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About This Quiz
Are you the kind of person who hoards away pennies, or do you spend every last dime? Maybe you find yourself somewhere in the middle. Take this quiz and see if we can guess if you're naturally a spender or a saver!
How often do you discuss money?
Almost never: money talk is kind of awkward.
On occasion.
Absolutely never.
Do you have a household budget?
Yes, and I have a general sense of how much I am spending.
Yes, and I keep careful records of how much I spend.
No, I tend to wing it each month.
Do you have an addictive personality?
Only for saving money.
A little one.
Well, this is my first quiz and I am addicted to quizzes, so...
Have you ever been to a casino?
Eck, never.
When I was younger.
I go with friends once in a while.
Not too often; once or twice a week, maybe more.
What is a good reason to lend someone money?
They are about to lose their home.
They see a cute outfit.
We are going out to eat and they are short.
If they want to pay me back with interest.
How do you deposit money in your accounts?
I use direct deposit.
I use a mobile app.
I go into the bank.
I use a check cashing store.
Do you refer to your accounts before making a purchase?
No, but I immediately track the expense.
When I'm running low.
Depends how long it's been since I was paid.
Every time.
Do you know how much money is in your checking and savings accounts?
I know exactly how much.
I have an idea.
Not really.
Enough to gamble.
How often do you tap into your savings account?
Once a month.
Once a week.
Wait! I have a savings account?
What is an impulse item that you can't turn down at the grocery store?
Lottery tickets.
Who pays the bills in your relationship?
My significant other.
We split the bills.
I'm not in a relationship, probably because I don't pay my bills.
If you go out to eat with friends, how is the check split?
I wait to see if anyone offers to pay.
Everyone pays for their own meal, including drinks.
Split the bill equally.
I'll pay for it all.
If a friend needs money, but doesn't ask for it, what do you do?
Say nothing.
Offer to help with a little.
Offer to give your friend everything they need.
Negotiate an agreement with interest.
How do you get to work?
I walk or ride a bike.
I drive my car.
I ride with a friend.
I take public transportation.
Do you make anything at home to save money?
That's a boring way to spend an afternoon.
I have in the past, but nothing significant.
I will dabble to make things, but not to save money.
I try to make as much as I can: soap, cheese, pasta, etc.
How often do you eat out or order food for delivery?
Once or twice a week.
Three to five times a week.
Every day.
Do you save your change?
Nope. Change is for chumps.
I toss change in the closest drawer.
If I think about it.
What percent of your paycheck do you save for the future?
30 percent.
15 percent.
Less than 5 percent.
All of it goes to my future.
Do you buy new or used cars?
I buy the flashiest car I find; usually new.
I buy used cars.
Whichever I like when I go looking.
I take public transportation.
How do you invest your money?
The casino and lottery tickets.
My savings account.
An app.
I have a diverse portfolio.
Do you have multiple banking accounts?
Checking, savings, and several investment accounts.
I have a checking and savings accounts.
I have a checking account.
Multiple? I don't even have one.
Does anyone else know your ATM PIN?
I'm pretty sure everyone does.
A few friends.
My significant other.
Are you open with others about how much money you have?
Not at all.
I try to be.
I can give them an idea, but usually I don't even know.
Sure, why not?
When you go shopping, how closely do you stick to your list?
I tend to buy more than I need.
I only bring enough cash with me for my list.
Why would I make a list?
I buy whatever I want.
How do you pay your bills?
I pay online a week before they are due.
Automatic deduction.
I pay online and often late.
I'm not really into paying for bills.
How do you usually pay for items?
By borrowing money.
My debit card.
Any means available.
Cash only.
How much money is in your purse or wallet right now?
I have no idea.
Only $10 now, but in a few hours it could be a lot more.
$50 to $100.
Over $100.
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