Can We Guess Your Pet Peeve?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Pet Peeve?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Everyone has an aversion to those annoying little things that other people do. Is your pet peeve bad grammar, or it is something else? Let's see if we can guess your pet peeve.
What annoys you the most when you eat in a crowded restaurant?
People who talk with their mouths full are really annoying.
It drives me bonkers when something on the menu is misspelled.
Why do people bring their screaming children to crowded restaurants?
I don't like the wait times.
What do you think smells the worst?
Coffee breath.
Microwaved fish.
My refrigerator.
Stinky feet.
Do your freinds know about your pet peeve?
Yes, and they try to avoid annoying me.
No, I seethe in silence.
Yes, I let everyone know when they've crossed my line.
No, they don't do anything to bother me.


Did you notice the spelling error in question 4?
No, but I'll go back and look.
Yes, I'm sending an email to your staff.
No, where was it?
Yes, but it's no big deal.
How would your friends describe you?
What aspect of social media drives you crazy?
I dislike the constant chatter.
People who don't know the difference between there, their, and they're drive me nuts!
I don't like people who mouth off online, but wouldn't do it to your face.
I dislike all the ads.


How would you handle a rude customer?
I would tell him to shut his mouth.
I would report him to the manager.
I would tell him to be nicer.
I would tell him to go home and cool off.
What takes you the longest when you are getting ready to go out?
It takes me the longest to choose a restaurant.
It takes me the longest to curl my hair.
It takes me the longest to get everyone ready.
I tend to take long showers.
How are you most likely to choose a wine?
I would choose according to what I'm eating.
I would grab what is on sale.
I look for good ratings.
I prefer beer.


Are you a picky eater?
Yes, I am very picky.
I am picky about how things are handled in the kitchen.
I am not a picky eater.
No, I will eat anything.
What is the most important part of a first impression?
It's important to project positivity.
It's important to look put together.
It's important to be kind.
It's important to be clean.
What would you never wear into public?
I would never wear my workout clothes in public.
I would never wear fake eyelashes in public.
I would never wear socks with sandals.
I would never wear my pajamas.


When you have a disagreement, how do you handle it?
There's usually lots of yelling.
I usually just let it slide.
I try to reach an agreement.
I have a few drinks and talk to friends.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up every morning?
I make breakfast.
I read my messages.
I make coffee.
I take a shower.
Which board game are you the best at playing?
Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Are you a good Scrabble player?
I don't really care for word games.
I am a Scrabble god!
I can hold my own in Scrabble.
I'm a better word search player.
If you were to advocate for a cause, what would it most likely be?
Feeding the hungry.
A local sport team.
Clean public restrooms.
Which author do you like most?
J.K. Rowling.
E.E. Cummings.
Ernest Hemingway.
Stephen King.


Which "The Big Bang Theory" character are you most like?
Does it bother you when people don't spell out words?
I don't really notice.
Yes. It's not that difficult!
Yes, but at least they are communicating with me.
I try not to judge people by their text messages.
What is your favorite way to be contacted?
I prefer face to face conversations.
It is best to email me.
I prefer to be called.
I would rather everyone text.


Do you like chewing gum?
Ugh. No, it's so gross!
I like gum.
I like gum when people keep it in their mouths.
I am addicted to gum.
Which spice do you like the least?
What goal do you want to work on?
I need to save more money.
I would like to move.
I want to finish school.
I would like a promotion.


What would you wear when hanging out with friends?
I would wear whatever I have on.
I would get dressed up a little.
I would dress to the nines.
I would wear something comfortable.
Which random act of kindness are you most likely to perform?
I would pay for the person's order behind me.
I would drop off an unexpected gift.
I would clean up a friend's messy room.
I would donate money in someone else's name.
What is your favorite type of film?


Which household chore do you dislike the most?
I don't like cooking.
I don't like paying bills.
I don't like taking out the trash.
I don't like cleaning out the fridge.
Which "Law and Order: SUV" detective are you most like?
Olivia Benson.
Elliot Stabler.
John Munch.
Captain Kragen.
What class would you be the best at teaching?


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