Can We Guess Your Gun Personality?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Gun Personality?
Image: Predrag Vuckovic/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Guns are a highly fraught subject in the political world, but out in the real world, there are millions of people who own guns as a matter of habit, tradition, and sports, who would never hurt a fly-after all, what's the point in shooting a fly when there's game to hunt? They may not be interviewed much about it, but they keep safely-stored weapons that they use for everything from hunting to home defense to competition, and they mostly mind their own business.

These gun owners are as diverse as the weapons they keep. There are traditional hunters who mostly own side-by-side shotguns and perhaps a nice .243 rifle. They clean their guns every time they use them, and spend a lot of money on having all the right gear and licenses.

There are former military who keep weapons as a matter of habit, and cannot help but store them in their own personal armory. There are wild enthusiasts who want to get their hands on every gun there is, perhaps for competition. There are hobbyists who only touch a gun at the range every now and then. They're all valid ways to relate to guns and the people who love them. Which one of them sounds most like you? Let's find out!

How do you store your guns?
Gun safe
Special room
Gun racks
Far away from me, please!
When did you learn to shoot?
I was 10
I was 17
I was 20 but I made up for lost time since!
I shot an airgun at age 8
Where did you learn to shoot?
Home farm
Boot camp
I haven't


Who taught you?
My dad and sometimes an instructor
The instructor at boot camp
I am self-taught
I took a lesson once
How many guns is too many?
More than a dozen is a little weird.
Depends entirely on where you live and what you use them for.
No amount is too many!
More than 3 is crazy territory.
How do you feel when holding a gun?
Just ... nice


Which is your favorite gun?
My pair of Hollands
My sniper rifle
I love all my babies equally!
Any gun that is far away from me is my favorite!
How much is too much to spend on a gun?
Over $5,000
Over $3,000
No amount is too much for freedom!
I don't know, $500?
Who should not be allowed a gun?
Anyone who is drunk
Anyone who has not been instructed
Everyone should have a gun
Nobody should have a gun


Have you ever taught another person how to use a gun?
Yes, my kids
Yes, my colleagues
Yes, I have a Youtube channel where I do that
Why do you own guns?
Habit and security
I don't have my own gun
Do you have a secure place to store guns in your car?
No but I'm always with them if they are in the car
Yes, a locker
No, just a rack
I didn't know such a thing existed


Do you have an open carry permit?
No, I don't need one
Yes, I figured it was wise
Yes, and a concealed carry permit
How many days a week do you fire a gun, typically?
In the season, weekly, otherwise not much.
Once a week or so.
How often do you clean your guns?
Whenever I use them
Every week


Would you let anyone else touch your guns?
Sure, if they are responsible.
If they are qualified.
Absolutely not!
I guess, why not?
Do you ever go to a range?
I do a bit of skeet in the off-season.
Yes, weekly, to keep my eye in.
Whenever I have a moment. I'd live there if I could.
I have once.
Are you a member of any groups related to guns?
Yes, a hunting syndicate that buys days on large estates.
Well, the US military, so technically yeah.
Yes, all of them.
Certainly not


Who is usually with you when you fire a gun?
Friends and family
I don't do it enough to say!
What are you typically firing at when you pull the trigger?
Food or bad guys
I don't have a typical answer
Have you ever given someone a gun as a gift?
Yes, my son
Yes, all my kids
Yes, everyone I love
Of course not


How many of your friends own guns?
Just a few
If your friend came over with a gun, what would you do?
Lock it up securely for them, as they'd want.
Check it is unloaded then have them put it somewhere safe.
Go outside and play with it together.
Ask them not to take it out of my house.
If your child is going to a home where there is a gun, what precautions do you take?
Insist that the guns are secured.
Insist that the children are supervised.
Nothing. My kid knows what's up.
My child would not be permitted to go to such a house.


Have you ever traveled anywhere for the purposes of getting to fire your gun someplace new?
Yes, I go on hunting trips all the time.
Well, I didn't technically go to Afghanistan to fire it, so no.
Yes, all the time!
What's the longest you've ever gone without firing a gun?
A few months
A few weeks
A few days
Why do you think some people don't like guns?
They didn't grow up with them so get freaked out when it's not warranted.
They've been personally impacted by gun violence.
They hate freedom.
They are wise.


Have you ever taken your gun somewhere that it required flying to get there?
Yes, I had to pay a special fee.
Yes, but Uncle Sam handled the guns for me.
No, I don't fly because you can't take a gun in the cabin, thus it's not safe.
Do you have any photos online of you with your guns?
Yes, but only a couple.
A few from my time in the military.
Yes, all my online photos have guns in them.
Why is your gun ownership style is a good example to others?
Nobody gets hurt unless they are a burglar or an animal being hunted.
It's very responsible and patriotic.
I make sure the government can't tyrannize us.
I don't have any, and nobody should!


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