Can you guess the movie villain from their cinematic catchphrase?

By: Olivia Cantor
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can you guess the movie villain from their cinematic catchphrase?
Image: WingNut Films The Saul Zaentz Company

About This Quiz

Even movie villains need their time to shine! Or scare! Regardless of what their evil intention is, sometimes these villains also utter lines that are golden. Think you can guess which movie villain spoke which catchphrase or signature line? Then take this quiz to find out!
“I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Who said this?
Jimmy Hoffa
Billy Jean King
Bugsy Malone
Vito Corleone
Vito Corleone said this in "The Godfather." He was played by Marlon Brando.
“Here’s Johnny!” Who said this?
Jack Torrance
Stephen King's novel-turned-film, The Shining, had this Jack Torrance line as one of its shining moments. Yes, pun intended.
Michael Myers
Patrick Bateman
Norman Bates
Which of the small creatures in the "Lord of the Rings" saga said this catchphrase: “My precious...”
Samwise Gamgee
Gollum always said "My preciousssssss" in the LOTR saga. Of course, when he's Smeagol, things were different...


Which of the darker magical creatures of Hogwarts said this line: "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die."
Gilderoy Lockheart
Bellatrix Lestrange
Draco Malfoy
Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort always wanted to kill Harry Potter. Aside from this famous line, he also has a curse or two aimed at the boy who lived.
Which ex-Vietnam-vet-turned-taxi-driver said this famous line: “You talkin’ to me?”
Ursula Le Guin
Hannibal Lecter
Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle uttered this famous line. His character was played by Robert De Niro.
Martin Scorsese
Which bully always utters this time-traveling catchphrase: "Hello, anybody home? Think, McFly, think!"
Jules Verne
Emmett Brown
Biff Tannen
Biff Tannen is the ultimate bully who has tortured Marty McFly's dad since he was a teen. Marty encounters this bully, as well as his relatives, in the past and the future.
Marty McFly


Who said it?: "First rule of Fight Club is -- you do not talk about Fight Club."
Holden Caulfield
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden is the infamous instigator-narrator of the novel-turned-film, "Fight Club." He was played by Brad Pitt.
Mario Van Peebles
Jim North
Which of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" characters said this: "Off with her head!"
Red Queen
In "Alice in Wonderland," they combined three characters to form the Red Queen, who always uttered this line. Helena Bonham Carter played her, with all her queenly red heart.
Mad Hatter
Ice Queen
This very dark lord of the "Star Wars" saga showed his other side, albeit still dark when he said this line: "I am your father!" Who is he?
Senator Palpatine
Darth Vader
Darth Vader outed himself as Luke Skywalker's dad when he uttered this line.
JarJar Binks
Darth Maul


Who is the Miami mobster who said this: "Say 'hello' to my little friend!"
Tony Montana
Tony Montana said this famous line while in the middle of a shootout with hoodlums. His 'little friend' is his prized, amped-up machine gun.
Iñigo Montoya
Jose Valmonte
Bugsy Malone
Which of Anne Rice's eccentric vampires likes saying this catchphrase: "I'm going to give you a choice I never had."
Lestat de Lioncourt is the infamous vampire from the Anne Rice vampire universe who likes to utter this dramatic line. Tom Cruise plays him in "Interview with the Vampire."
Which European terrorist said this line while overtaking Nakatomi plaza: "Shoot the glass."
Henry O'Connor
Mike Duvall
Frantz Fanon
Hans Gruber
Hans Gruber uttered this line when he saw the film's hero running barefoot. Hans was played by the late Alan Rickman.


This teen slasher villain teases his future victims by asking: "Do you like scary movies?" Who is it?
Freddy Krueger
In the film, "Scream," Ghostface always teases with this line. Of course, it's a scary movie, so it has scary lines.
In "The Dark Knight," one of Batman's foes said: "Why so serious?" Who said it?
The Penguin
The Riddler
The Joker
The Dark Knight faces The Joker who asks "Why so serious?" Even with that eternal smile on his face, he's still scary!
Which of "The Matrix" baddies said this: "Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague, and we are the cure."
Agent Smith
"The Matrix" had Agent Smith as its main villain out to kill all humans. He was played by Hugo Weaving.
Mr. Anderson


Royalty and its vanities are put to the test if an animated one asks this: “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” Which Disney villain asked this?
Dorothy Gale
The Evil Queen
In the film, "Snow White," it's the Evil Queen who asks this question. Of course, things get ugly when she doesn't like the answer!
Anne of Green Gables
Which evil sibling said this to his arrogant Asgard bro: "I'm not your brother! I never was!"
Thor's brother Loki uttered this line. He's always had a love-hate relationship with Thor.
Which animated evil diva said this in a Disney movie: “I live for furs! I worship furs!"
Cruella De Vil
Yep, Cruella De Vil wanted to make a fur out of those cute dalmatians. What a baddie!


