Can You Get More Than 11 Right on This First Grade Science Quiz?
By: Beth Hendricks
4 min
Image: Annie Otzen/DigitalVision/Getty Images
About This Quiz
What do you remember about elementary school? Naps in kindergarten, maybe your first school dance as a fifth grader? Travel back in time with us to first grade for a bit. As a first-grader, you'd already learned how to tie your shoes and could probably ride a bike (or were learning). You were figuring out how to navigate friendships and developing interests in playing games and playing pretend. You probably had favorite books, movies or TV shows and were discovering things you didn't like quite as much: chores, quiet time, getting up early in the morning.
First grade is the time when real learning starts: reading and writing sentences, adding and subtracting numbers and exploring new topics from what maps are all about to what types of things will stick to a magnet. But, for most of us, first grade was a long time ago! How well do you think you'd do on a first-grade science quiz? Here's your chance to find out! Work through each of these quiz questions and test your understanding of first-grade science topics from how the weather works to what the body is made up of. Can you get at least 11 of these correct? Take the test and see if you've still got what it takes to ace first grade.
Fall is when students go back to school. Which of these is another name for that season?
The season known as fall, where temperatures cool and leaves change color, may also go by the name "autumn." Though the most common name for the year's third season is "fall," the word "autumn" pre-dates it by 300 years!
Jill has been playing around with a magnet. Which of these items will be attracted to the magnet?
A pencil
A paper clip
Magnets can be a lot of fun to play with to see what kinds of things will be pulled toward its forces. A paper clip is a small object made out of metal-primarily iron-which is attracted to the magnet's power.
Breathe in, breathe out. Which of these helps a mammal to breathe?
A mammal's respiratory system works by bringing oxygen into the lungs, where it is converted into carbon dioxide and breathed out through the nose and mouth. There are other systems in the body that help facilitate this, but the lungs are an integral part of helping a mammal to breathe.
The largest organ, this organ covers the body and provides protection from water and temperature.
You might think of all organs being internal, but in fact, the skin is the body's largest organ and is exposed on the outside. Scientists say our skin makes up about eight pounds of the weight we carry around.
It's time to make dinner. Which of these is a vegetable you might include?
Broccoli is a green, tree-shaped vegetable that most kids (and even some adults) don't much care for. Part of the cabbage family, broccoli was actually first created by human beings years ago as a result of cultivating the plant from different strains of cabbage and kale.
Some animals are naturally fast, while others are slow. Which one of these is the fastest?
Unlike the ending of "The Tortoise and the Hare," a turtle (or a sloth or a snail) is unlikely to beat the fast-footed rabbit. The fastest type of rabbit out there has been tracked going as fast at 45 miles per hour!
From the desert to the forest, there are several types of habitats. What are habitats?
A place where plants and animals live.
Habitats are natural environments of different types throughout the world that provide a home for plants, animals and other organisms. Several types exist including the savanna, desert, aquatic, forest and grasslands.
It's windy outside! Which of these items can move because of wind or air?
A dog
A kite
Wind or airflow can help a kite stay in the air, especially on a windy day! Changes in air pressure help lift the kite into the air while thrust and drag move the body of the kite back and forth.
After hatching from its egg, what is the term for a baby frog?
A tadpole
Frogs go through many stages of metamorphosis, including the stage after hatching when they are called tadpoles. Tadpoles live, and continue to grow, in an aquatic environment.
Rain, rain, go away! What happens when a cloud becomes too heavy with water?
Precipitation is a term used in the study of weather to describe water that falls from the sky. That may take the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail, all types of water in different forms.
High in the sky, which of these stars shines in the day to provide us light?
North Star
Believe it or not, the sun is also a star. Some people might think of it as a planet, due to its size, but it serves as the star in the midst of our solar system. Scientists know it as a "yellow dwarf star."
All animals need shelter. Which of these does a bird use for shelter?
A house
A nest
Birds in the wild rely on nests made of natural materials they can find to provide shelter for themselves. They also use nests to lay eggs and raise their babies.
A scientist who studies living things may also go by this title.
A biologist makes the study of life their life's work. That means they may study everything from plants and animals to even bacteria under a microscope. Biologists are particularly interested in how living things interact with other living things and the ecosystems around them.
Recycling is good for our planet. Which of these items cannot be recycled?
Soda can
Water bottle
Recycling is the process of turning old materials, such as newspapers, bottles or cans, into new materials that can be reused. Without recycling, everything we used would be thrown into the trash and wind up in a landfill.
Our bodies have many important parts. Which of them is responsible for helping us move around?
