Can You Identify All of These Australian Birds from a Photo?

By: Khadija L.
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Identify All of These Australian Birds from a Photo?
Image: By Faisal Akram from Dhaka, Bangladesh, via Wikimedia Commons

About This Quiz

Birds, also known as Aves, are vertebrates which are characterized by having feathers, beaked jaws and by laying hard-shelled eggs. They can be found in every single habitat and environment around the world, ranging from aquatic to grasslands and come in sizes ranging from 2 inches to 9 feet tall. 

In 2014, it was estimated that there are almost 900 recorded bird species in Australia and on its offshore islands. Of those, almost 50% percent of these birds are endemic to Australia, meaning that there are only found on that continent, one-tenth of which are expected to go extinct before the end of the century. 

These birds come from many different groups, from small weebills to colorful parrots, to large flightless emus, to beautiful swans and many other species. 

How well do you know Australian birds? Would you be able to identify these birds if you saw them? Well in this quiz, we'll give you images of these popular birds and it will be your job to match each to its name. Will you be able to do it? Not many people can. Take this quiz to find out!

Abbott's booby
By orangeisland, via Wikimedia Commons
What is the name of this bird?
Great Blue Heron
Double Crested Cormorant
Abbott's Booby
The Abbott's Booby is a seabird which is known for breeding only on Christmas Island (a small island belonging to Australia). It has a white head and neck while its back and rump are white with black spots and a black tail. It is listed as endangered due to the clearing of its forest habitats for phosphate mining.
Mute Swan
Noisy pitta
By Summerdrought, from Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Great Egret
Noisy Pitta
The Noisy Pitta is a shy bird that can be found on the eastern coast of subtropical and tropical rainforests of Australia and southern parts of New Guinea. They are known for building dome shaped nests on the ground, which is also where they feed.
Canada Goose
Turkey Vulture
Pale-headed rosella
By Lesley Smitheringale (originally posted to Flickr as Cautious), via Wikimedia Commons
What do people call this bird?
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Pale-headed Rosella
The Pale-headed Rosella is a noisy medium-sized parrot found throughout most of Queensland and New South Wales in Australia. The bird is so named because it is brightly colored, with the exception of its head and face, which are white and bluish white, respectively. The females' colors are slightly duller than the males'.


By 3HEADEDDOG, from Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
The Apostlebird is a medium-sized dark grey bird found in open dry forests and woodland in the eastern region of Australia. It got its name because early settlers believed that these birds stayed in groups of 12 (but in actuality, they can go up to 30) which likened them to Jesus Christ's apostles.
Bald Eagle
Red-Tailed Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
Orange bellied parrot
By JJ Harrison, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
American Kestrel
Wild Turkey
Orange-bellied Parrot
The Orange-bellied Parrot is so called because of a bright orange patch on its belly. These birds are known for breeding on the south-west coast of Tasmania and usually migrate to the southern part of Australia to spend their winters. They are very social birds that interact with other small parrots but are distinguished by their bright plumage.
Gouldian Finch
What is the name of this bird?
Gouldian Finch
The Gouldian Finch is a small colorful grass finch that includes three separate species, the black-headed, red-headed and yellow-headed form. They are typically found in sub-coastal areas in western and northern Australia. Their feeding pattern changes based on whether they are breeding or not.
Herring Gull
Rock Dove


Straw necked ibis
By DickDaniels, from Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Straw-necked Ibis
The Straw-necked Ibis is a large water bird which has a very long and prominent down-curved black bill with glossy blue-black feathers on its back. These birds are known for their regular seasonal movements, the longest recorded distance being 3500 kilometers.
Laughing Gull
Common Tern
Great Horned Owl
Black faced cormorant
By Ed Dunens, via Wikimedia Commons
What do people call this bird?
Black-faced Cormorant
The Black-faced Cormorant is a large black and white bird which has a purely black face. It is the only one of Australia's cormorants which does not live around terrestrial wetlands. They are instead confined to inshore marine habitats. They forage by deep diving up to 40 feet in pursuit of fish.
Mourning Dove
Eastern Screech Owl
Downy Woodpecker
Australian darter
By Quartl , from Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
Northern Flicker
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Tree Swallow
Australasian Darter
The Australasian Darter, sometimes called the snakebird because if its long and slender neck, is a water bird found in parts of Western and South Australia. They are found inhabiting the wetlands where they are able to swim beneath the water's surface with their necks protruding above the water, adding to the nickname.


