Can You Keep a Tamagotchi Alive?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Keep a Tamagotchi Alive?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

Cat, dog, or Tamagotchi? If you want a real pet, you might be wondering if you have what it takes to have one. Can you walk it, feed it, love it? Before you decide that you should get a pet, take a test drive with a Tamagotchi! Can you keep a Tamagotchi alive?

If you're thinking about pets, your mind might be going toward the common dog or cat. Rather than the "classics," maybe you want a hamster or a bunny. Would you rather a reptile or amphibian like a snake or frog? There's a lot more to pets than just choosing which one you want and naming it! Can you take care of it? 

Pets obviously need a clean place to stay. They need water and food. They need to be able to move around, and if you have a dog, you're going to have to walk it at least once a day, if not twice! Are you ready for this? You should probably start by seeing if you can keep a Tamagotchi alive!

A craze of the '90s, Tamagotchi was released in 1996. A Japanese creation, a Tamagotchi gave users everywhere the ability to take care of a virtual pet and it needed everything a real pet needs. A Tamagotchi needed food and water. It needed to be nurtured and cared for! There were probably millions of Tamagotchi pets that were dying because their owners were forgetting about them. Would that be you?

How often would you check on your Tamagotchi? What time would you send it to bed? These are important questions but your answers are more important! Take this quiz and find out if you can keep a Tamagotchi alive!

They're counting on you!

What name would you give your Tamagotchi?
Which real food would you give your Tamagotchi for a snack?
Candy Corn
Ice Cream
How often would you check on a baby Tamagotchi throughout the day?
I would check at least once an hour.
I would wait until I was notified that attention is needed.
I would check a couple of times.
I would pause my Tamagotchi while I'm at work.


How would you keep a toddler entertained?
I would take them to the park.
I would feed it Cheetos.
I would let it watch daytime TV.
I would play hide and seek.
If your Tamagotchi gets a toothache, how will you treat it?
I won't feed it sweets so it doesn't get cavities.
I would put it to sleep for a while.
I would feed it.
I would give it some medicine.
Would your friends say you are responsible enough for a pet?
My friends trust me with their kids, so I think so.
My friends would laugh at the thought of me being responsible.
My friends would say I'm not a pet person.
My friends would have nothing but confidence in me.


Can you handle cleaning up poo?
I can handle Tamagotchi poo.
I would put it off, but I could do it.
I don't have the stomach to scoop the poops.
I would make sure my Tamagotchi goes when it has to go.
What time will you send your Tamagotchi to bed every night?
10 p.m.
6 p.m.
9 p.m.
It depends what I'm doing.
Which Tamagotchi phase would you enjoy most?


Are you more prone to give praise or punishment?
I will punish my Tamagotchi for misbehaving.
I am more into punishment.
I can give praise.
I can go either way depending on the situation.
Which traditional pet are you most suited to have?
Are you a good housekeeper?
I am very tidy.
I think good is stretching it a little.
I clean when I can't stand it anymore.
I'm a real neat freak.


Who might you give a Tamagotchi as a gift?
My child.
My niece or nephew.
My best friend's kid.
My boss would love one!
What would you choose to be in a game of rock, paper, scissors?
I've never played the game.
How would your coworkers describe your work?


Which original Tamagotchi character do you like most?
If your Tamagotchi grows up, will you let it have a partner?
Of course!
I doubt my Tamagotchi will make it that far.
It depends on the partner.
Yes, and soon I will have a huge Tamagotchi family.
Would your best friend trust you to baby sit or pet sit?
My friend would trust me to do anything.
My bestie might trust me with a cat.
My best friend would not trust me with either.
I have done both for my best friend.


How good are your maternal instincts?
I think they are good.
I'm not all that maternal.
I'll have to ask my kids.
I'm very parental.
Which Tamagotchi care mistake are you afraid you will make?
I might forget to turn off the light.
It might be a while before I can clean up.
My Tamagotchi would have to learn to ski a meal.
I am most worried I'm not entertaining enough.
Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi?
I had one of the original ones.
I've never owned one.
It was a very long time ago, but I had one.
I have one of the newer ones.


How many children would you like to have?
3 or more
Would you feed your Tamagotchi to make it happy?
Once in a while, I would give it food as a treat.
I would do whatever it takes to make it happy.
I would try playing games with it first.
I would clean up before playing with it.
Where would you keep your Tamagotchi?
It will be on my keyring.
I'll keep mine on my desk.
I'll keep mine in my bedroom.
My Tamagotchi would live in my pocket.


What would you give a human child as a snack?
Do you take good care of yourself?
I do the best I can.
I'm a little messy, but I'm in good shape.
My life is a whirlwind.
I am very self-disciplined about being healthy.
What would be your strongest parental skill?
Nap time


What would you like to train your Tamagotchi to do?
I would like it to sing for me.
I would love it if my Tamagotchi could fetch beer.
I think it would be cute to watch a Tamagotchi dance.
I would like my Tamagotchi to screen my calls.
If your Tamagotchi didn't make it, would you try again?
My Tamagotchi will make it.
I would try again.
I would give up after that.
I would keep going until I had a family of them.
Which Super Mario character are you most like?
Princess Peach


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