Can We Guess Your Strongest Intelligence Trait?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Strongest Intelligence Trait?
Image: Yuichiro Chino / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

All human beings are born with a sense of intelligence, and this eventually grows and develops from exposure to various experiences. Intelligence can also be divided into one of two categories: street smarts and book smarts. If you're a more street-smart person, then you've probably acquired knowledge from overcoming difficult life obstacles, rather than from reading materials, classroom activities or homework assignments. On the other hand, someone who possesses more book smarts may be intelligent because of their knowledge in all kinds of school subjects, such as art, math, social studies and English. You could also be a rare hybrid of both types of intelligence, which means you might have excelled in both school and certain life experiences!

Within the two categories of book smarts and street smarts includes many different intelligence traits. For example, one of these traits is called "bodily-kinesthetic," which comes from learning by simply immersing yourself (physically) in an activity or a subject. Such intelligence also typically comes from wanting to stay away from classrooms and reading materials, as this may be perceived as boring to some people. So if you're curious about what type of intelligence you possess, take our intellectual personality quiz now!  

Do creative ideas flow through your mind very naturally, or does it take a while for the light bulb to appear above your head?
It depends on my state of mind.
I'm not really that creative.
Creativity is constantly flowing through me.
Sometimes it can take a while.
Are you more likely to win a spelling bee, a chess match or a math competition?
None of these
A chess match
A spelling bee
A math competition
Your friend just invited you over for game night! Which of these board games are you bringing along?
Candy Land


If unlimited wisdom could be bought for $100,000, would you start saving up for this purchase?
Probably not
Maybe I would.
I think I would use that money for something else.
During a conversation with someone, do you learn more by listening or talking with them?
I don't learn much from people.
It's time for a zen retreat! How often do you meditate to clear your mind of restless thoughts?
A few times a week.
Only when I feel stressed out
Every single day
Almost never


Can you sense the emotions of other people, or is this a skill that you have not acquired yet?
I don't really care about "reading" other people.
That's my specialty!
I haven't acquired this yet.
Sometimes I can "read" people.
Do you feel like you have a purpose in life, or are you still trying to figure out why you've been brought to this Earth?
I think about this question every day.
I'm not sure what my purpose is.
I feel like I have a purpose here.
I don't really care about my "purpose."
If you could adopt the mind of one of these famous philosophers, which one would you pick?
René Descartes
Karl Marx
Immanuel Kant
Friedrich Nietzsche


Everyone thinks better during certain times of the day. Do you think more clearly during the morning, afternoon or evening hours?
Afternoon hours
Evening hours
Late-night hours
Morning hours
After a long day of school or work, which of these activities do you partake in to clear your mind?
Walking outside
Watching a movie
Reading a book
It's time for a trip to the bookstore! Which of these book genres are you the most interested in?
Science fiction


Does solving a Rubik's Cube sound like fun to you, or is this a boring way to spend your free time?
I've never attempted to solve a Rubik's Cube.
That sounds so boring.
That depends on what type of Rubik's Cube it is.
That sounds like fun!
When it comes to learning about other cultures, what's your preferred way to gain new insight about the world?
By watching documentaries
By meeting other people
By visiting new places
By reading about it
Is there a solution to every single problem in this world, or are some problems unsolvable?
I'm not really sure.
It depends on the problem.
I think that all problems have a solution to them.
Some problems are unsolvable.


If you could become an expert at one of these fun hobbies, which one would you pick?
Computer programming
Let's clear your mind for a moment. Do you find yourself asking or answering more questions in life?
I usually ask more questions.
A bit of both
I'm not really sure.
I tend to answer more questions.
You may be more like an animal than you think! Which of these animals matches your current state of intelligence?


Can you control your emotions well, or does your temper fluctuate like the wind in the air?
My emotions tend to fluctuate.
It depends on the situation.
I can control my emotions pretty well.
I don't really get emotional.
Between the subjects of philosophy and psychology, which one would you prefer to study as a career?
Can I pick something else?
Let's say that you're going to cook some chili for tonight. Are you going to follow a recipe or follow your instincts?
I would never cook chili for dinner.
I'll just follow my instincts.
I'll definitely need a recipe.


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how well can you take criticism with regards to your work?
Your best friend just invited you on a last-minute road trip for a few days. Are you going to drop everything and go with them or stay behind?
It depends on where we're going.
I'll definitely go with them.
I would only go if I could take off from work.
I'll most likely stay behind.
Do you have a strong sense of competition within you, or is this is the total opposite of who you are as a person?
I'm not really that competitive.
It depends on the situation.
I'm somewhat competitive.
I'm very competitive in nature.


Would your friends and family describe you as "frugal" when it comes to managing your finances?
I'm just OK with my finances.
Nope, not at all
For the most part, I'm pretty good with my finances.
Yes, I'm a master at being frugal.
Let's see how confident you are! Do you need compliments to help you feel smart in life, or are you already aware of how intelligent you really are?
I don't think I'm all that intelligent.
I definitely rely on compliments.
I'm somewhat intelligent, but I don't brag about it.
I already know how smart I am.
If you needed to make a quick decision about something, how many seconds would it take you to come to a conclusion?
At least 60 seconds
30-60 seconds
10-30 seconds
Less than 10 seconds


When it comes to the idea of success, are you more motivated by money, happiness or something else?
Something else
Both money and happiness
Is daydreaming just a big waste of time, or does it help you think about what you truly want in life?
I know I daydream, but I don't know why I do it.
It depends on how long you're daydreaming for.
I think it really helps me with my goals.
It's a big waste of time.
Would you rather be friends with someone who was intelligent but rude or someone who was kind but not too smart?
I'd rather not be friends with anyone.
Kindness matters more to me than intelligence.
Both intelligence and kindness matter equally to me.
I'll take intelligence over kindness any day.


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