Black Swan
This bird is known as...
Northern Mockingbird
Tufted Titmouse
Black Swan
The Black Swan is a type of bird which, once it reaches adulthood, is mostly black, giving it its name. They are found in different types of wetlands throughout Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. They are vegetarians and their diets consist of algae and weeds.
American Crow
Chick (Finch)
What is the name of this bird?
Black-capped Chickadee
Blue Jay
Gray Catbird
Crimson Finch
The Crimson Finch is a dark brownish-grey bird which has a distinctive bright crimson face and tail, as well as having crimson tinges throughout its upper body. These birds are typically found in dense grassy woodlands in northern Australia where they feed on grass seeds.
Tawny frogmouth
By Benjamint444, from Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Northern Mockingbird
Tawny Frogmouth
The Tawny Frogmouth is a nocturnal bird which closely resembles a frog due to the mottled silver-grey appearance of its plumage, which it uses to help camouflage itself. This bird can be found throughout many different habitats all across Australia as well as on the island of Tasmania.
Red-Eyed Vireo
Yellow-rumped Warbler


Western spinebill
By Keith Lightbody, from Wikimedia Commons
What do people call this bird?
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal
Western Spinebill
The Blue-breasted Fairy-wren is a small shy bird found in dense shrubby vegetations in the southwestern regions of Australia. The male species, when breeding, has a bright violet-blue plumage, which is what gave it its name. The non-breeding males and females are greyish-brown.
Northern Flicker
Flame robin
By Dominic Sherony, via Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
White-Throated sparrow
Flame Robin
The Western Spinebill is a small bird that can be found in the heathlands and woodlands of the southern parts of Australia where plants like banksias can be found growing. The males have an olive-grey crown with white eyebrow markings and an auburn-brown color on their breasts.
Song Sparrow
Dark-Eyed Junco
Blue-breasted fairy-wren
By Melindra12, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
House Finch
Blue-breasted Fairy-wren
The Blue-breasted Fairy-wren is a small shy bird found in dense shrubby vegetations in the south-western regions of Australia. The male species, when breeding is a bright violet-blue plumage which is what gave it its name while the non-breeding males and females are greyish-brown in color.
Common Grackle
American Goldfinch


Australasian grebe
By Ed Dunens, via Wikimedia Commons
What is the name of this bird?
House Sparrow
European Starling
Canada Goose
Australasian Grebe
The Australian Grebe is a small waterbird capable of building floating nests. They are known for having two different plumage phases, one during the non-breeding phase and one during the breeding phase. They were also self-introduced to New Zealand and the other Pacific islands.
Green catbird
By Francesco Veronesi from Italy, via Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Green Catbird
The Green Catbird is a large stout green bird that has a white bill and red eyes. They are found in the lush sub-tropical rainforests of the east and south coasts of Australia. The bird gets its name from its wailing call which sounds like a cat, for which they can sometimes be mistaken.
American Kestrel
Common Crow
Downy Woodpecker
What do people call this bird?
Barred Owl
Great Horned Owl
Azure Kingfisher
The Azure Kingfisher is one of the smallest kingfishers and is found across the northern and eastern regions of Australia. They are known for plunging from overhanging branches into the water to catch fish and other aquatic insects. They are also known for having royal-blue plumage with contrasting orange underparts.
Tufted Titmouse


