Can You Guess These Hymns From Their Opening Lyrics?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Guess These Hymns From Their Opening Lyrics?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Many believe that one of the most effective ways to praise the Lord is through song. Hymns are songs that form a significant part of the praise and worships aspect of some gatherings, particularly those at church. The word 'hymn' derives from the Greek term "hymnos” which translates to "songs of praise” in English. Hymns are usually sung in worship of a God or a divine being and their structure differentiates them from psalms and spiritual songs. This is because psalms are incorporated into the Holy Bible as a word of God whereas hymns are composed by humans as a means of worship. Hymns are also poems with a meter of, which is in accordance with the ballad stanza.

Many religions have their own variations of hymns, but those in English usually refer to Christianity and are an expression of Christians' love for Christ. The apostle Paul urged Christians to use hymns as a means of worship. "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,” he said, in Ephesians 5:19.

The unique composition results in the formation of hymns such as "Amazing Grace" by John Newton, "How Great Thou Art" by Carl Gustave Booberg and "Praise to the Lord the Almighty" by Joachim Neander. These timeless hymns are sung in almost every Christian gathering, regardless of the nature of the function, but do you know them? And can you name them from their opening lyrics? Let's find out.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound / That saved a wretch like me
Vatican Song
Amazing Grace
Written by John Newton in 1779, "Amazing Grace" has themes of redemption and forgiveness that make it popular in both religious and secular spaces.
Deum de Deo
Cantet Nunc Aula
On a hill far away / Stood an old, rugged cross...
Mary's Son
The Old Rugged Cross
This hymn was written by Evangelist George Bennard in 1912, and is a popular country gospel favorite.
The Virgin and Her Son
Mary's Boy Is Born
Weak and wounded sinner / Lost and left to die / O, raise your head, for love is passing by
Love Is Passing By
Come To Jesus
This is among the newest songs in our quiz and dates back to 2003. It is written by Chris Rice, who writes contemporary Gospel music and has won the Dove Award, which is the Grammy of Christian music.
Be with Jesus
Do Not Fear


What a friend we have in Jesus / all our sins and grieves to bear
O Africa!
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was written in 1855 by Joseph M. Scriven. Although it has been criticized
Tel Aviv
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...
Psalm 18
Psalm 102
Psalm 73
Psalm 23
Psalm 23 is probably the most famous and has been set to music by a variety of composers. It is a Psalm of David.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...
Battle Hymn of the North
Fight Song of the South
Fighting Hymn of the Republic
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Battle Hymn of the Republic is probably one of the most recognized hymns and has been recorded by everyone from Odetta to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.


Now weave the rich scarlet of organ notes...
Charterhouse Carol
The Charterhouse Carol is one of the longest, and notable for its two melodies between two different lengths of verse.
Chapterhouse Carol
Christmas Carol
Scarlet Carol
Joy to thee, O Queen of Heaven!
Regina Regina
Regina Laeti
Regina Caeli
This hymn is known as one of the "Marian" hymns, meaning it is about the Virgin Mary.
O Regina
May he make peace, may he make peace!
Shalom Bimromav
Oseh Shalom
Oseh shalom is traditionally sung in repetition, getting faster with each go round! When you get to the end, you should be thoroughly exhausted.
Shalom Aleinu
Ya'aseh Shalom


O come, all ye faithful / Joyful and triumphant...
O Little Town of Bethelehem
Hark the Herald Angels
O Come All Ye Faithful
Attributed to various authors, "O Come All Ye Faithful" was originally written and published in Latin. It remains especially popular as a Christmas carol.
In the Bleak Midwinter
Make me a channel of your peace...
Hymn of St Francis
This hymn is a prayer written by St. Francis. It was set to music in 1967 by Johann Sebastian von Tempelhoff.
Hymn of St Joan
Hymn of St Peter
Hymn of St Andrew
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power / Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
The Norbury Carol
The Wexford Hymn
There's Power in the Blood
Are You Washed in the Blood?
"Are You Washed in the Blood" is one of the over 2000 hymns written by Presbyterian minister Elisha Hoffman, most of which were written between the years of 1873 and 1922.


Rock of Ages, cleft for me / let me hide myself in Thee
Oh Danny Boy
Rock of Ages
These are the first words sung to the Christian hymn "Rock of Ages" by Reverend Augustus Toplady, which is generally sung in the tune of "Toplady" by Thomas Hastings.
The Truth of Wisdom
He Whom Angels Worship
I know that my Redeemer lives...
Duke Lane Hymn
Duke Close Hymn
Duke Street Hymn
John Warrington Hatton composed this version of this hymn, which is also known as Jesus Shall Reign.
Duke Avenue Hymn
You shall cross the barren desert...
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Afraid comes from Isaiah 53 and is repeated in part in the Book of Luke. It was set to music by composer Bob Dufford.
Be Not Fooled
The Desert Be Thy Kingdom
Be Thou the Desert


