Can You Keep Up with "Logan's Run" Trivia?

By: R. White
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Keep Up with "Logan's Run" Trivia?
Image: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

About This Quiz

In the 23rd century you can have anything you want and do anything you want...until you turn 30. Logan (Michael York) realizes life might be worth risking to discover what might be beyond the cloistered world he lives in and understands.
In the opening, the people of the 23rd century are survivors. Of which of these are they NOT survivors ?
Disease does not seem to be as much of an issue when people only live to the age of 30.
What is the mark of identification that indicates social status?
A jewel mark on the palm
The mark on one's palm is color-coded to reveal your age and thus life status. A person cannot slip through the system.
A star on the forehead
A streak on the back of the thigh
A dot behind the left ear
When people reach the age of 30, there are two options. They die or what?
They become an elder and are secreted away from society.
They donate all of their organs and live on through another person.
They participate in the fiery ritual of "Carousel."
This ceremony is what the population believes is a way of rejuvenating one's existence. People do not speak of death.
They are frozen through cryogenics.


What position does Logan hold?
As a "sandman" he chases down those who 'run' from their fate when they turn 30. He is a futuristic policeman.
What is something the crowd chants when one goes through the Carousel ritual?
"No fear!"
People believe there is something after this life and that you are, in essence, "recycled."
In this futuristic society, one lives "____________________."
To serve others
Only for pleasure
A person doesn't live long enough so enjoyment is the goal. Everything a person wants is at their fingertips.
To better the next generation
In fear


What is an identifier of age?
Clothing color
There are age ranges for different colors. The color red is a "danger" color meaning you are approaching age 30.
Hair color
Skin color
Eye color
How does Logan meet Jessica?
He arrests her.
She is the wife if his best friend.
She seeks some protection from him.
He requests a woman to be his companion for the evening.
Jessica tells him she has changed her mind in wanting to be a companion. He does not seem to mind and then picks up with some women his friend, Francis, brings by.
What does the symbol Jessica wears represent?
Long life
Jessica wears the ankh on a necklace. Logan later sees it again when preparing for his undercover work.


In this world, "Nobody's been _______________________."
No one has yet to be renewed.
Logan is asked to go undercover. What is required?
He loses 4 years of his life.
He needs to be at the age a runner would be so he can discover the sanctuary for "runners."
He quit his job as a Sandman.
He disappear off the grid.
He kill Francis, his partner.
Farrah Fawcett plays a character named Holly. What is Holly's role in the story?
She is a leader of the "runners".
She helps with body and face transformations.
Holly tells Logan he can change just about any body part and offers some choices. Lasers are used for the procedure.
She blows the whistle on Logan.
She is Logan's love interest.


When Logan goes for a face change, what happens?
He decides on a gender change too.
The laser ultimately kills the one leading the procedure.
Logan starts to suspect something bad is about to happen. The guy running the operation is tied down to the operation table and fried up by the lasers.
Jessica talks him out of it.
He is intercepted by "runner" spies.
What does Logan say to convince Jessica's cohorts he is to be trusted?
"I love Jessica!"
"Down with the Sandman!"
"Carousel is a lie!"
"I'm a runner!"
The runners supposedly know where sanctuary is and finding it is Logan's mission. He seems to have won over Jessica.
As Jessica and Logan try to escape to sanctuary, Logan tells her to go back. What reason does she give for going forward?
"I want to be with you."
Jessica and Logan seem to have bonded and there's more than just a friendly rapport.
"Francis will kill me."
"I'm 30 and my life is over if I stay."
"There's nothing there for me."


As they escape to sanctuary, Jessica and Logan are raised on a platform. Where does it take them?
To a tropical paradise
To a frozen world
At the top of an elevator platform, they find themselves in a large, frozen cave. They see frozen birds as they explore.
To a dark and empty world
To a desert world
Who greets Jessica and Logan in the frozen world?
A talking horse
A princess
A chimpanzee
A robot
The robot seems friendly and wants to befriend Logan and Jessica.
What is stored in the ice caves?
The robot keeps referring to "other food," which is the people frozen in the walls of the cave.