Gang-gang cockatoo
By Peter B Kraehenbuehl, from Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
Brown Creeper
Gang-gang Cockatoo
The Gang-gang Cockatoo is a small, stocky bird with large broad wings. The adult males have a scarlet red head and crest while the females are dark grey. They were found on King Island but since the 1960s, have become extinct there. They are now endemic to the south eastern regions of Australia where they nest in hollow trees.
Cedar Waxwing
Banded stilt
By Helenabella, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
Cedar Waxwing
Brown-headed Cowbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Banded Stilt
The Banded Stilt is an endemic bird that can be found in the south of the country around shallow salt water. These birds are known for having long orange or pink legs that help them when wading. The banded name comes from the broad chestnut bands across the breast and belly.
Scarlet-chested parrot
By Ltshears, from Wikimedia Commons
What is the name of this bird?
Common Grackle
Eastern Meadowlark
Scarlet-chested Parrot
The Scarlet-chested Parrot is a brightly colored bird consisting of green, blue, yellow, red and purple. These birds are endemic to the southern and western regions of Australia where they breed from August to January and nest in hollow trees.
House Finch


Regent honey eater
Simon Mustoe via youtube
What is this bird called?
Regent Honey Eater
The Regent Honey Eater is a small bird which, as its name suggests, mainly feeds on nectar and other plant sugars. The bird has often been called the most beautiful of all of the honeyeaters due to its bold yellow and black plumage. It is found in places like Queensland, Adelaide, New South Wales and Victoria.
Wood Duck
Great Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture
Pink robin
By Dominic Sherony, via Wikimedia Commons
What do people call this bird?
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Common Nighthawk
Pink Robin
The Pink Robin is a small bird known for having a pink washed breast and belly, particularly the males, while the females only have a pinkish tint. These birds are only found in rainforests in the southeastern regions of Australia where they breed in moist areas then move on to drier open habitats after the season has passed.
Eastern Kingbird
Horsefield's bronze cuckoo
BIBY TV via youtube
How do people refer to this bird?
Chimney Swift
Purple Martin
Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo
The Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo is found in wooded habitats all across Australia as well as on some of the islands. It is known for its distinctively persistent whistling call which can be heard in many parts of Australia. Like other cuckoos, they lay their eggs in the nest of other species which usually alarms the hosts.
Barn Swallow


Crested shrike-tit
Bidgee, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
Purple Martin
Crested Shrike-tit
The Crested Shrike-tit consists of three subspecies, all of which can be found on mainland Australia. It is known for having a unique Mohawk-looking hairstyle and a black-and-white face. They feed on different invertebrates in the canopy of trees in woodlands and forests.
Eastern Pewee
House Wren
Black-throated finch
By Dominic Sherony, via Wikimedia Commons
What is the name of this bird?
Yellow Warbler
Indigo Bunting
Peregrin falcon
Black-throated Finch
The Black-throated Finch is an endangered bird known for having a bluish grey head, while its chin, throat, breast and beak are all black. It is divided into two subspecies, both of which can be found in the grassy woodlands of north Queensland.
Australian king parrot
By Joseph C Boone, from Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Australian King-Parrot
The Australian King-Parrot is a bird that can be found in the rainforests on the east coast of Australia. A unique feature of these birds is that the male parrots have a completely red head while the females' is green. They usually stay in pairs or small families and can be seen flying below the treetops.
Heermann's Gull
Anna's Hummingbird
Black Phoebe


Wonga Pigeon
What do people call this bird?
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Wonga Pigeon
The Wonga Pigeon, sometimes called the Wonga Wonga, is a large plump pigeon which is known for the unique half-moon markings under its tail. These monogamous birds are usually seen along the east coast of Australia where they feed on seeds, plants and insects.
Cliff Swallow
California Towhee
How do people refer to this bird?
Song Sparrow
House Finch
White-crowned Sparrow
Laughing Kookaburra
The Laughing Kookaburra is a large kingfisher bird found throughout eastern Australia and parts of New Zealand. It has a very distinctive cackling voice which many people are able to identify and its plumage is also easily recognizable. They were introduced into Tasmania and western Australia and have now placed many other species under pressure.
This bird is known as...
Australian Magpie
The Australian Magpie is an extremely popular bird which is known for its striking black and white plumage. The bird is found in many parts of the country and has a very distinctive caroling song. Since 1998, the bird has been said to be declining significantly with many conservation efforts being taken to save it.
Brewer's Blackbird
Bewick's Wren


