Can We Guess if You're Male or Female?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess if You're Male or Female?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Some people like to say there isn't a whole of difference between being male and female, and that when it comes right down to it, people are people. Others say that there is a huge difference between the sexes, and if there weren't such things as having babies to keep the human race alive, and physical attraction between males and females, there wouldn't be any reason for them to hang out at all. 

We like to think there is a pretty big difference, so big that we think you could answer a few questions for us, and we will be able to tell you whether you are male or female. Some of you, of course, are going to be easier than others to guess, if "The Notebook" is your favorite movie, love dresses, and the color pink, you're probably a female.  Or if you really like flannel, like power tools, and pickup trucks you're probably a guy.  But when it comes right down to it, who knows? We think we do. So when you get done with cooking dinner and mowing the lawn take this quiz and we will tell you whether you are a man or a woman. What are you waiting for bro?  Or is it ma'am? 

Are you good at tying a necktie?
I am the best.
I am pretty good.
I kind of stink at that.
I can't do it at all.
What do you think of Chuck Norris?
He is the best.
He is pretty cool.
I don't like him.
How often have you kissed it to make it better?
Are you trying to be funny?
I have never done that.
I do it sometimes.


How good are you at building a fire?
I am an amazing fire builder.
I'm not that great at fire building.
I am pretty good building fires.
I stink at building fires.
Can you hang a painting straight?
I can hang one, not sure if it will be straight.
I don't do the whole straight thing.
Of course, I can.
No way.
How many ways can you cook an egg?
I can't cook eggs.
I can cook an egg one way.
I know how to prepare eggs in a couple of ways.
I know how to prepare eggs in all sorts of ways.


How do you cheer yourself up?
I spend some time alone or with my dog.
I go out drinking.
I do yoga.
I binge watch TV.
What do you drink?
Domestic beer.
Craft beer.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
I have five or less pair of shoes.
I have between six and ten pairs of shoes.
I have between 11 and 20 pairs of shoes.
I have over 20 pairs of shoes.


How into your hair are you?
I never think about it.
I'm not that into it.
Well, I do think about it a lot.
I am so into my hair.
What kind of book would you read?
I'd read a sports book.
I'd read a nonfiction book.
I'd read a literature book.
I'd read a romance novel.
What would you do if a bear attacked you?
I'd play dead.
I'd punch it in the snout.
I'd run screaming.
I'd beg for my life.


What is your favorite show?
"Sons of Anarchy."
"Mad Men."
"Real Housewives."
"Vanderpump Rules."
Would you be cool being single?
Sure, I don't care.
No, I need someone to take care of me.
For a while i would be fine.
No, I couldn't handle that.
What kind of movie do you like?
Action movies.
Dark comedies.
Romantic comedies.


Are you good at sewing?
I would have no idea how to do that.
No, I stink at it.
I am okay.
I am awesome at it.
You found out your friend was talking behind your back. What do you do?
I hit them with a roundhouse kick.
I stop hanging out with them.
I confront them.
I pretend everything is fine but plot revenge.
Have you ever played softball?
Umm, what?
I played on a co-ed team.
Of course!


What social media do you use the most?
I don't use it.
Are you good at paddling a canoe?
Of course, I am.
I am okay.
I stink at it.
I have never tried it.
Where are you most likely to hang out?
A dive bar.
A sports bar.
An Irish pub.
A wine bar.


Do you spend a lot of time taking care of your skin?
In what way?
No, I don't do that.
I try.
Of course.
What sport would you be best at?
Figure skating.
What might you teach a class in?
Proper chainsaw use.
How to fix a car.


How many dirty jokes do you know by heart?
I know over five dirty jokes by heart.
I know between three and five dirty jokes by heart.
I know one or two dirty jokes by heart.
I don't know any.
Are you good at applying eyeliner?
Are you trying to be funny?
How hard could it be?
I am pretty good.
I am a pro.
How much do you like your butt?
I have never thought about that in my life.
It is okay, I guess.
I hate it.
I love it.


Are you good on the grill?
I am the master!
I do okay.
I do my best.
I have never tried.
Can you throw a spiral?
I can throw a perfect one.
If I am on I can.
I don't think so.
I am not even close to throwing a spiral.
How many skips do you get when skipping stones?
I get at least 10 skips when I skip stones.
I get five or six skips when I skip stones.
I get maybe one or two skips when I skip stones.
I don't get any skips when I skip stones.


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