Can you guess the vice president from just one image? 96% of people can't!

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can you guess the vice president from just one image? 96% of people can't!
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

Most people can name the presidents from an image, but how about their vice presidents? The vice president is the second most senior person in the American government, but they seem to slip through the cracks when it comes to identification. Take this quiz to see how many U.S. vice presidents you can name from just one image!
Joe Biden
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Gerald Ford
George H. W. Bush
Hubert Humphrey
Joe Biden
While many presidents and vice president relationships don't seem to step beyond politics, the relationship between President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden is famously friendly. To show his appreciation of Biden's service to the country, President Obama presented then-Vice President Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction.
Thomas R Marshall
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Richard Nixon
Thomas R. Marshall
Thomas Marshall served out two terms under President Woodrow Wilson. Prior to taking office, he was governor of Indiana. He would assume his vice presidency nearly a year before World War I broke out, occupying the office for some of the most difficult years in American history.
Charles Curtis
Gerald Ford
Lyndon Johnson
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Lyndon B. Johnson
Vice President Johnson was elected in 1960. He would later ascend to the presidency upon the assassination of President Kennedy three years later. As president, he initiated the "Great Society," which was a combination of social service programs,. He also signed the Civil Rights Act into law.
Spiro Agnew
Hubert Humphrey
Dick Cheney


George Clinton
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Levi P. Morton
George Clinton
George Clinton was a famously popular man while living. Not only did he serve as vice-president under both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, he was also the governor of New York. He was the first vice president to die in office.
Chester A. Arthur
John Tyler
Thomas Jefferson
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Elbridge Gerry
Daniel D. Tompkins
Thomas Jefferson
He was a young man when Thomas Jefferson became the primary pen behind America's greatest document - the Declaration of Independence. Like many of the founding fathers, Jefferson played a critical role in the development of early America. He became president in 1800, founded the University of Virginia, and was pivotal in the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States.
Hannibal Hamlin
Dick Cheney
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney served in some higher-level capacity to four different presidents. In his two terms as vice president under President W. Bush, Cheney played a bigger role than any previous vice president in history.
Thomas A. Hendricks
Joe Biden
Schuyler Colfax


Hubert Humphries
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
James S. Sherman
Alben W. Barkley
Calvin Coolidge
Hubert Humphrey
Hubert Humphrey as a Senator helped to push the Civil Rights Act through Congress. He served as vice president under Lyndon Johnson and later lost to Nixon in his own bid for the presidency.
John Calhoun
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Daniel D. Tompkins
George M. Dallas
Thomas A. Hendricks
John C. Calhoun
John C. Calhoun came to the vice presidency with a long political resume and knowledge of politics. He served as both the secretary of war and the secretary of state under two presidents - John Tyler and James K. Polk.
Aaron Burr
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr will always be best known for his duel with then-Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, which led to Hamilton's death. The duel put an end to Burr's career. He was influential in America's history as a popular lawyer and early revolutionary. Killing Hamilton so affected him, that in his later years, Burr changed his name to his mother's maiden name, Edwards.
Martin Van Buren
George Clinton
Henry Wilson


John Adams
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John C. Calhoun
Chester A. Arthur
John Adams
John Adams was the first vice president, serving under President George Washington. While the two served together, they rarely "worked" together. However, as president of the Senate, Adams played a critical role by casting 31 tie-breaking votes. He did well in his two terms under Washington, eventually becoming president in 1796.
Levi P. Morton
Martin Van Buren
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Elbridge Gerry
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren was the first vice president to be born in the United States. He also served in the top three spots of the United States government - The secretary of state, vice presidency, and the presidency.
Daniel D. Tompkins
William A. Wheeler
Millard Fillmore
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Millard Fillmore
During Fillmore's vice presidency and later presidency, he was unique. In a savvy move, the Whig party nominated pro-slavery Zachary Taylor to be president and chose anti-slavery Millard Fillmore to serve as vice president. While the move helped the Whigs win Taylor's election, it backfired. Taylor died in office, and Fillmore took over and gave strong support to the "Fugitive Slave Act of 1850," which would pass. His support cost him re-election but set the tone for freedom of the slaves within the next two decades.
Martin Van Buren
Elbridge Gerry
William A. Wheeler