What is the robot's job?
To direct people to sanctuary
To freeze people
He literally tells Jessica and Logan "It's my job." Logan shoots lasers at the robot and damages it.
To record the identities of visitors
To warn people of the dangers ahead
When Jessica and Logan finally get to the "outside world," why does Jessica say she "hates" it?
A lizard crawls on her.
While sitting on the ground, a lizard frightens her. The uncertain world is intimidating.
It is too bright.
It smells strange.
Mosquitoes bite her.
What makes Logan believe he is finally free of the world he left?
He gets a message from Francis telling him so.
He has a son.
His palm crystal is clear.
The palm crystals dictate your age by color and show when you are approaching the end of your life. Logan and Jessica have no color in their crystals in the outside world.
A stranger tells him he is safe.


Jessica and Logan see the Lincoln Memorial. What comment is made?
"He has a kind face."
"He must have been a king!"
"I've never seen a face like that."
They have never seen a person who has aged past 30. The statue is overgrown with moss and plants.
"I wonder what he did to turn him to stone?"
What public place do Jessica and Logan encounter that is confusing to them?
A jail
A library
A school
A cemetery
They have no understanding of the names and numbers on the gravestones. Their world does not bury the dead.
What is the first group of live creatures Logan sees in the new world?
They follow the cat and discover an old man who has many more cats. It is the first human they have seen in the outside world.


Logan encounters an old man in the new world. What does the man reply when Logan asks if he is alone?
"What is 'alone'?"
"Not when I have myself to talk to."
"Hardly, I have all these cats."
The old man's parents raised him but they have died. He doesn't indicate any other people are around.
"No, because you are here."
The old man says cats have three names: an ordinary name, a fancy name, and_____________________________________.
A people name
A name no one knows
He explains that cats have names for each other. Humans don't know the names.
A rhyming name
A nonsense name
How does Francis die?
He is killed in an explosion.
He dies in Carousel.
Logan kills him.
Francis follows Logan to the new world. He feels he needs to bring Logan back as a "runner" and they fight with one another.
He kills himself.


What promise does Jessica make to the old man?
She will bury him in the cemetery.
The old man tells her his parents are buried in the cemetery. He wants to be with them when he passes on.
She will find him a good woman.
She will will not leave him.
She will feed his cats for him when he dies.
What does the old man say is "worth its weight in gold"?
Canned food
A cat
His world is primitive so fire is valuable for heat, cooking, and protection.
Why does Logan insist on going back to the world where he lived most of his life?
He misses his family.
He needs to tell the truth.
Logan wants everyone to know that people can live beyond the age of 30. Spreading that truth will free them all.
He wants to show the old man.
He knows Jessica wants to return.


What terms do Jessica and Logan adopt for one another?
"Dearest man" and Dearest woman"
"Beloved husband" and "Beloved wife"
Jessica and Logan see these words on the gravestones and don't understand them until the old man explains it to them.
"Honey" and "Sweetheart"
"Sir" and "Miss"
After Logan returns from the outside world, he is interrogated. What is he continually asked?
"Did you find sanctuary?"
The computer doesn't accept Logan's response and continues to ask him. His mission was to find sanctuary.
"Where is Jessica?"
"What is your name?"
"What is your actual age?"
What does Logan NOT tell the people when he returns from the outside?
"No one has to die."
"Carousel is a lie."
"Live and grow old!"
"Be a runner!"
No one will have to "run" if the truth is known and spread.


What does Logan repeatedly say that causes the interrogation computer to explode?
"This world is a farce."
"I won't answer your questions."
"There is no sanctuary."
Logan does not provide an answer that will satisfy those in charge. An explosion happens in the aftermath.
"You are obsolete."
When Jessica first meets the old man, she wants to know__________________________________________.
If he has ever seen a woman before.
Who is the King of the realm.
If he is the leader of the sanctuary.
If the cracks in his face hurt.
Since Jessica has never seen anyone past age 30, she has not seen wrinkles or gray hair.
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