Muscles aid us in movement by contracting and helping our bones move. The human body has more than 600 of these, accounting for almost half of our body weight.
Harmful things are all around us in the water, air and soil. What are these things called?
Pollutants are substances or conditions that get into our air, water and soil and create harmful or unwanted effects. They may cause damage to the environment or human beings.
You left a cup of water in a windowsill over the weekend. What happened to it?
It evaporated.
You can't really see it happening, but water that sits in one place can turn into a gas, evaporating and virtually disappearing from the cup. This can occur whether the water is cold or warm.
We all have our favorite things to eat. What does a herbivore like best?
Herbivores are plant eaters and their digestive systems are configured to eat and digest only plants. They are not interested in eating meat, leaving that to a class of animals known as carnivores.
Rachel loves going down the slide on the playground. What force allows this?
The force of gravity is what helps Rachel proceed down the slide. Gravity is what pulls our bodies down toward the center of the Earth and keeps us from floating up into the air.
If you want to know whether it's 30 or 70 degrees outside, which of these tools will tell you?
A thermometer can help measure the temperature of a variety of things including the air around us, liquids such as water and even solid matter such as food. We can also use a thermometer to take our own temperatures if we're feeling sick.
If you love cold weather, you might want to visit which of these habitats that sees the most snow?
The arctic's habitat is one of the world's coldest, due in part to its location above the Arctic Circle. It is home to cold-weather animals and frigid and snowy conditions.
What is the name for a deep sleep animals like bears enter during the winter?
Hibernation is a period of deep sleep animals enter into, particularly during the winter, when they stay indoors and don't have to forage for food. For many animals, this allows them to survive harsh, cold conditions.
Our food comes from a variety of sources. Which one of these comes from an animal?
Many different types of foods come from animals including different types of meat, eggs and even milk (from cows). We get other types of foods like rice and carrots from plants.
Ice, which we can use to cool our drinks, is also known as which of these types of things?
Sure, ice cubes are made from water, which is a liquid, but once frozen, they change to a solid state. They float in our water glass because they are less dense than the liquid.
They have interesting names, but are fairly common. What type of objects are cumulus, stratus and cirrus?
You may think all clouds look the same, but in fact they carry different names that represent their shape. Cumulus clouds resemble a pile, stratus clouds looks like layers and cirrus clouds are curly in shape.
There are lots of creepy-crawly things, but how many legs must one have to be considered an insect?
All insects have six legs, divided among three areas of their bodies including the head, thorax and abdomen. Some things you might consider insects, like ticks or centipedes, just don't qualify: too many legs!
A magnet is made up of various parts. What are its ends known as?
The ends of a magnet bear a resemblance, at least in name, to the opposite ends of planet Earth. They are called the North and South poles. Magnetic poles of the same type repel one another, while opposite poles attract.
You've probably observed your shadow on a sunny day. What causes that shadow?
The elevation of the ground.
The pull of the moon.
The position of clouds.
Light blocked by an object.
Shadows are caused when an object blocks the light being provided by the sun. If you stand on the sidewalk with your back to the sun, you will be able to observe your shadow appear in front of you!
Our natural resources are important. Which of these is considered a natural resource?
Natural resources are all of the different types of things that can be found freely in nature. That might include soil, rocks, air, plants and animals.
The outer surface of the Earth is known by which of these terms?
The outer layer of the Earth is known as its crust. The crust is made up of different kinds of rocks and serves as a type of shell for the interior layers of the planet.
Solids have a shape, but so do liquids. What shape do liquids take?
The shape of a stream or river.
The shape of the container it's in.
Think about pouring orange juice into a glass. That liquid will form into the shape of the container. It will not take on a shape of its own. These liquids will not, however, change in volume.
The center of the Earth has its own temperature. What is it?
Scientists believe the temperature at the center of the Earth is similar to the temperature you'd find on the surface of the sun. The Earth's center is believed to be at least 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Earth is always revolving around the sun. How long does one revolution take?
24 hours
365 days
It takes the Earth an entire year to travel its orbit in revolution around the sun. The sun's gravitational pull helps make this possible as the Earth continues moving forward.
Plants can make their own food. Which part of the plant is responsible for this?
The process of photosynthesis is what enables plants to make their own food in their leaves. Chlorophyll in the plant's leaves uses water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to help feed itself.
Roughly 70 percent of the Earth's surface is made up of water. How many oceans does that include?
There are four named oceans on the planet we know as Earth. That includes the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Arctic Ocean. The National Ocean Service explains that 97% of the Earth's water is found in one of these oceans.