Mike Pence
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Al Gore
Calvin Coolidge
Mike Pence
Vice-President Mike Pence has served as a conservative radio personality, congressman, and governor. He is vice president under President Donald Trump.
John N. Garner
Chester Arthur
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Chester A. Arthur
Chester A. Arthur was a New York City lawyer chosen as the running mate to President Garfield. Arthur became president 200 days after taking office when Garfield succumbed to injuries from an assassination attempt.
George M. Dallas
John Adams
Richard M. Johnson
Elbridge Gerry
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Elbridge Gerry
Elbridge Gerry will perhaps be famous for the term gerrymandering which was named after him. Gerrymandering is the process of drawing up electoral districts to benefit the current political party. Gerry replaced former vice president George Clinton, who died in office under President Madison. A year later, Elbridge Gerry also died in office.
William R. King
Richard M. Johnson
Adlai Stevenson


Georger Dallas
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Richard M. Johnson
Charles W. Fairbanks
Garret Hobart
George M. Dallas
George Dallas is considered one of the savviest of vice presidents, especially while working with the Senate. Prior to being vice president, Dallas served as mayor of Philadelphia and governor of Pennsylvania. After his term with President Polk, Dallas would serve a President Pierce's minister to the Court of St. James.
Thomas Hendricks
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John C. Breckinridge
Thomas R. Marshall
Thomas A. Hendricks
Vice president Hendricks served in both branches of Congress, voting against amendments 13, 14 and 15. He seemed to lose more elections than he won, running for governor of Indiana three times before being elected, and then running twice for vice president until he won. However, his vice presidential success was short-lived. He died in his sleep about eight months after being in office.
John N. Garner
John Tyler
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John Tyler
They say the quickest and safest way to becoming president is to first be vice president and wait for the president to die in office. No vice president exemplifies this as well as Tyler, who after being vice president for only a couple weeks became the president after then-President William Harrison died in office.
Levi P. Morton
William R. King
William A. Wheeler


Henry Wilson
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Henry A. Wallace
Henry Wilson
WIlson was an anti-slavery Republican vice president under President Grant. He served only two years before dying of a stroke, however, he will best be remembered as the person who introduced the bill to abolish slavery 12 years before his vice presidency.
Theodore Roosevelt
Adlai Stevenson
Richard Johnson
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles W. Fairbanks
Levi P. Morton
Richard M. Johnson
Outside of Aaron Burr, Richard Johnson may have been one of the most controversial early vice presidents - and much of it was due to his liberal racial beliefs. It is rumored he killed the Shawnee chief, Tecumseh, during the War of 1812, which would have certainly gained him popularity on the political front. However, it was his interracial relationship with the slave, Julia Chinn, whom Johnson treated as his wife, that caused the backlash. Johnson was such political dynamite, that President Van Buren ran for an early re-election in 1840 without a running mate at all. Van Buren lost.
Theodore Roosevelt
Al Gore
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Al Gore
Al Gore was vice president under President Bill Clinton from 1992 to 2000. Vice President Gore ran for president in 2000, winning the popular vote, but losing the electoral vote and the election. While not the first time this has happened, the campaign brought to the forefront further debate on how a president should be elected. The argument was further bolstered when President Trump won the electoral college but lost the popular vote by nearly 4,000,000 votes in 2016.
William A. Wheeler
Levi P. Morton
Adlai Stevenson


