Can We Guess Your Favorite Kind of Shark?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Favorite Kind of Shark?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

As the theme song from "Jaws" plays in the background, we throw our line out into the water, hoping to catch the right shark for your tastes. It's a dangerous game, but we think we have just the right bait to bring in the alpha predators of the ocean.

While this type of aquatic creature may have some shared characteristics across the species, we think that the differences in them will correlate very closely to the differences in those of you who suit up for this quiz. For example, if you are drawn to the spotlight, and you tend to become aggressive when you see something you want, we have a very famous type of shark in mind for you. Let's just say that it has become quite a Hollywood celebrity over the years.

On the other hand, maybe you are someone who prefers the oddities who spend their time in the shadows. Perhaps you have a soft spot in your heart for those creatures who find a way to make a living in difficult circumstances. In that case, it seems likely that you'll find their bizarre features to be both amazing and beautiful to behold.

We're pulling away from shore and heading out to sea. Join us on this voyage of discovery.

How comfortable are you in the dark?
I actually need a night light to feel comfortable.
I'd much rather that there was some kind of lighting, even if it was very small.
I'm alright with it most of the time.
I actually love being in the dark.
Are you drawn to beautiful things or things that are unusual and unique?
Beauty is overrated, I'd much rather check out the weird and bizarre.
I appreciate things that are big and beautiful.
I like to have a combination of the two. I find uniqueness to be very beautiful.
I'm more impressed by raw physical power.
How big of an appetite do you have?
I have a pretty moderate appetite.
I'm a big eater.
I can go a while without eating, but I tend to have a very big appetite when I do eat.
I generally don't eat a whole lot.


Would you say that you have an intimidating presence?
I hear that a lot.
I'm a lot more laid-back than most people think.
People definitely think I'm...different.
I do stick out from the crowd, but I'm fairly approachable.
What part of the day are you at your best?
What condition are your teeth in?
They are kind of a mess.
I have very healthy and beautiful teeth.
My teeth are definitely in need of some work.
They are okay, I guess.


Which best describes your body type?
What pace do you tend to move at in life?
I generally take my time, but I can kick it into high gear when I need to.
I'm in no hurry to do anything.
I move at a pretty moderate pace most of the time.
I'm in a hurry. I have places to go and things to do.
Which movie with a shark in it would you rather watch?
"The Blue Planet"
"Finding Nemo"


Do you regularly tune in to watch "Shark Week"?
I wouldn't miss it.
I don't really have an interest in it.
I may or may not check it out.
I've watched it before, and I might tune in again.
Are you more of a loner or a social person?
I do tend to prefer my own company, but I hang out with others once in a while.
I'm an extremely social individual.
I'm a total hermit.
I don't mind spending time alone, but I generally prefer to hang with others.
How did you do in school?
I was a pretty poor student.
I was at the head of the class.
I did better than most.
I guess you could say that I was an average student.


Which location would you rather go to on vacation?
Which seafood meal sounds most appealing to you?
Fish and chips
Do you enjoy fishing?
I like to go fishing once in a while.
Not really, I'd rather just relax.
I love to go deep-sea fishing.
I've been before, but I wasn't a huge fan of it.


How much traveling do you do?
I'm all over the map.
I take a few trips each year.
I stay pretty close to home.
I take one big trip a year.
Are you more of a leader or a follower?
There are moments where I can embody either role.
I guess I'm more of a follower.
I pretty much go my own way.
I'm very much the one who is leading in everything I do.
How big of a wake do you usually leave behind yourself?
I try to keep things pretty mellow, but I do tend to turn a few heads anyways.
It will be pretty easy to tell that I've been somewhere.
I leave a massive impression on those I interact with.
You'll hardly know I was there.


Would you consider yourself to be more weird or normal?
I'm impressive, but totally normal as well.
I definitely feel more drawn to the weird vibe.
I would say that I'm a very normal fish...I mean, person.
I'm a total freak.
Which description best matches who you are?
I'm a creature of the night.
I'm totally a big deal.
I get the job done.
Watch out, here I come.
Are you a deep person or do you tend to keep things mostly on the surface?
I can do chit-chat, but I do prefer to delve much deeper.
I'm okay with either, but I do tend to stick closer to the surface most of the time.
I'm more comfortable keeping things on the surface.
I'd much rather talk about the depths of the soul than the weather.


Are you drawn to science fiction and fantasy?
There are a couple films that I like in those genres, but it's generally not my favorite.
Not at all. I prefer to stick close to reality.
Totally. I love anything that is sci-fi or fantasy.
I'm not a geek about it, but I do tend to enjoy those kinds of stories.
How good of a swimmer are you?
I'm not going to be breaking any speed records, but I swim okay.
I do alright in the water.
Honestly, I'm pretty awful.
I'm a very athletic and powerful swimmer.
Do you enjoy horror films?
Yes, but only if they have a fantasy theme to them.
They are totally my favorite.
I can't stand horror.
It's not my favorite genre, but there have been a few good ones over the years.


Besides sharks, which aquatic life matches you the best?
Sea lion
Which construction tool best matches your personality?
Wood planer
Air compressor
Which famous aquarium in the U.S. would you most like to visit?
Shedd Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Georgia Aquarium
National Aquarium


Which land-based predator matches you the best?
Komodo dragon
Which creature in "The Lord of the Rings" do you like the most?
Do you tend to eat a few big meals or a lot of really small snacks throughout the day?
It really just depends on the day.
I tend to eat a couple big meals and that's it.
I eat a bunch of small snacks throughout the day.
I tend to eat one big meal and snack the rest of the day.


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