Who counts down to say his warning line, which goes: "One, two, who's coming for you. Three, Four, better lock your door. Five, Six, grab your crucifix. Seven, Eight, Gonna stay up late. Nine, Ten never sleep again."
Michael Myers
Freddy Krueger
"A Nightmare on Elm Street's " Freddy Krueger counts down whenever he's out to snatch someone to kill. He only appears when you're asleep -- so stay awake!
The Poltergeist
Which smart, but seriously damaged doctor said this: "I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner."
Julius Babao
Norman Bates
Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter's famous ending line summarizes the film, "Silence of the Lambs." He was played by Anthony Hopkins.
Montgomery Clift
Which Alfred Hitchcock villain said this: "We all go a little mad sometimes."
Phillip Vandamm
Uncle Charlie
Norman Bates
Norman Bates is the owner of The Bates Motel, where he kills people who check in. Such a psycho indeed...
Brandon Shaw


A romance novelist might not like it if a reader chains him down and says "I am your number one fan." Who is this fan, as featured in Stephen King's "Misery"?
Anna Karenina
Emma Bates
Marla Maples
Annie Wilkes
Misery's villain, Annie Wilkes, borders on the deranged fan spectrum when she chains her idol and utters this catchphrase. In the film, she was played by Kathy Bates.
Which of the more magical "Lord of the Rings" saga baddies said this line: "Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory."
Frodo Baggins
Gandalf the Grey
Saruman the White
In the "Lord of the Rings" saga, Saruman the White is the evil sorcerer who utters this line. He's talking to Gandalf in that scene.
This Tarantino villain likes swords and uttering killer lines like this: "I'm a killer, a murdering bastard. And there are consequences to breaking the heart of a murdering bastard." Who is he?
Kill Bill


Which character said this to a teen he's kind of stalking: "Happy Fourth of July, Julie!"
Billy Bathgate
Mark Goldberg
Ben Willis
In the film, "I Know What You Did Last Summer," Ben Willis is the villain who reminds the guilty teen with this line. Secret's out!
Jules Verne
In "The Usual Suspects," it's highly unusual that the villain uttered this line: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. And like that, he’s gone.” What's the villain's name?
Wayne Garth
Alan Ruckman
Keyser Soze
Keyser Soze said this line in "The Usual Suspects." It's all about how he convinced people that he's not him. Smart baddie!
Mario Santiago
Which fully-fanged former human said this line: "I am the monster that breathing men would kill. I am ___."
in "Bram Stoker's Dracula," Gary Oldman said this introductory line. He played the titular Dracula character.


Which of the uncanny X-Men said this: "You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you different."
An older Magneto said this to an X-Men baddie newbie. The elderly villain was played by Ian McKellen.
Professor X
Another Al Pacino-portrayed villain makes it to the best quotes lists with this line: "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin." Who said it?
William Stryker
Charles Xavier
John Milton
"The Devil's Advocate" had Al Pacino playing John Milton and saying this line. Beneath that lawyerly charm, lies the true face of the devil.
Mark Twain
This nemesis of Jack Sparrow scares people just by saying things like this: "You are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?" Who is he?
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Davy Jones
In "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," Davy Jones is the main villain. He says things like this so no one will disturb his "peace."
Gilderoy Lockhart
Will Turner


“Kneel before __," said this black-clad character to the son of Jor El in the Christopher Reeve version. Who is this evil general?
In "Superman II," Superman faces the three black-suited Krypton villains who also reached earth. One of them, General Zod, even commanded the man of steel to kneel before him.
Kal El
Which of the Disney male villains said this to the boy who refuses to grow up: "I’ll get you for this, Pan, if it’s the last thing I do!"
Captain Hook
Captain Hook threatens Peter Pan with this classic evil line. He can't wait to get his hands -- or hook -- on the flying boy!
John Smith
This son of the Godfather also says classic lines, such as this: "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Who is he?
Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone took over the business from his Godfather dad. His lines are also classic mobster.
Adam Corleone
Vito Corleone
Sonny Corleone


Can't have a villain quiz without a corporate baddie. "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." Who said it?
Jason Voorhees
Patrick Bateman
Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko is the star we loved to hate in "Wall Street." Corporate greed never looked as dapper as he did,. And he so personifies it!
Amon Goeth
This Great Depression character introduced himself -- and his better half -- like this: "We rob banks." Who is this?
Anton Chigurh
Clyde Barrow
"Bonnie and Clyde" is a film that featured real-life crooks during the Great Depression. They truly loved robbing banks, and small stores, and killing people, too.
Michael Myers
Ben Richards
You Got:
WingNut Films The Saul Zaentz Company