Can We Guess Your IQ Based on How Dirty Your Mind Is?
By: Zoe Samuel
4 min
Image: Jonathan Kitchen/DigitalVision/GettyImages
About This Quiz
IQ is a touchy subject and has been since it was first conceived of in the 1800s. What we now call IQ evolved over the decades. Originally, doctors used very simple criteria for determining intelligence, and many of these could correlate to either low intelligence or other factors like physical appearance or mental illness, confusing the issues. Early measurement systems for IQ were used to support some pretty terrible government policies, and early, slap-dash medical studies of intelligence were held up by the German government in WWII to justify mass exterminations. Only in the last forty or so years has the methodology used to measure IQ taken into account things as diverse as a colorblind test-taker who can't see the relationship between red and green dots because he or she can't tell them apart.
Of course, as expert test-writers, we have come up with what is the fairest and most accurate method for measuring intelligence. We found that intelligence correlates to how dirty one's mind is - but isn't a one to one correlation wherein the filthier the mind, the smarter it is. In fact, depicted as a graph, it's more like how realism in special effects work, with "uncanny valleys" here and there. Are you prepared to learn your IQ via the distillation of the filth in your head? Take this quiz and find out!
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