Rock of Ages, let our song / Praise your wond'rous saving power...
Rock of Ages
Ma'oz Tzur
The Ma'oz Tsur is a Jewish hymn that is traditionally sung during Chanukah. The first line you see here is the English version.
Guardian Power
Thy Strength
Turn your eyes upon Jesus...
The Heavenly Vision
This hymn was written in 1918 by composer and writer Helen Howarth Lemmel.
The Heavenly Tale
The Vision of Heaven
Heaven's Vision
Had he brought us out of Egypt, and only out of Egypt...
Dayenu is sung at Passover. It's a storytelling hymn in which the acts of God in bringing about the Exodus are listed, and after each one, the chorus means "it would have been sufficient". It's important to thank God for each effort made on behalf of his people.
Natan Lanu


O Lord open thou our lips
Psalm 10
Psalm 51
Psalm 51 is a chant, which is a particular kind of hymn characterized in part by a call-and-response or "responsive" hymn where the priest and congregation alternate parts. It's also noted for the flatter melodies.
Psalm 82
Psalm 104
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord...
On Eagle's Wings
This song was written by Michael Joncas. Unlike many hymns which are named for the first line and do not repeat sections, this one has a refrain with a hook, and is named for that.
On Soaring Wings
Behold The Eagle
O Lord Who Flieth
Yahweh, I know you are near, standing always at my side...
Always At My Side
I Know You
I Know Yahweh
You Are Near
Dan Schutte wrote lots of hymns and hails from Wisconsin. You Are Near was written in 1971.


Peace unto you, ministering angels...
Oseh Shalom
Sh'mah Yisrael
Baruch Atah Adonai
Shalom Aleichem
Giora Feldman has also recorded this one (as he has most Jewish hymns). Shalom Aleichem is a story in the Talmud about how two angels see you safe home from Sabbath prayers. The song thanks them for their services and asks for their continued protection and blessing.
Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blessed, and in our souls take up Thy rest...
Venite Deum
Veni Creator Spiritus
This hymn dates from around the 8th Century. While it is less popular these days, it is still sung while a new Pope is being elected.
Veni Deus
Venite Creator
The mystery of the cross I cannot comprehend...
Jesus, You Rock
Hey Jesus!
Jesus, My Friend
Jesus, Thank You
Pat Sczebel is a pastor in Vancouver who is currently writing Christian music in order to bring the word of God to the people. "Jesus, Thank You" remains among his most popular works, dating from 2003.


Bless the Lord oh my soul, / Oh my soul
10,000 Reasons
Matt Redman is a Christian music writer who has a few Dove Awards and also two Grammys. This song was number 1 on the Billboard Christian Music chart. It's from 2011, making it the newest hymn in our quiz.
One Reason Above All
Oh My Soul
Be My Lord
Why is this night different from all other nights?
Adon Olam
Baruch Atah Adoni
Ma Nishtanah
The Ma Nishtanah is a song for Passover, in which successive verses explain all the traditions of the night, like eating while reclining - as the free folks did, in celebration of the Hebrews leaving slavery in Egypt. It is sung twice as Passover is celebrated twice, just in case.
Hava Nagilah
Hail true Body, born of the Mary...
Ave Deum
Ave Maria Corpus
Maria Ave
Ave Verum Corpus
Pope Innocent VI wrote the words here and the most famous tune is by Mozart. There is also a chant version, however.


I hear the Savior say, / Thy strength indeed is small...
The Savior Speaks To Me
Of Jesus, I Come
Jesus Knows It All
Jesus Paid It All
Hall was inspired to write this hymn while sitting in church. She was part of the choir and the words simply came to her during a service, so she scribbled them down in her hymn book - very fittingly!
Jesus, the very thought of Thee, fills my heart with sweetness...
Jesus Est Dulce
Jesu Gloria, Et Dulce
Jesu, Dulcis Memoria
Jesu Dulcis Memoria is adapted from a poem by St. Bernard. It's no long as popular as it once was.
Jesu, Te Cantet
Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice!
Mazel Tov
Hava Nagilah
This is one of the most upbeat hymns, which is why is is played at weddings and is amazing fun to dance to.
Adon Olam


Praise we Christ's immortal body...
Te Deum Laud
Lingua Gloria
Pange Lingua Gloriosi
This hymn was probably written for Corpus Christi, but it has other uses. Like other Catholic hymns here, it's mostly sung as a chant.
Deum Gloria
Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria!
Salve Regina
Lines from this hymn feature in the opera "Dialogue of the Carmelites", but it is more famous to non-Catholics and non-opera fans for the jazzed-up version of it featured in "Sister Act," the 1992 movie about a witness to a murder who hides in a convent and takes over their failing choir.
Gloria Maria
Gloria Regina
Regina Est Gloriosus
I, the Lord of sea and sky, / I have heard my people cry
Lord of Sea and sky
Here I am, Lord
This hymn was written by Schutte, a Jesuit, while he was studying theology in Berkeley in 1981. The words derive from portions of the Books of Isaiah and Samuel.
Hear Thy People, O Lord
Lord of the Sky


Thou shall sprinkle me, Lord, with hyssop and I shall be cleansed...
Psalm 50
Hyssop is a herb with cleansing properties and was actually used in Christian purifying rites around 1,000 years ago. This hymn is adapted from Psalm 50 to honor those rites.
Psalm 1
Psalm 200
Psalm 49
Eternal master, who reigned supreme...
Adon Olam
Adon Olam is traditionally sung at the close of the Jewish Sabbath service. It has a couple of different melodies, one of which is incredibly upbeat.
Hava Nagilah
Shabbat Shalom
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