About This Quiz
Swallowed by a whale. Wandered in the desert for 40 years. Built a gigantic ark to save humanity from a worldwide flood. All in the course of a day's work for the heroes and heroines of the Bible. With names you might recognize, including Jonah, Moses and Noah, to monikers of lesser figures that might have you scratching your head-Seth, Boaz and Methuselah-the cast of characters that lived during Biblical times still find themselves being discussed, dissected and displayed as the star of their own life's story.
We meet our first Bible character just a few chapters into Genesis, with others woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. Some of these people plan an integral role in Scripture while others play a small, but noteworthy, part. After all, what would the story of Jesus' birth be without the unnamed innkeeper who gave them room in the manger?
It's time to see what kind of Bible scholar you are! Are you Entry-level Eve, who understands the basics? Or are you Master Moses, who can spout off the lineage from Jacob to Hezron? Put on your thinking cap and take a look at the clues in the following questions ... and tell us: Who do you think each of these facts reveals?