Schuyler Colfax
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Schuyler Colfax
Colfax is one of only two vice presidents to have also served as speaker of the House of Representatives. The other is John Garner. As speaker, Colfax voted for one of the most well-known amendments in American history - the 13th amendment which abolished slavery.
Gerald Ford
Adlai Stevenson
Lyndon B. Johnson
Levi P Morton
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Adlai Stevenson
Henry A. Wallace
John N. Garner
Levi P. Morton
Morton turned down a vice presidency offer from President Garfield, but was later elected as Harrison's vice president. Serving as minister to France prior to his vice presidency, Morton drove the first rivet into the big toe of the Statue of Liberty's left foot.
William R King
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Theodore Roosevelt
William R. King
William King only served as vice-president for three weeks before dying in office. He became vice president by succeeding to the position when Vice President Fillmore succeeded to the presidency upon President Taylor's death.
Thomas R. Marshall
James S. Sherman


Andrew Johnson
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles Curtis
Garret Hobart
John C. Breckinridge
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson was a Democrat chosen by the Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. While Lincoln's decision was made on the premiss of uniting the country's politics, this led to political upheaval after Johnson's succession to the Presidency upon Lincoln's assassination. He survived an impeachment conviction by one vote in the Senate.
Aldai Stevenson
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Adlai Stevenson
Vice President Adlai Stevenson was the first of what would become a prominent political family. His son would be Illinois secretary of state, his grandson would be the governor of Illinois and his great-grandson was a U.S. senator.
Richard M. Johnson
Levi P. Morton
Charles G. Dawes
Hannibal Hamlin
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles Curtis
John N. Garner
Hannibal Hamlin
Hamlin was the first Republican vice president and served under President Lincoln during the beginning of the Civil War, even though they didn't meet until after Lincoln won the election. However, during Lincoln's re-election campaign, he was focused on garnering southern support and the reconstruction of the south, so he chose Tennessee politician Andrew Johnson as his running mate instead of Hamlin.
John C. Breckinridge


Harry Truman
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Nelson Rockefeller
Dan Quayle
Charles G. Dawes
Harry S. Truman
Harry Truman was just a small-town country kid. He would grow up to become President Franklin Roosevelt's vice president. He was only vice president for 82 days when Roosevelt died during his fourth term in office. Truman ended World War II by making the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
Theodore Roosevelt
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Theodore Roosevelt
Vice President Theodore Roosevelt would become president within six months of taking office due to the assassination of President McKinley. Roosevelt would go on to conserve over 200 million acres of land for national forest and wildlife refuges.
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
Nelson Rockefeller
John C Breckinridge
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles Curtis
John C. Breckinridge
Breckinridge had a fruitful and tumultuous career. After serving in both the House of Representatives and Senate, he became the youngest vice president at 36 years old. After his vice presidency, he returned to the Senate and was expelled for joining the Confederacy. This also led Breckinridge to be the only vice president indicted for treason.
Gerald Ford
Garret Hobart


Garret Hobart
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles Curtis
Thomas R. Marshall
Garret Hobart
Vice president Hobart only served two years, before dying of heart problems. Despite his short tenure, he set a new precedent for vice presidential power.
Walter Mondale
Henry Wallace
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Alben W. Barkley
James S. Sherman
Henry A. Wallace
Vice President Wallace was the agriculture secretary for President Franklin Roosevelt's first two terms and was later chosen to serve as his vice president for the third term. He attempted to run for president as a progressive candidate in 1948, but lost to Roosevelt.
Charles W. Fairbanks
Charles Fairbanks
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles W. Fairbanks
Fairbanks was chosen as Theodore Roosevelt's vice president. However, Roosevelt minimized Fairbanks's role and essentially eliminated any chance of Fairbanks becoming president.
John C. Breckinridge
Joe Biden
Dan Quayle


John N Garner
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Hubert Humphrey
Calvin Coolidge
John N. Garner
Vice President John Garner was elected to Congress in 1932, the same day he was also elected as vice president. He served two full terms under Franklin Roosevelt.
Dick Cheney
Alben Barkley
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Alben W. Barkley
Hubert Humphrey
Charles G. Dawes
Alben W. Barkley
At 71, Alben Barkley was the oldest man to be elected vice president. After his vice presidency, he attempted to run for the presidency in 1952, but eventually withdrew.
James Sherman
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John N. Garner
Spiro Agnew
Walter Mondale
James S. Sherman
Vice president James Sherman was a happy and popular person. He was known as "Sunny Jim." He died in office of Bright's disease.