What is the name of this bird?
Glaucous-winged Gull
Western Gull
Heermann's Gull
Masked Owl
The Masked Owl is a nocturnal bird which can be found on mainland Australia and Tasmania. It has three plumages and a chestnut and white facial disc. These animals roost in vertical hollow trees in woodlands and open forests. They are also known for roosting in caves, crevices and sinkholes when large trees are unavailable.
Brush bronzewing
By Benjamint444, from Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Great Horned Owl
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Brush Bronzewing
The Brush Bronzewing is a dark olive-brown bird found on Fraser Island and mainland Queensland. They inhabit the dense shrub areas as well as wet and dry forests. The eggs are incubated by both parents and after hatching, they stay with the parents until the next set of eggs are laid.
Wiki commons
What do people call this bird?
Herring Gull
Pheasant Coucal
The Pheasant Coucal is a large pheasant-like ground-dwelling bird that can be found in the northern and eastern regions of Australia as well as in New Guinea. It differs from the other cuckoos in that it is not a nest parasite. Instead, it builds its own. Both sexes exhibit the same plumage but the females are significantly larger than the males.


Black bittern
By Dr. Raju Kasambe, from Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
Wild Turkey
Black Bittern
The Black Bittern is a sooty black bird which has yellow patches on the side of its neck which extends to the wings. It is known for inhabiting dense types of vegetation. They are very secretive birds so not much is known about their breeding and social behaviors.
Great Egret
Tree Swallow
By T R Shankar Raman, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
The Dollarbird was so named because it has two large white spots, one on each wing which is said to resemble silver dollar coins. These birds feed exclusively on flying insects which they hunt down in an aerial pursuit. Every September, they travel to Australia to breed after which they return to New Guinea for winter.
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Australian owlet-nightjar
By Lip Kee, via Wikimedia Commons
What is the name of this bird?
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Red-Eyed Vireo
Gray Catbird
Australian Owlet-nightjar
The Australian Owlet-nightjar is a very popular small nocturnal bird which can be found all over the country. They come in two plumages: common grey and russet-brown with black stripes that extend over the head. They roost in hollow tree branches where they peek their heads out if they are disturbed.


Eastern grass owl
By Ronny Overhate, via Wikimedia Commons
What is this bird called?
Dark-Eyed Junco
Eastern Grass Owl
The Eastern Grass Owl, sometimes called the Daddy Long-legs Owl, is a bird with elongated legs that help it to live in the grassland. They have a distinctive heart-shaped facial disc which is white in males and pale orange in females. Unlike many other owls, this species nests on the ground where they hunt for rodents, insects and other birds.
Great Horned Owl
Red-headed Woodpecker
Cape barren goose
By Ltshears, from Wikimedia Commons
What do people call this bird?
White-breasted Nuthatch
Cape Barren Goose
The Cape Barren Goose is a large pale grey goose that has a small head in comparison to the rest of its body. It has a stubborn triangular-shaped bill which is hidden by a greenish-yellow cere. Although found on the mainland of Australia, they are known for breeding on islands off the southern coast of the country.
Brown Creeper
Hoary-headed grebe
By Patrick_K59, via Wikimedia Commons
How do people refer to this bird?
Haory-headed Grebe
The Hoary-headed Grebe is a small stocky bird with dark grey and white plumage. They can be found all over Australia and New Zealand. They are usually seen in flocks which can be as many as thousands of birds. They are known for diving under water in a synchronized fashion when approached by predators.
Song Sparrow
Great Blue Heron
Common Nighthawk


By Toby Hudson, from Wikimedia Commons
This bird is known as...
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Indigo Bunting
The Magpie-lark is sometimes called Murray Magpie in certain parts of Australia, and Peewee, due to its distinctive sound. It is a black and white bird that spends most of its time on the ground. These birds are typically seen in gardens, parks and in open areas of bush and can get quite aggressive, especially when defending their nests.
You Got:
By Faisal Akram from Dhaka, Bangladesh, via Wikimedia Commons