I get on the train home.
No, it's time for me to cool off.
This is usually when I first fuel up on them!
Do you think you could work without your energy drink?
I'd work, but not as well.
No way. I'd sleep all day.
I'd have to wean myself off it.
I could work without it, but I don't work so well when I'm on it.
Do you have energy drinks in the evening?
No, never!
Sometimes, if I want to be up late playing video games.
No, I'd never sleep if I did that.
Yes, I always have one, so I can relax.


Do you use energy drinks when you are about to do sports?
If I'm going for a run I might.
If I'm snowboarding I will.
If I'm playing chess I will.
Not if I want to win!
Are you addicted to energy drinks?
No, I think I could do without.
I'm addicted, but who cares, right?
I'm probably addicted, but I haven't tried kicking the habit.
No, I could stop anytime I wanted to.
How late do you attempt to stay up at night, with the aid of energy drinks?
9 p.m.
12 a.m.
3 a.m.


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