Richard Nixon
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was vice president under President Eisenhower. He ran for the presidency twice, once losing to JFK and then winning the presidency eight years later. However, due to supposed corruption in office, he resigned before he could be impeached.
Hubert Humphrey
Walter Mondale
Joe Biden
Charles Curtis
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Theodore Roosevelt
Adlai Stevenson
Charles Curtis
Curtis is possibly the most ineffective vice president in history and it all began with his open opposition to President Hoover. Despite the two men winning a historically one-sided electoral college 444-87, Curtis had almost no power while in office and rarely participated in cabinet meetings.
John N. Garner
Calvin Coolidge
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles W. Fairbanks
Gerald Ford
George H. W. Bush
Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge was a Progressive Republican when he was elected to the vice presidency along with President Warren G. Harding. He would later become president when Harding died in office. However, he would choose to do something few one-term presidents ever did - he chose not to run for a second term.


Gerald Ford
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John N. Garner
Gerald Ford
Star college football player, World War II Navy veteran and House Representative, Ford seemed destined for the highest power in the land. After 25 years representing Michigan, he was seemingly thrust into the vice presidency, and then the presidency, when Nixon resigned.
Alben W. Barkley
Nelson Rockefeller
Charles Dawes
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Charles G. Dawes
Vice-President Charles Dawes was a man of many talents. He was a lawyer, author, musician and won the Nobel Peace Prize. He would serve as the vice president under President Calvin Coolidge.
Mike Pence
Dick Cheney
Al Gore
William Wheeler
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Alben W. Barkley
Richard Nixon
William A. Wheeler
Rutherford B. Hayes may not have known who Wheeler was when they were chosen as running mates in 1876, but they later became great friends - not as common as one would think among presidents and vice presidents. Wheeler was a strong advocate for racial equality and known for his honesty.
Charles W. Fairbanks


Nelson Rockefeller
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Garret Hobart
Nelson Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller came from one of the wealthiest families in America. His grandfather was John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. Vice president Rockefeller served with President Gerald Ford but may be more well-known for his art collection.
Harry S. Truman
Charles Curtis
Georgie H W Bush
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Alben W. Barkley
Richard Nixon
George H. W. Bush
George H.W. Bush was vice president under President Ronald Reagan. The former World War II vet and congressman eventually won the presidency in 1988 and served one term until his defeat in 1992 by President Clinton.
Calvin Coolidge
Spiro Agnew
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Richard M. Johnson
Alben W. Barkley
Andrew Johnson
Spiro Agnew
Spiro Agnew and President Richard Nixon held some of the most controversial terms in office. Agnew resigned from the vice presidency during his second term after he was charged with bribery, conspiracy, and tax fraud.


Walter Mondale
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John N. Garner
Walter Mondale
Vice President Mondale lost two bids for the highest offices in the country after serving with President Carter. He and Carter were defeated by the Reagan/Bush ticket in 1980. In 1984, Mondale was again defeated in his own bid for the presidency.
Charles G. Dawes
Joe Biden
Dan Quayle
Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
John N. Garner
Gerald Ford
Dan Quayle
Dan Quayle served in both branches of Congress and was eventually chosen as President George H.W. Bush's running mate in the 1988 presidency and the 1992 candidacy. While Quayle had considerable success in politics and had a successful career afterward, he was the butt of many jokes while in office.
Al Gore
Daniel Tompins
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Which U.S. vice president is shown in this image?
Schuyler Colfax
George Clinton
Daniel D. Tompkins
Daniel Tompkins may have contributed more outside the vice presidency than during his two terms alongside James Monroe. He was governor of New York during the War of 1812 and was one of the few who turned down the position of secretary of state - the third highest position in the country. While his two vice presidential predecessors died in office, Tompkins died three months after leaving office.
John Tyler


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